I think we may have just started the race war 2 boogaloo

Tweet from /ourguys/
twitter.com/0biJon/status/1237803444028813313?s=20 (embed)

Tweet from the Brown Horde(NOW THIS)
twitter.com/nowthisnews/status/1237791143334744068?s=20 (embed)

Their likes currently outnumber us 5 to 1 but...
Check out the comments, this gone get gud. I'm not going to spoil anything for you but this is one of the most antagonizing videos towards whites Ive ever seen

Attached: boogaloo.jpg (1928x1629, 484.68K)

Other urls found in this thread:


White power.

Nothing will happen. Whites will continue crying and larping on the internet whilst getting replaced.

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sounded like an autotuned swine humming an arabic tune being molested

Who shoah'd the other thread?

It's reaching bump limit but also nobody has checked OPs digits

Flag but I'll allow it

what a waste of pure genetics.

you can find girls of all races doing this tiktok trash, especially asian girls. it's pathetic no matter who

>soundcloud nobodies


Bros, Yas Forums is actively censoring us.. I just went to go look in the catalog to see when these threads were and I couldnt find them and I eventually saw our 300+ thread that says there was only like 3 posts in the thread... and it was buried in the middle of nowhere

Attached: pol is censoring us.jpg (2545x1243, 830.37K)

An argument... On TWITTER?!?!?


Try refreshing more often, faggot

Notice how the "Uhm guys" beginning of title isn't in the current title either and it was in the previous one

Try looking at the time on the clock u dumb faggot, I took that screen right before I posted it here

Anyways, this will eventually become RaceWar General of RWG, fuck your optics, they declared war on us and now we do what we want

>Yas Forums is actively censoring us
*slow claps*
congrats faggot you figured it out, we're on a very closely watched international intelligence agency image board of ill repute.

Yes but this screenshot was a good catch. They try not to fuck up that badly usually

Can we hack drones to strike tik tok whores please?

Readin the comments on the NOW THIS video and everybody hates them.. Not a single person left a positive comment

Doesn't matter all evidence is going to be thrown out on account of deepfakes.

Thoughts on peaceful repatriation? I think most nonwhites aren't inherently hostile (percentage depends on the group in question), and will fuck off if the gibs run out. Even a most of the spics LARPing about Aztlan will change their tune if there's a real chance of getting shot.

Here's the answer to the reparation question.. It takes 3 whites to pay for every black.. And theyve spend trillions on welfare/programs for blacks ey blacks still 13/50

Attached: niggers.png (1026x768, 437.64K)

Repatriation, not reparations. I mean sending people back to their homelands.

how much is that gonna cost

You know its not gonna work. They dont want to go back to their shithole origins and want to hijack half a not-shithole continent instead

WAKE UP !!!!!!!!!!! This is the future if you don't mobilize into a political force . VOTE TRUMP this election to ensure a conservative holding to stop this browning of AMErICA

browning of AMeRICA

brown women are amazing

Attached: Pepsiadmodel.png (1080x1920, 1.81M)


You rather fuck a shit skin than a white women, wow you are truly loss white cuck


someone post that clip of Biden talking about this. you know the one

>thot who has already had a shit tone of cosmetic shit done during whats meant to be here prime

Someone better meme this for th election this will scare all the boomers this November for trump

ehh, brown eyes and covered in makeup and filters


Attached: 4desipantyhosegirls.jpg (1080x1080, 107.32K)

and her hair is dyed

>Burger has to have instant acess to a calculator

"Browns" Means everyone except for while people I dont get where anyone is getting off solely blaming this on streetshitters. Ilhan Ohmar is a Somal, Cortez is a Mexican or whatever, etc etc. They say in the title they wont let "anyone"(white people) stop(the invasion) of browns(anyone who isn't white)

(Mr. Bond’s “Going Nazi” intensifies)

Fucking gross

Why should I care about some cuck music video?

>brown power


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It's not the music video it's the NOW THIS video and tweet

What ??????? speak English you frog . POC are basically declaring war in your face u white cuck

I need to COOOM post brown tiddys

Jesus , the fact that you don't care means they won already . Might as well give them access to your wife and balls since you don't need them you race cuck

Shut the fuck up, Shlo-- Oh. Wait. He's right.

