YFW China lied and Italy's numbers are real

Where were you when you realized that the mortality of this virus is between 5-10% and that the Spanish Flu of 1918 only had a 2,5% mortality? (Seriously, compare the death/infected numbers yourself to see it.)

Face it, China lied, nobody wanted to know the truth because it scared them, and now we are here, facing the worst plague ever without any preparation and all our 'modern' shit won't do a god damn to save us.

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UK will be annihilated.

They won't test you unless you have confirmed contact with a confirmed case.

They won't confirm a case unless they test them.

As you can see by the time a case is confirmed (if ever) it will have been spread to hundreds of others, if not thousands.

I'm willing to put money on hundreds of thousands of people having Corona right now in the UK.

There will be a lot of death.

Government thus far has been literally;

>Wash hands, nothing is closed, carry on.

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The time has come for the death of humanity. Rejoice

>still no webms of italians/germans/french/japanese people collapsing in the streets

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>worst plague ever
Didn't the Black Death have 30% mortality?

Give it 1-2 weeks. And then enjoy it for 3-4 weeks before you collapse.

Not gonna happen because the Virus is a Jewish hoax.

Much higher.

Spanish Flu was 2,5% and killed 25 million. That's all you need to know.

I already have corona. 5% and even 10% doesn't sound like much, that would mostly kill old/sick people. is it really that bad even if i have it?

>between 5-10%
Is it really? Sauce?

What will happen with all the empty property, Can we move in and just take it?

too low
I wish it was 30%

there's 8 billion people in the world
it could be 40% and almost nothing would change

>believing Italians
No wonder you believe that Rapefugees should be welcomed.

Look at the bright side - in the UK, you are less likely to test positive for corona, than you are to die of corona!

Knew this back when the epidemiology folks posted the details of the virus online. Keep your lysine intake high, keep your arginine intake low. This will fuck up the virus' replication efforts. Do sinus rinses with distilled water.

People (Young and Healthy) who get Coronavirus likely just experaince mild symptoms and don't report it. So the Death Percentage is Inflated...

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It only kills chinks and italians

Korea's numbers are true and are much more in line with China's. Asian culture proves to be superior again. Fuck your faggot personal freedoms.

Italy 12,462 infected, 827 dead.
Do the math yourself.

The Gov will seize it for the "good" of the country my mane

>and this is the case for italy but didn't happen in china!!
.. user ..


Chinese plant in Canada.

3.5 billion dies. All of the middle east, Africa and China dies
>Almost nothing would change


Average age of dead was 81 yesterday


>implying this is a bad thing

this is retarded because it assumes the number of infected was better documented in china then in italy

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>implying the number of cases in Italy is accurate, as if every single person with mild to inexistent symptoms had been tested and counted

Death ratio is not infected/dead. It's dead/dead+recovered. Some of those infected will die, so your calculation will, by definition, underestimate the ratio.

Italians are many things, proud, arrogant, extravagant, loud. Yet the fact that they would be so humble in a situation like this. It scares me.

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liar nigger is liar

wow first post on this thread Captian JIDF? You mad that we know its not an apocalyptic plague either due to sadism, arosaul of a fucking humanization of a disseise (slaneeshi-nurgleism), or that you intended to cause mass panic in order to try and justify authoritarian actions... Literally anyone who has a brain and experaince can figure we have a subconcious tendency to overreact to plagues...

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We have a closed system with the diamond princess. It's between 1% and 2 % who will die from a first infection.

ive been saying that since february probably. closed cases are pretty much always been around 6% dead. and critical 10-15. critical is 50/50. once shit goes up in numbers mortality will climb to 10.

No one will know the real numbers until is too late, how many people have died from it that have not been tested in those countries, let alone the fact that there is the mutated versions

Did Korea and Japan lie too?

no its fucking not
> Chinks purposely lie about infection AND death rates
> Italians are honest about infection and death rates, but logically it is easier to detect deaths than infections, thus the actual infections (and recovery's) must be somewhat higher...
not a hard concept to grasp kraut...

End your miserable life

Because the health system has not collapsed yet. Those scenes will not happen until there will be no more beds in the hospitals.

It will climb way higher than 10%. When there are 5 million sick in a country with a population of 10 million, they sure as fuck can't cure them all. They'll do as they do in Italy right now, just let the worst cases die and focus on the ones with the best chance of survival. Doctors have done this since the start of medicine. My guess is that it will climb to 30% or more.

>At least 90 people have been the latest to test positive in the South Korean capital. They were all workers at a call centre near a transportation hub in the southwest of Seoul.
>This comes as the tight lockdown on China’s Hubei province - where the coronavirus was first discovered - slowly lifts.

Wait 1 month

Source? And even if it's true who cares? it can kill everybody, some just at lower rates.

how do you count the "recovered" that never even went near a hospital and go to the doctor?

lockdown is there to slim down the spread so half of people dont catch it. final number will be 10 to 15. u can screencap this. if lockdown doesnt happen, yeah 30 is realistic


btw u are hiding in basement, right user? cuz u better be

its Gods judgement for meddling in things without acknowledging Him

They said here that they expect 600k infected. Don't remember if that was total or peak infected at 1 time.

Not if the politicians die out too. This disease takes out boomers faster and all politicians are old fuckers.

It's not the "worst plague ever", just the worst we have seen in the modern era. The black plague for example had a 40-50% mortality rate.

I think it is well on it's way

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Amazing how much I'm pro Coronachan the more I hear how many shit skins will die.

>They said here that they expect 600k infected. Don't remember if that was total or peak infected at 1 time.
right now not tested yet or in norway at peak

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You don't. There is only one place where you can: the Diamond Princess, and that's what everyone everyone is looking at right now.

I don't understand your post.

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Well, nothing in important countries would change.

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At least it'll take out the diversity since it's concentrated in the cities, there's always a silver lining. I say this despite living in the city but I gladly sacrifice myself.

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>China lied
Imagine anyone being surprised by this

I hope it kills all the shitskins in UK for you guys. Let's end this once and for all

Ok chang

so they expect 600k right now to be infected but unknown? or 600k people will catch it overtime

> tfw an island will drift away

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I live alone in a 300m2 house. I don't have a basement :'(

3 weeks ago you shills were spamming that it wouldn't even hit the states and China would contain it. 2 weeks ago you guys were shilling that it wasn't as contagious as it looked. 1 week ago you kept spamming the 2 week window and everything would be done in a month.

Fuck you faggot. This is going to be worldwide and you will regret talking all this shit when you are choking on your own mucus.

Because chinks are a weak and sickly people

>Look at the bright side - in the UK, you are less likely to test positive for corona, than you are to die of corona!
Shut the fuck up nigger

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