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Cameron Watson
Other urls found in this thread:
Easton Smith
bro take ur meds. thats really a nothing
Jacob Robinson
Explain moar pls fren
David Davis
im starting to wonder if q is an elaborate shitpost to troll the miga boomers, or if people are actually this schizo
Christian Ward
It's a Q Proof, newfag.
Henry Cruz
Nicholas Long
Evan Ramirez
no, it's proof you should eat a bullet. Kill your family first so we don't have deal with the trash that birthed you.
James Phillips
Not really. Maybe a Q coincidence.
Alexander Nguyen
>water is wet
Q predicted this.
Andrew Morgan
If singles, Trump resigns or declares he's been corona'ed, and Pence takes over.
Carson Brown
fuck jannies
Chase Evans
You niggers are really reaching aren't you? We'll see in 2 hrs.
Luis Lewis
You're still going to be alive when you're thrown into the furnace by Trump. Your flesh will burn like fucking hell and you will die screaming in a pit of fire, nasty fucking pedophiles.
Angel Jones
Why do t_d boomers say “newfag” all of the time now? You realize coming here in 2016 doesn’t make you an oldfag right?
Brayden Clark
>4 years isn't a long time
Ok newfag
Jaxon Scott
Daniel Stewart
Caspere knew this
Justin Ward
you will die soon.
Adrian Diaz
Cooper Hughes
it's a state department LARP that was supposed to make people shut up about assange
Jonathan Garcia
It really isn’t in the context of this website but ok
Levi Hill
The fivehead on that guy
Daniel Lewis
Luke Nelson
holy fuck it's happening
Dylan Lopez
Leo Richardson
Joseph Ramirez
Wow, the connections between the numbers 44 and 11 are proof that Q is Trump, so now I believe Q and can be influenced by Q. /s
Liam Gonzalez
You don’t belong here. This is the website for people who came here in middle/high school in 2007 not you boom boom. Do you ever wonder why it’s so easy to point you out? You don’t belong here.
Luke Long
Dominic Wood
Also screenshotting this shit. Geriatric fuck.
Eli Peterson
You don't belong in the world then since you're younger than Boomers. Newfag.
Josiah Carter
ok nostradumbass
Andrew Reyes
>nov 2017
Nicholas Gray
so the world ends on my birthday. nice. thanks Q best birthday present ever
Hudson Sanders
this user gets it
Ian Thompson
You believe Trump is the messiah, don't you?
Brody Ross
get fucked qfags iaf
Christopher Collins
At least you admit that you don’t belong here. Seriously just fuck off back to facebook or reddit. Everyone knows you are a retard instantly. You are worse than a brown person in germany calling himself a “German.” You just got here old fuck, you know literally nothing about politics or this website.
Ian Evans
I trust Trump. You don't. That SIMPLE.
Bentley Davis
Dude, it’s time to go back. You actually fell for the political games in the US.
Daniel Harris
Post YFW Trump anounces half life 3
Bentley Russell
Ok shill newfag time to go back to your tranny discord, or I hope you're at least getting good pay for this
Zachary Rivera
Q is such a fucking larp. You have to have a literal negative IQ to believe this, the Jews are probably all laughing about how dumb the goyim are to believe that muh Q is somehow working to save America
Alexander Martinez
>exactly this
>it isn't exactly this
Jack Garcia
It's a mixture of both.
Ian Cook
enjoy your shitty politics soap opera desu
Jacob Turner
Actual mental illness
Andrew Gray
Based and q238pilled.
Ryan Walker
Not a Qfag at all but garbage such as this is 'poisoning the well' shilling
>holy shit wow this Q post from over 2 years ago has like, umm, matching numbers and stuff therefore 100% confirmed
At this point it's difficult not to see this whole Q thing as a psyop to make all "conspiracy theorists" look retarded ala Alex Jones being the perfect "face" you'd choose to be a caricature and leader to represent those who dare question the official gov narratives to make them all look retarded
Literally the reason the term "conspiracy theorist" was created and popped up all across the country's newspapers in ~1968 via Operation Mockingbird to shame and ostracize all those who dared question the official Warren Report on JFK
Liam Anderson
On a board where smart people come to act like retards and retards go to feel smart, probably both
Daniel Collins
jfc, I've never seen such idiots in my entire life
Jose Young
i hate qtards so much
you are all completely braindead
Austin Reed
Trump is one like no other
Brody Johnson
Trump declares state of emergency and Marshall law with curfew and halting schools and work.
Asher Morris
I would cream my pants.
Easton Smith
The ABSOLUTE state of this board.
Grayson Baker
2 American and 1 Brit soldier KIA in Iranian missile attack on coalition base in Iraq
Eli Brooks
You forgot to subtract 3 years.
Ian Hill
the perfect punctuation is a dead giveaway
Xavier Foster
Someone has schizophrenia
Thomas Baker
Gavin Bell
>Q boomer
>Calling someone else a newfag
James Foster
Parker Taylor
I've been on God's Earth longer than you've been alive.
Dylan Ortiz
They're from Twitter actually.
Grayson Parker
"Oldfag" has nothing to do with being old itself boomer.
Jaxson Wilson
Oh! It's nothing to worry about then. Newfag.
Nicholas James
Cooper Moore