I accept this thot challenge

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At this point, i am not ashamed anymore to say that israélien Yas Forums users cured me of antisemitism. You guys are based


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*Sigh*.......its all so tiresome

White men. It is time we put an end to this

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>Bros, Yas Forums is actively censoring us
First day here?

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It's people using a VPN, most of them aren't actual jews.

Wow she needs to be milked ASAP

Is that Hitomi?

> {{{brownpower}}}
Sounds like a healthy shit

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Much less than exterminating them all. Would probably work better in America since most of your newcomers are Muslims whose religion teaches them to conquer you. Being a burger, I'm more concerned with illegals and post-65 trash (mostly spics). Jose isn't going to take a bullet for his shitty landscaping job and his Medicaid. Muhammed looks down the barrel of your gun and sees paradise.

The American and European Indentitarian conflicts will play out differently. I don't know how familiar you are with our situation and how it differs from yours, but I'd be happy to share my thoughts if you're interested and I'd like to hear what you have to say uwu

Yes, but if sat down and politely told that that the gibs are over, their anchor baby's citizenship is void, and that they will be compensated for any property they don't take with them if they show up at Bus Stop X for orderly deportation, a decent sized chunk of them will take the deal. Some will think we're bluffing. Some muchachos will get hostile. They can dealt with as needed. The stragglers will line up afterwards even if they don't get compensated.

If things go hot and there's a fucking race war, a lot of them will flee or surrender if means having their lives spared.

I've interacted with a lot of newcomers/invaders myself, most of these people don't give a shit about taking over, they're just here to get money, live the easy life, and spend their meager paychecks on cheap beer and hookers*. I'm not saying that they're """just like us""" like that one shill, I'm not saying that I want them here, I'm just saying that most of them aren't willing to risk their lives for gibs.

*One of my old co-workers was a huge weeb. He'd use the shit money he made to buy asian prostitutes and he made them pretend to be anime girls and call him onii-chan. Honduran I think, I don't know and I don't care.

Attached: Yes I said nigger, do you have a problem with that.jpg (540x720, 60.89K)

Brown pride these fuckers are in for a rude awakening once whitey is a minority

I am getting sick of you degenerate porn posters. There is no reason to shit up this board like that. She is gross looking too.

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The fire rises

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Spread these to boomers get them all riled up to vote for TrUMp we going to make this country conservative for a whole genreation by force

I usually detest it as well, in this instance I just used it get attention for the link I posted, please settle down.

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White people are literally less than 15% of the globe. It's fucking high time we get treated like the minority we are and get some respect for enriching everyone well beyond what they deserve.

Fuck you, if the link is worthy, people will praise it. You're a shitbag who is destroying the male ability to think long term. You are literally the poison we need to destroy.

Huh, she looks different there

Mommy milkers! Please god I hope she is pregnant I want to father her child so badly.

>I usually detest it as well, in this instance I just used it get attention for the link I posted, please settle down.

Alright well please don't do it again. We have enough of a coomer epidemic these days

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The fact that these thread has less than 100 replies is truly sad and pathetic. White people, especially men, are cucks . Just sit back and watch your society burn but don't forget to smile while you take the big brown cock down your throath cucks.

Duke shit, herb.

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The way that Poo started hanging on "The Black Mans" dick about some blue note shit.
I fucking died.
Gay ass song intro "Brown Power!" followed by hearing him say that.
Was just too much.
The Poo responsible for this draws a line in the sand.
All Whites VS all Browns.
Its racist as fuck!

Attached: whites2jokers.gif (400x300, 1.93M)

>Indian-American artist
The only brown power he's making is on the designated streets.

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>fucks niggers
>good genetics
I don't care how blonde or blue eyed she is, if she fucks niggers she's not genetically pure.

It's definitely ramped up recently

Premarital sex ruins pair bonding. You wouldn't rather FUCK a shitskin knowing that?

Attached: Isabela Moner Instant Family 3.webm (800x800, 2.35M)

Fuck off Tenda, I guarantee this thread will reach the bump limit.

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Spic Power*

Fuck brown people

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Not yet, let's keep going and see what happens.

stop posting coal burners

Imagine putting your tongue in her butthole

Kill yourself

if those niggers in South Africa get their way she'll definitely be getting fucked by brown people

Colored people don't like eachother either, but for some reason they make white people the common enemy