I hope this wakes society up to the importance of vaccines. So many wackos out there believe vaccines cause damage

>I hope this wakes society up to the importance of vaccines. So many wackos out there believe vaccines cause damage.

Anyone still doubt Joe Rogan works for the CIA?

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The cia are good guys tho

i had to listen to to guys talk about this that are all just below the 1% club today. my opinion on people keeps dropping lower and lower.

at the very least he is one of the most retarded people to have ever walked the Earth.

You're retarded if you think Vaccines are bad

ive been vaccinated and no problems here do you have any actual proof that they cause more harm then good?

Is it true that vaccines contain nanomachines?

Eddie on suicide watch

you're on Yas Forums that's proof enough that it made you autistic

im guessing corona virus was deployed on purpose to give us some type of new super vaccine.

>Virus bad so all vaccines good
>Stoner bro just getting real with ya


For every 1 million vaccinations, maybe 10 die, 100 get brain damage, and maybe 10000 get autism. But you just deleted 50 different viruses and diseases that have plagued humanity for thousands of years that can still come back at anytime. But you just saved 989,890 people from bringing back ancient viruses and diseases.

If your kids can't survive a vaccine without dying, going brain dead, or getting autism, then you just lost the genetic lottery.

I'm 5'7 and have an average face, I lost the genetic lottery for being able to get a hot girlfriend, or be able to get casual sex, sure I'll complain about it, but what can I do? 6'7 Chad with chiseled jaw gets all the girls because he won the genetic lottery.

I agree, mercury is good for you!

Hes living proof drugs make you gay.

Technically, potentially. It’s semantic. I think a vaccine could be described as a solution containing nano-scale constructs that interface with your immune system to confer targeted immunities.

He's owned by cianiggers.

Personality affects sexual access more than appearance. I’m not pretty, and I still learned asexuality by the back path.

Found the jew

good thinking joe
if they had just taken the corona vaccine back in october this could have all been avoided

Well you're a mentally retarded normie, so there's that.

pharmacist here, much of my close family is anti-vaccinations
this won't change them. one of them will make a news story saying "unvaccinated population accounted for 0.5% of infections, coincidence?" etc etc

>But you just deleted 50 different viruses and diseases
Sanitation, hygiene, medical infrastructure all this has nothing to do with it

You have bootlicker's syndrome, a common ailment amongst helpless idiots.

Im trying to decide if I hate Toe Rogan as much as I hate kikes

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there isnt a vaccine for the corona virus, doc

mild permanent changes to the immunse system from the aluminium is nothing compared to the actual disease

yeah, thats why all the meme small cap bio stocks are still going nuts...

>mild permanent damage to the immune system
multiplied by +50 different vaccines they want us to get

hours of proof joe is a CIA asset


what does the disease do exactly?

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anti vax and flat earth are CIA pysops and you dont even know you are an asset.

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They are literally shilling hand sanitizer over vaccines.

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>there is absolutely no evidence to suggest it was engineered.

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its a new flavor of viral pneumonia + a ton of hype and hysteria

Idk, I'm the first born and my parents gave me all my vaccines at the same time when I was a baby. At age 8 I got diagnosed with crohns disease, had signs of it since I was 4, and I also have a learning disability. Since then it hadn't given me trouble but reading and writing was hard.
>now my younger brother
They had all his vaccines spaced over a period of time, instead of all st once like me. He turned out gay, but hes healthy so I guess it can go either way

Attached: vax doesnt work.png (1280x5913, 2.71M)

>you are autistic
>you are normie
pick one

well i had pneumonia as a little baby so i'm just going to continue not really giving a shit

how about a nigger normie?

the level of bullshit itt is huge and disgusting...its prolly only two people tops... the rest are bots and vpn

if you are a real person dont listen to this bullshit get vaccines and take care of yourself

vaxs are not used to prevent diseases. it is a way for the jew to control the population and try to break the white man. 50 virus's > Jews. prove me wrong.

survival of the fittest means mankind > 50 virus' and jews.

Interesting how countries with mandatory vaccination like iran italy and china are hit hardest by corona.

Please, wake the fuck up.
The human body is more than capable of repairing the damage done, and repelling equilibrium destabilizing microinvaders.
There are MANY alternative treatments and preventative measures that are MOUNTAINS better than subcutaneous inoculation.
From the power of the mind, to the power in nature, there a solutions that dont necessitate injecting toxins into the body, which BYPASS the natural immunological response system, don't even actually work the way they are promoted, and more often than is commonly known, cause serious, life long problems.

>what is the Cutter Incident

explain the gay frogs.

I’m not even anti-vaccines, but it’s silly to say they don’t cause damage. There’s a literally a vaccine court in the U.S. that awards money to people injured by vaccines.

Vaccines are good, but like anything else, they have to be used responsibly. I would argue the current vaccine schedule for children, for example, may not be a responsible use of vaccines.

True. They're literally Counter-Terrorists

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some shady shit he is involved with
some kind of podcast network called "intellectual dark web" most of them Jews

Did you hear about how they put di-hydrogen monoxide in our drinking water now? They just want to poison us man...

he's a talk show host who literally made his name eating bugs.

based and centrist pilled. Vaccination is a net good, but it's definitely been exploited for corporate profits over actual protection of children.

You don't need tiny little babies getting hundreds of vaccines, and flu vaccines are really unecessary. There should be a few mandatory vaccines for really bad diseases when kids are a few years old.

der hurrrr, but seriously, the water from your taps is not drinkable. Even if they weren't putting fluoride and chlorine in it, the pipes that bring it to you are disgusting. If you ever saw inside a water main you would never drink tap water again. How old are the houses in your neighborhood? That's how old the water pipes are.

>The human body is more than capable of repairing the damage done
>haha measles is nothing just rest and drink water!
I understand saying this for retarded shit like flu vaccines but for serious diseases like measles or polio for example? You are a piece of shit for suggesting this to people.

Joe Rogan is like going on Reddit. Stupid people pay attention to it so they can feel smart.


I can't go through them all because I'm about to get some pussy, but take this one article. It's written by Gayle DeLong. She's a doctor...well, a Phd...in economics.

You are sofa king we todd ed

TY user
explains why I couldn't post it

They should have a vaccine for every possible unknown new disease that comes out.