80k confirmed corona cases in china

>80k confirmed corona cases in china
>only 3k deaths
>meanwhile its 12k cases in italy and almost 1k deaths
whats going on?

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china had virtually zero cases outside Wuhan, where the quarantine was extremely severe

Mass blackout and riots everywhere around the world.
Economy will collapse HARD aswell as the medical system. Just look at Italy, I hope everyone is prepped.
Goodluck anons

China lies.

>he expected commie central control to tell the truth

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Communists lying? Huh.

China is lying.
I'm sorry you're retarded


>Communists lie
Wow, shocking if true

Communism doesn't wo-

>assumes Chinks are telling the truth

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We’re months away from an extinction event.

Dis gonna be gud.

>He thinks that Chinks, Krauts and Frog are telling the truth

you must be new here
the nature of the chinaman has been known for centuries

It doesn't.

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It works on faggots

Italty on average has one of the oldest populations in the world. This virus kills old people

commie niggers lie a lot

CHINA IS FUCKING LYING. Is it really that hard to understand?

sometimes i feel sorry for the russians. but then i realize they killed their aryan royal family to elect a literal fucking kike. stupid mongols

China stopped reporting about the virus after the third week and then just gave fake data

I’ve heard that they do not joke, and in fact, will replace your soft drink with urine

so much for the mighty White man, right Yas Forums?

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Nope I'm just gonna die I guess. Life is a cunt anyway. Maybe I can take some assholes down with me at least.

>the Bolsheviks were elected
user, I...

Authoritarianism / fascism works. We shouldn't have killed Hitler.

chinks are lying and Italy has a large elderly population

>believing Chinese figures
I don't trust anything that comes out of that country. Even Africa is more trustworthy than those commies.

What's going on? Is what anons here knee since the beginning and have told countless times: DO NOT TRUST CHINA BUGMANS NUMBERS

Put your big boi thinking cap on I know you can do it

>believing chinks
no one can be this stupid, right ?

italy is full of old whores

It is an engineered bioweapon. Certain people have more lung receptors for
The virus to bind to and they die harder.

You realize fuck loads of 40+ year olds have been needing immediate ICU care too right? If you really think 40+ is old then idk what to tell ya.

i give zero shits about fat fucks who could barely breath when "healthy"

literally who cares

Why don’t you fly to fucking China and ask a representstive there

China is not reporting

China lied
Alternative, Italy's old population is probably much greater

They built a bunch of makeshift hospitals in the blink of an eye. Italy can't do that

Who tells the truth then

China is lying
There is near a half a million deaths in china.

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Commie chinks are lieing through their teeth to save face like aways?

China has been lying since day 1

look into the diets
people on high carb diets are more likely to die
fuck pasta
fuck rice

This. Chinks sealed off Wuhan and basically left them there to fend for themselves until the virus expires. There's probably still thousands dying there every day.

they had to bring in mobile incinerators to burn bodies, no one even know how many died

I got told by a professional doc the chinks are probably lying. He wouldn't believe everything they say.

Only if countries go on with the "let's try that nobody gets infected approach"
If they went by the "ok, everyone will eventually catch this. let's just try to contain it so that it doesn't spread as fast, then the health system won't collapse and cases that become serious will be able to get the care they need" we would be fine
Yas Forums is salivation too much for this happening. Most likely you will be (thankfully) disappointed

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Chinese lied about their numbers. Go figure.

Is this what y'all do up there? WTF DID I JUST WATCH

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The reactor in Chernobyl is under control. There is no radiation threat.

paid Chinese shill

of course it's a swede. I'm not even shocked

this they’re literally commies. Look up how the USSR handled the Chernobyl incident.

everyone knows china started lying about their numbers early on, if not entirely from the start

China locked people in their home to stop the spread. Western countires made sick people go to work.

On CNN they're saying that italy has the best healthcare system in Europe, is this a similar case to S.Korea?

Hey, Corona is the one thing we have nothing to do with.

read up who killed Tsar family

>It's just the flu
>wash your hands and you're good
>it only kills old people
Fuck off shill.

South Korea paid no expense on tests, but it was also easy to trace cases since most originated and were contained in the cult. It's only a matter of time before another bloom appears.

in 2 weeks, the healthcare system will collapse in the us

>china had virtually zero cases outside Wuhan
lol okay zhang

>Mass blackout and riots everywhere around the world.
>mfw they planted half of ISIS and millions of other hostile primitives in my country.

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>he trusted the ching chong numbers

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Italy had a ton of ICU beds because their population is so fucking old. But they've already run out of space and are prioritizing the youth, leaving old folks to die. I wonder how Italian that "youth" is. I suspect this is replacement and why Merkel didn't block travel.

7 and I get corona
0 and I don't
Everything else and I become the supreme king of faggots

1.Italy has a much older population
2.China can enforce quarantines much better because they're a dictatorship

It's really not that hard to understand. Most countries in the world have a death rate similar to china's, or perhaps even less.
>b-bb-ut china is lying!!!!11
Where is your proof?

You need a gun. Can you get one quickly in krautville? If in the US there might still be time for one background check.

nothing changes then

My brother knows someone from Wuhan (she went to uni with him). She told him the cases (those who contracted and who've died from it) are a lot higher than what China is reporting

Congrats, King Faggot!

Italy had a shoestring healthcare system, the end. Only 3,000 ICU beds in Milan

No one has every voted a communist regime into power. They gain power by mass slaughter.

>Only 3k deaths in China

The Chicoms are lying about their numbers, duh.

You cannot trust anything that comes from the Chicoms because communists are pathological liars.

For example, they are claiming that they are beating the Kung Flu due to the numbers of new cases being very small, but of course they get smaller numbers because they stopped testing new patients.

China lies, also Italy is PACKED with oldfags that do whatever the fuck they want, even people in their 80 go outside at bar, cinemas, night clubs fucking whores in the ass, good shit

>Where is your proof?
Wuhan crematoriums burning bodies 24/7 to cope with extra workload during corona chan.

Not only nords are elves but the "tree hugging faggots" wasn't exaggerated at all.

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The ones who can barely breath have less receptors. shoulda started smoking fgt

That's way more than most cities.

>tfw my grandma is in her 90s and wants to go to a fucking bingo together with other 300 elders

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You are right in principle, but you dont seem to grasp the dimensions, the north Italian medical system is allready near braking point with 10.000 hospitalized corona cases. If eventually the whole population ( or a significant portion) will catch it eighter the medical system breaks, or you would have to spread it out over years ( impossible).