The earliest mention of CoronaChan that I KNOW with certainty is January 22.
For some reason, I was thinking that it was earlier than that, like maybe around the 10th?
Does anybody know or have screen grabs of the very first mention of CoronaChan?
Did we always call it that?
When did Yas Forums/pol/ and YouTube become you sole sources of news?
When Did Yas Forums Discover or Become Aware of the CoronaChan?
I don't have the very first post, however it seems that Yas Forums first took notice in early January.
Seriously faggots, does anybody know?
Thanks, I’ll take a look
I first heard about it on the 20th after I finished my finals
Late December there were threads about some crazy doctor reporting a new virus that was shut down.
You couldn't even update the pic to say "Biden" instead of "Clinton"? Low-effort.
I can only use the Memes I have, not the memes I want!
That should be lyrics to a country western song.
Can confirm. Wish I had the screencap but I know someone does
Dont have pics but I was in the original coronachan thread asking for a new image with people posting ebolachan and such. Was at the beginning of January, not sure which day, probably around the 6th.
Early Jan easily. Metokour started streaming about it soon after.
Dude, people were talking about this early January. First outbreak occurred in December.
Interesting, but no mention of the CoronaChan, but likely the same disease.
Mostly that thread is people slagging on China, deservedly so.
there were posts about it in mid Dec about a new virus affecting people at a 'seafood' market. I didnt pay attention until end of Dec when someone posted that China has confirmed person to person transmission. by jan 20th i was ALL IN. ordered my first supplies that night.
Yeah, but nobody here knew fuck-all about it then.
Prove me wrong, but I bet you can’t find anything here from December.
wow the nothingburger fags were already active
Was that the doctor that was forced to recant and then he later died of “The ‘Chan”?
Some time in early January but until recently I hadn't posted on this board since 2013 so I have no idea how I found out about it. Probably from a bat soup post on /ck/.
It's still a nothingburger. 118k cases worldwide (with majority of them in China) is absolutely NOTHING. Our world is 8 billion people. Swine flu was far worse 10 years ago. Regular flu is far worse every year (kills thousands of people a year in just the US alone). Your panic is going to cause a world wide recession that most countries won't recover from in YEARS ahead. Stop with the panic and take the fucking flu like a man.
First thing I saw of it was on the 16th, when they were reporting that Japan had its first case.
China quarantines more people than the entire population of U.S. and Italy and Denmark are completely locked down but yeah, it's a total nothing burger user
There are posts from last October warning about a flu like viral bioweapon being released in winter 2020:
>Massive depopulation effort through the release of the engineered "flu-like virus"
The linked video (which is larpy as fuck) specifically mentions winter 2020. Probably just a lucky guess but still spoopy...
early december
Why do you nothing burger fags keep showing up in threads that don’t even concern you?
Nobody even likes you!
Links or screen shots?
>118k cases worldwide
Yes and this number was zero a little over three months ago.
I started coming to CVG around Jan 20. I was laid off and was all to thrilled to fill my time in hapenning threads, which also gave me a month head start to prepare. Kampfy AF now
corona is fake and so are you
Bookmarked thanks nigga
Jan 23
someone was talking about it back in november
It has been around for a while. The influx of flu cases weren't the usual flu. That why you need CDC permission to perform testing.
Yeah, but faggots are always larping and predicting stuff. I remember a bong predicted this would reach "biblical proportions" by early February and bunch of autists unironicly bought this because he posted in an intelligent and articulate matter and said he only had 10 minutes. It's like the 6 million things "Q" has predicted in the past year.
Holy fuck, I remember this. The dead kike was right.
We were definitely talking about it back in January.
Somwhere on the 20th January. I had tickets to a theater play on 26th and was sitting next to some chink tourists and I was scared to death that they can infect me
pretty sure I knew and was telling people by january 4th
David Goldberg is a fake person though... not sure who is behind this
A lot of us came on the 23rd... odd
Mid-Jan, like most else here.
Q's "predictions" are retarded and always involve dumb shit like ambiguous ciphers, matching a few random numbers between timestamps, finding a relationship between fairly generic words/pharses, coincidences with many degrees of separation, etc. In this case the guy literally flat out says flu virus bioweapon winter 2020. It's a pretty fucking lucky guess.
There were some posts in December about a new SARS
So where are the pictures of the 800 bodies in Italy, I call BULLSHIT.
I'm aware of that, and the video sounds fake and gay as fuck. But it also correctly predicts the Trump King of Israel thing. It's very strange.
21st of October
didn't BDAnon allude to a virus/epidemic happening at some point late fall/early winter?
I see what you're saying, but Winter is a common flu season and there is a constant background risk of a pandemic because of how interconnected the world is at this point. Corona isn't a bio weapon, it's death toll isn't that much worse than the regular flu. I don't think spooky, it's more like endless shitposts.
its more contagious and people can have it and not know it due to no symptoms, that's the problem
Wait a minute, actually I can't find evidence of whether the david goldberg video actually came before the King of Israel thing or not, so that might not be a legit prediction. My bad.
Why is this such a big deal for Yas Forums ?
It's total normie shit.
The only thing that's worth considering is that it's evidence of the problems of open border globalism. The other day I had to scold some leftist who narked at me for saying that we should have immediately locked down the UK and not let people from China in until we knew what was going on. The left are actually seriously trying to advocate for open borders while all of this is going on.
Left wing people are basically mentally ill. Why are so many of them women though?
I think it's perhaps because women haven't had the same vicious selective pressures men have had, this they have a greater mutational load. A woman can afford to be physically and mentally usless and delusional because she basically gets taken care of by men. This "you shouldn't judge someone as maybe having a virus just because they come from a country with a potentially dangerous and highly contagious virus" is peak female-braining.
Yeah it spooked me bad when I first found out about it but it this point I kind of think it's just a lucky guess. Still remarkably lucky though.
>Left wing people are basically mentally ill. Why are so many of them women though?
Kek, you have to live with them under their thumb from childhood to really understand how fucking insane they are and what liars they are. They are the worst kind of liars; they are liars who believe their own delusional lies with a religious fervor that is unshakable even in the face of the most icy cold truth. It's incurable. Nothing can be done.
It also means there's a lot of mild cases going around meaning it's less lethal than official statistics would have you believe.
Because you guys have taken a corona shit all over Yas Forums.
I reckon that you guys are just shills trying to draw attention away from how bad the Democrats and leftists are getting wiped out.
If this shit persists I'm going to start punishing you and locking your threats down by turning them into red pill exhibits.
I am an elite level shill destroyer, so knock it off or I will start red pilling people on racial differences, the non-existence of gender and start pointing out that Karl Marx and Engles were clued up on the Jewish question in addition to being racists.
I will absolutely rip your communist hearts out and watch you cry as you realise that your entire existence has been one enormous pathetic lie.
>pic related
i think, before that there were only corona chans from some web comic about corona, the beer
10/10, especially for the use of the semicolon.
But.. Liberals in general or women specifically?
There's definitely a disconnect with them. I often find myself saying "even you don't really agree with you" when it comes to the left.
I think pic related sums the problem up.
Righteous rage replaces reason and logic for both women and leftist men.