Why do so many “racial realists” freak out when you bring up Jewish IQ?

Why do so many “racial realists” freak out when you bring up Jewish IQ?

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They can't deal with facts; in this case, they like to be superior to niggs, they don't like that jews are smarter than them.

lol. jews in the western world would kick your teeth in for saying that. they are more averse to the idea of race than anyone else. they'd call you guys white supremacists

but user niggers have low iq and low every other quality that matters except playing drums and sportsball
and having massive dicks for jewish porn

Jews are at best 4 or 5 points above the average white IQ, even with heavy private schooling and nepotism. Compare this to niggers which are anywhere between 15 and 25 points lower than the average white IQ

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>30-40 point IQ difference = 5-15 point IQ difference
whites BTFO

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if whites are the master race how'd they let a dozen jews gain control of the entire fucking planet through a handful of corporations? if anything jews are by definition superior, and i'd like to see any of you retards try to argue that one.

straw man argument