>You can see the red book through the drivers window all the way up until the windshield
I don't take meds, but I am now considering
Am I seeing this right?
Other urls found in this thread:
The world is a stage bro, this is being orchestrated by a global fraternity in order to fulfill a certain goal.
Tf is this red book?
wtf bump
LMAO what
Also checked & bump
... what the fuck.
They also say green in the video and green in the comment of the video I’m legit confused what the fuck is this.
Def some hidden code in plain sight.
The green folder then has a red logo, but this disappears too
Oh, holy shit wtf. Has this been fucked with?
Well Red budget, green budget? Great depression confirmed?
wtf weird
That was clearly some staged shit that they forgot to edit in post prod, holy fuck
Wtf c'mon folks that's a phony
>"green budget"
shitty publicity stunt to raise awareness over muh climate change
How did the binder/book go from red to green? Was it cut screen? Why would they cut screen that?
I have no explanation for this except green screen post-production crap.
My thought as well, it changes exactly when he moves through the car where you can't see the exchange or the edit.
Thats what i was thinking, different logo = different book. But I think it must be some post production bs like nasa
>this is just way too fucking obvious
also symbolically shows that Greens are red underneath
Oy vey were going green now!
>hurr climate change
Fucking fed up of hearing about it at this point, if you want it fixing then get all the boys together and fucking invade China and India and force them to fix their shit.
Holy fuck
>Green budget
>Budget folder turns green
>Amerilards start freaking out
It's called a sense of humor get over it.
im retarded as fuck please explain
Checked and Reptilianbookpilled
Holy crap that’s weird wtf. This is then fucking with the watchers.
> we were in the green but virus put us in the red.
It’s a subliminal message.
Calm your tits, nigger, already downloaded it and saved the page.
Here's a webm
Gud point m8 I'm sure china will just build thousands of nuclear reactors and indians will stop being little shit's (pun intended) over night, fuck off nigger.
the sigil on it dissapears aswell in the last few frames
It's the FREE Mason's bro LMAO!!!
ty user
Already done, chill My pleasure
The webm needs to be longer, you missed the bit where the logo on the folder disappears at 0:15
I'm not a nigger you paki bastard.
I can't believe this is happening
wtf why did this even happen? i thought it was just gonna be multiple cuts because he tripped or something and the prop got shifted around while they were redoing it, but why does it happen like that?
is this really on sky or is it a LARP youtube channel?
Based Bvlg
And right before he enters the car the logo completely disappears lol, wtf is this?
So this was done by sky news to make a joke?
what software do you use to make webms?
Uh.... Wtf
I literally have no fuckiong ideoa what anybody in this thread is talking about the significance of the book colour
It's really sky's channel
The news company did some poor editing to make the budget folder green when they said the words green budget. You're all fucking retarded.
What is this? Who is this, what is the folder.
It was edited to match the “green budget” commentary obviously
He turned it around in his grip as he was walking. Wow the binder is green on the reverse. Such fuckery. Stop posting this kind of crap, a thread died for this. Threads die all the time, but this was preventable.
Why would they do that?
Are you the same guy that doesn't see why it matters that they are wearing harnesses in front of blue screens on the ISS
but why tho
It's a green folder that was accidentally keyed by the news station and the shadow/lighting change after he passed the car made it leave the color range. You guys are literally retarded.
It isn't even a handoff because you can see the red through the windshield too.
Fuck this gay earth I’m done. See you faggots in the next world.
We don't kill good threads around here, if we don't have to.
I have a bad feeling about this. The BBC fucked up during 9/11 and reported one of the buildings falling before it actually did. I'm guessing similar kikery is happening here.
