There’s about 13,500 of us in the USA. There’s a lot of information and myths about what is going on and I wanted to field any questions you all have.
I’m an American ICU physician. AMA
Other urls found in this thread:
>I’m an American ICU physician
prove it
How do you c me? My camera is blocked off!
Give it to me straight, doc. Is the virus just cover for the economy tanking?
How do I fix a massively prolapsed anus?
How fucked are we?
thats what you think :^)
are we all going to get aids pneumonia? is this the end? or at the very least the end of modernity?
We fucked op?
Enjoyed getting drafted into the front line pandemic service
Post proof w/timestamp or GTFO.
Proof or a pack of niggers rapes your wife
> implying
Where did you do residency
do you get heaps of poon?
Timestamped proof or fuck off
Why don't you wash your hands or use gloves? Even CNAs can figure this out but you can't seem to. Also, why do you insist on throwing antibiotics at infections without doing basic lab work to determine that the infection is in fact bacterial in nature?
tell us some nigger stories
No, it’s legit. We’ve been loooong overdue for a pandemic
You mean viral, as antibiotics treat bacterial infections. However you are most certainly correct about the total and complete lack of physician cleanliness. Those cock suckers are disgusting. I’ve witnessed many first hand pull dressing off wounds without a glove to be seen.
Then again most physicians are worthless. Good ones are few and far between.
It’ll be much worse then flu but as long as we don’t overstep our medical capacity it definitely won’t be Spanish flu tier
I wash my hands routinely. If someone is in what looks like septic shock withholding antibiotics for even a few hours can have catastrophic consequences.
About that beer I owed ya!
Not gonna dox myself. I went to residency and fellowship at two different inner city university programs. I was previously involved in ruling out ebola cases
>Source: I would never lie on the internet
How do I stop being a crusty COOMER, doc?
You must be 18 or older to post.
What kind of timeline do you project?
>I'm a Chinese scientist working on corona
>Up to 42% of sepsis presentations are culture negative, suggesting a non-bacterial cause.
So you decide people's fate on odds slightly better than a coin flip.
You a pulmonologist?
Good luck doctor
Culture negative does not mean absent of bacterial infection. This is why there’s no substitute for good history and bedside exam
what are the realistic precautions the common man should take when out in public? how long will surfaces stay contaminated? how far away will a cough/sneeze transmit the virus through the air?
>worse then flu
LARP over
I’m praying the warming weather slows things down but SARS didn’t care about that. The timing is not good. My facility was at 110% capacity due to flu last week. Everyone is going on spring break next week so things will really kick off after that.
How do I prevent the formation of dingleberries around my anus when struggling with malnourished coronachan poops?
inner city huh? I'm operating on good faith when I ask this question. How bad are things inner cities?and what do you think is the actual cause?
shower after pooping
OP is simply a shill. How many children have died? How many below 60? Yes the elderly with preexisting conditions should take precautions. Read Japan or Israels warning to their people. Hysteria will be far more damaging than the disease.
Any experience an undergrad that wants to go to med school can get from this? Any volunteer work/jobs opening up once shit hits the fan?
also post proof
A lot of doctors are going tits up with flu.
Aren't you afraid of being made dead?
Great questions. We’re still working on figuring out everything about it. The most at risk groups appear to be over 70 and active smokers. Additional Comorbidities will make any infection potentially worse. Children seem uniquely spared of having symptoms. However they seem like a great reservoir for spreading infection. Surgical masks aren’t very helpful for stopping spread. N95s work much better but honestly most people don’t know how to use them properly nor have they properly been fit tested. In addition medical workers desperately need them. If I’m out of commission that’s literally hundreds of people a day I’m not treating. If you can work from home that would be helpful. Avoid shaking hands or going to public events. Get sleep and live a healthy lifestyle. Adhere to your medications. Stop smoking. Wash your hands frequently when out in public and try to avoid touching your face but honestly this is spread more by droplets then anything else
what's your bodycount?
>I’m an American ICU physician
rest as much as you can because the next 2 months are going to be hell for you
"the flu"
No timestamp
General info
Do soldiers run from the battlefield when war comes? Should cops run away from bank robbers? I entirely realize there is a hazard to my profession but theres such a limited amount of people with my skill set it feels morally wrong not to. In addition, if things got really crazy I’m sure I could be compelled one way or another
Reminder that some of the most deadly bacteria do not grow on routine microbio lab media.
> I’m an American ICU physician. AMA
Proof or GTFO. It is unlikely that anyone on Yas Forums, much less Yas Forums would have this level of education.
Let's face it, the majority of you are NEETs and minimum wage cucks.
There will always be opportunities for able bodied volunteers. Call your local hospital and see. When I was young I worked as a phlebotomist
>droplets then anything else
Checking. So the infected have to cough or sneeze in your general vicinity or is normal breathing enough?
No, legit flu. Confirmed by rapid flu or respiratory antigen panel
This is correct. Hence why some intensivists say never let someone die of septic shock without giving them doxycycline
all larpers must hang
>stop smoking
Elaborate pls
Either smokers have already damaged lungs or the process of smoking increases risk
Stoping will only help if its indeed the process
You don’t want to be close enough to find out and it’d be too late when you do. The scary thing about this virus is that people can be highly contagious before displaying any symptoms (and some people can run an entire infection without symptoms). By comparison with SARS you’d be about a week in before you were really contagious
What supply chain issues is your facility having?
That's good
ah shit, so tits up it is eh?
If you guys were given all the materials and a full staff how much further overcapacity do you thing you could go? 150, 200 500%?
is it true that whites are immune from the coronavirus?
It’s both. Stopping smoking reduces lung inflammation and after a few days allows your mucociliary ladder to improve significantly. Having garbage lungs of course means you will have less reserve to bear insults. No sense adding to it by continuing to smoke. There is a tendency of smokers infected with coronavirus to have worse outcomes. Greater than 50% of Chinese men smoke and this could partially explain why they’ve had such bad outcomes.
what about vaping instead?
Do you have a confirmed case at your facility?
Where in the fuck does a residency in icu?