Corona hysteria called out by PJW

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good he's right
the chinese new cases are already slowing down
the only reason it's rising in italy so fast is because they practically suck each other off every time they greet

I love this faggot

Gosh I can't believe how handsome he is ughhh I can't watch his videos without dreaming about being his boyfriend.

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they spent 3 months saying it was just the flu and downplaying it, now they can't


Imagine how retarded you have to be to listen to this drumpkissing ass faggot. Kys you low iq pigskins.

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And what did china do to achieve this? Do you think it will magically disappear in the west?

This belongs on /incel/. Internet celebrities be gone.

who cares what this kike thinks? he's a bigger conspiracy dipshit than any corona-happeners.

>And what did china do to achieve this?
not faggot fuck each other at eye contact

is he checking out the vibrant gay scene of prague again?

PJW soon.




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good. all the happeningfags are just jews who want you to spend a bunch of money on supplies and anti-trump shills.

fucking dumbass t shirt merchant

I think he pounds pussies and buttholes.

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Oh, so he's a super spreader.

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honest question, why Yas Forums predominantly hate this Bong?

>they practically suck each other off every time they greet
Better suck each other, than suck turk dick

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He’s not worried because he’s already on faggot AIDS drugs.

Don’t post that faggot on /pol ever again, faggot!

grifter, thought Trump was a Hillary plant halfway through the primaries, now humps Trump's balls to appeal to his cult. No difference from Charlie Kirk.

>attributing everything to border policy and using the same memes for every issue
Weak. China Uncensored put out a much better video

>believing chink numbers

no wonder nothing of import ever comes out of slovenia.


He says whatever his followers want to hear so that he can bring in the most possible shekels.

He has absolutely no integrity, just like every other e celeb.

Shut the fuck up you moron

>blames open borders
Opinion discarded.

>closed borders = no virus
>but blaming open borders is irrational

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This. Only someone who's entire knowledge of what's going on came direct from BBC/CNN n shit would think like this, utter vegetables

I don't mind him.


Iran has a border wall. There's other factors.

me too
sounds like some really weak arguments, my mates. every once in a while I open his new vid, he speaks the truth. probably Im wrong, but I don't watch this guy often.

PJW is a certified poop nigga. Vibrant gay scene ass nigga

Did you brush your teeth today?

he is not perfect but he is good enough

damn how based and intellectual to tell the faceless masses that they are overreacting

I do it twice a day, everyday, and buy some decent german toothpaste, but whats the question, Ed?

This. That kind of narcissism is peak midwit. Very feminine

Oh the cute Ariel twink from last night is back

Because /pol is full of Azni identify and jidf shills who want to make you hate any sensible person by claiming they're a faggot

It was a trick question, because I know gopniks have no teeth.

yeah its just a flu bro

They put the entire city under lockdown and marshall law, they locked people in their buildings and forced them to die so it doesn't spread.
This won't happen in the US.
The only saving grace is that the US is so big and spread out.

>D u b s confirm Italianos as faggots.

Yet you imported your first lady from our country?

Not just one city, they did this to multiple.

U R very gay

One of my favorite things that happened with him lately is how he attacked ugly and short men in his videos mocking incels, only to be called an incel by leftists after he made that "women and men can't be acquainted in any way without thinking about sex" tweet

God not this fag

Not interested in that shouting ass.

Also not interested in any of those FakeTubers who cut their footage after every goddamn proposition.

Btw, Watson is about to reach the age where the appearance of a certain youth will make way to show his ugly face, the true imago of his boring genetics.

you are gay

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surprisingly hear the question about bad teeth came from a mouth of a britbong. but you know what, I suspect you are not bong. yeah, you aren't, i can bet a pile of gold against bucket of horseshit. so tell me, where did you come from? but don't lie to me, I can smell it already.

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does this fucking guy just browse Yas Forums all day and collect memes for his next vid?

I don't identify as bongenese, and I have a russian girlfriend. So I can be gopnik too

imagine listening to PJW!
inb4 some Yas Forums fucktard says "hur dur hes always right about everything like alex jones"

The death rate is lower.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, no fuck this faggot.

more like Uragay

if you're white, then I don't mind. so are you?

Border doesn’t imply border walls you absolute retard

Closed border means no one goes in or out retard, be it by air, land or sea retard.

It doesn’t mean the physical gates to the country are closed, retard.

Yes, everyone on Yas Forums is white, gopnik