K I see it now
Pull the thread
Second webm with the logo at the end
Webm for retards (not kidding, that's its name)
this is just some bullshit done by skynews to "get the message across"
the binder was red, and was STILL red when he walked by the car, skynews manipulated the video and digitally changed the color which is why they timed it so he came out from behind the car with a green binder in hand, just as the announcer cunt said "GREEN! budget"
thats why her speech was so stilted and she emphasized the word "GREEN!"
youre not on drug, nor are you crazy, youre just stupid and easily manipulated.
the media does stupid shit like this often, and you, being a foolish sheep, simply never noticed before.
The man walking next to him is suspicious. He makes sure to stay in step with him until the pass the car, where they seem to share a small aside glance and a bit of a laugh, and then they immediately part ways aftet the binder is switched.
>green budget
I'm sure it's just a terrible decision in editing by a 28-year old powerful girl editor (transitioned) .
it's a message. it's fucking over. GREEN is a go
Good Kike?
are you people really so uncritical of your fucking news media that you think editing footage to "make a point" is fucking acceptable?
When the logo on the binder disappears you can clearly see it's greenscreen fuckery
Trips checked
& WTH?
What the fuck
it's edited, you can key with or color correct the book specifically with motion tracking
can be accidental or on purpose to send a message
green = new "red book" communism
Based, everyone should save this version
its a joke about climate change and a green budget YOU FUCKING RETARDS
Blue pointing at red distortion behind the folder showing colour correction? So it was done on purpose by an editor for some reason
Don't type at me. Don't even read this.
Yeah, stop killing the million corona threads.
Take your meds, schizo. What, you don't have a color-changing folder? Get with the times, it's 2020.
Blue dress white dress shit again muh brain and eyesight.
The book was green then turned red for me. Weird shit
They switched the binders
Too late.
>this vid
corona had me on edge already, i didn't need this FUCK
>and then I told the goy, "no, the budget is literally green" and it believed it!
fuck bros. Am I colour blind?
Because anyone with a brain and without autism knows it a joke
They mention a green budget so they make the budget folder green
Fucking hell you retard
Because someone thought it was funny.
"See this world, it's build on lies and deception, controlled and manipulated on every level, our heroes are holograms and our government preys on our children physically, but see this folder right here, we made them keep it red."
in clown world world, the news makes jokes and comedians give the news
You can selectively change one color to another, I’m sure the book is red, but they changed it to green, because it looks not natural in that lighting.
Nothing to see here, goyim. Everything is fine.
It was the news editor trying to be cool. Its a 5 second color change in Adobe Premiere. Take your meds nigger
Brits have a shit sense of “humor”
Ok wtf Yas Forums
The two dudes walk alongside each other. Barely noticing each other. No minor eye contact. Then as pakini pak turns his head the folder turns green.
Wtf is this shit??
We switched timelines. Trump is now evil Trump and is about to declare a state of emergency tonight leading to marshal law (lock downs). Agenda 21 back on the globalist menu.
Fucking dumb nigger she says "coronavirus" right when it happens
It changes its color to green right when the lady says many believed it would be a green budges. So I guess it's just some special effects for the broadcast. Nothing to see here.
you must be color blind
Don't fret over a thread for too long. Your own might be the next one to get bumped off, mysteriously.
The only thing I can think of is if the binder is actually green, but they had the greenscreen effect on for the broadcast, and it picked up the binder as a target and overcoated it in deep red.
Other than that I have no fucking clue.
>Conservatives win
>brown ministers
>muh climate change
yeah ok
That seems reasonable.
Holy nigger titties
Some idiot made this in AE, the green is obviously a shitty mask job
Disinfo cunt
Everybody abandon thread. Go home. A thread died for this. Don't be like that thread.
It is a spook handoff, signalling to masters.
it went from red to green book at exactly 12 seconds, I see it now. wtf? I stand by my assessment that this new conservative government has changed absolutely nothing.
Holy fuck you're not joking..
It was in the color range through the car window?
Tfw you realize binder was always green
Yeah it's just some chroma key editing to illustrate what the talker was saying. It's why the logo got half-eaten then completely eaten at the end. Bad tracking.
Some editor intern at the station had too much time on their hands.