How shall humanity solve overpopulation problems?
How shall humanity solve overpopulation problems?
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It'll solve itself one way or another.
homosexuality is a natural solution against overpopulation.
change my mind.
castrate negros
nill kiggers.
Nuclear war
coronavirus is solving it right now
Allow only whites and Castizas’ babies to survive
kill all non whites
kill the brownoids
Go out into the deserts of America or Africa and tell me we're overpopulated.
over population doesnt exist, only under development
Its never been a thing. You are stupid for believing bullshit with no evidence, or even any claims of it.
It's already solving itself, can't you see?
Everyone below 100 IQ or who refuses to take an IQ test is exterminated by pic related spraying fentanyl
The elites are mismanaging resources.
Solution in process
nice premise.
Even if homosexuality can be found in nature doesn't mean it's not degenerate... canibalism, rape, incest, pedophilia, etc it's all found in nature too
First of all, stop feeding Africa artificially.
Second, Africans go back to africa.
With homogeneous societies, nations with quickly revert from swag-based status to culture-based status. Boom, consumerism gone.
coronachan to the rescue !
Cut all sorts of gibs, better birth control methods distributed to people who shouldn't reproduce, ...
But if you want to be uncivilized there's castration and genocide. I doubt you want to live in a brazilian Mad Max overpopulated by shitty people simply because you don't want to hurt Shlomo's fee-fees.
But I'm a white male, we should only eradicate brown people and faggots
It happens a lot in nature desu
I think so that veganism is probably the best solution for it. We'all must become vegans, then generalized immorality will disappear, and we're gonna consume a LOT less resources than what we're doing now.
Its all pros.
We should stop calling oligarchical parasites "elites".
Mars/Moon colonies
There is no overpopulation problem
It is a lie to get gullible whites to stay childless
Kill niggers (that includes arabs) spics and chinks simple as
having lost the physical, mental, or moral qualities considered normal and desirable; showing evidence of decline.
so it is a social construction.
>coronavirus is solving it right now
lmao 4000 deaths grand total corona deaths
at 360,000 births a day worldwide.. (yes, daily)
Wide open natural spaces are important for humanity, we’re definitely overpopulated because we don’t want to end up like India or Bangladesh
2nd Earth
Sterilizing people and taking away their ability to have children.
>so it is a social construction.
it's a shift of normal sexual desire. Humans will fuck goats, so why would it be surprising that people can be gay? Or pedophiles, necrophiliacs, transexuals, etc
it's just sex without any prospect of ever leading to producing offsprings... it's a defect of human behavior, mental illness
The chinese are trying right now, lets give their plan a chance before we move on.
so we should ban and any preservatives aswell.
>There is no overpopulation problem
>It is a lie to get gullible whites to stay childless
You wish the white people were actually valuable. The white race is essentially the human form of the AIDS virus. You have literally destroyed the immune system of your own societies and allowed every parasite and infection to freely use your rotting corpse as a host body. Every parasite from jews, blacks, gays, etc. All of these problems plague Western society solely due to the fact that the White race allows them to do this. The White race lets these fuckers rape and murder their children. The White race lets these people indoctrinate and brainwash their children into being nigger-lovers and dickless menaces to civilization. The White race is literally the living incarnation of AIDS. This isn't some bit of "racism", I hate all people.
Open your fucking eyes. Look around you, what is happening in your society? What has happened to your civilization over the past 500 years? Nothing but decay and downfall because the White race is so pathic that they allow every easily preventable infection and infestation to thrive, literally giving these blights upon civilization free money and protection under the law just for being so kind as to sicken and cripple your society. This is all the White race has accomplished in the past 200+ years. Nothing but allowing the wounds of their civilization to become infected with parasites and blight, all out of the "goodness of their own hearts".
You can't blame anyone but the whites here. You can't say "Those niggers are terrible.", or "Those Jews are evil." The niggers are niggers and the Jews are Jews. This is argument of "White victimhood" is literally going into a gay bar and getting bred by every fucking AIDS infested faggot you can find in 10 mile radius. Then you turn around and claim to be the victim, saying "AIDS is hurting me. I am the victim." You willingly got AIDS, you can't blame AIDS for being AIDS.
i like how the artist needed to explain what this is supposed to be
Do we really need all those niggers?
Nuclear war
stop niggers and poos
We are overpopulated because the fucking resources that are out there aren't enough for all of us. You can't cultivate deserts nor snowful parts of russia. And the parts that you can use ARE IMPORTANT; because we need the fucking oxygenation of the planet, we can't cut out all the jungles.
Simply most part of the earth ain't useful desu.
And how many deaths are there daily if you don't count corona? Also if people are sick that means that they can reproduce
why did you put a shoe on her.
Kill niggers
>How shall humanity solve Africa's overpopulation problems?
flee from this shitshole, it's fucked
The three default responses from the memeflag tribe.
>no deathtouch
>no hexproof
>no undying
whoever made this is a faggot
It’s not. Shill fuck.
There is no overpopulation problem. The more people the better.
Every single human that is or has ever been alive wouldn't be enough to fill the grand canyon.
We're nowhere close to overpopulation.
Coronavirus seems to be doing a good job.
Bill Gates (sterilization programs) and global warming organizations are working on it.
the whites who do this are eradicating themselves
they are nonissue
just like the gays
tell that to rich asshats
they are rich chodelets
How many people have actually been "sterilized" so far? If anything Bill Gates wants more niggers in the world.
combining nepotistic and pedo
By depopulating Africa
Corona-chan is already solving it
>Also if people are sick that means that they can’t reproduce
Tell that to Africa
Male Homosexuality is transmited by women, that have the gay gene, or when society forces traditional marriage, there are more chances that gay people reproduce, that is why it never dies out.
>le meme virus
Nice smoothbrain retard. Humans don't require nothing but air to survive.
These three alone require more than the Earth can currently sustain. Couple that to energy requirements and other luxuries and you've got Mad Max as a future. Fresh water will become an issue within our lifetimes. The third world needs to be eradicated.
You know that world population can stand in San Francisco area?
Kill all rich pooples
Top 1% consume as much as bottom 90%(1 priviet jet trip =20k gas fills)
1 yacht voyage = 10k gas fills
Burn them all
Kill them fucking all
In response I cast nothingburger and your spell fizzles.
>it's just sex without any prospect of ever leading to producing offsprings...
>it's a defect of human behavior, mental illness
Am I the only one who saw the thumbnail and thought the people on the sides were Jewish locks of hair and the green bit in the center was the nose?
We don't need to solve shit, the Earth sorts us out when we are getting too cocky and the new virus is just another example in a long line of it telling us to "get fucked"
That picture is misleading. In reality everybody would comfortably fit in Australia.
its easy, turn human cadaver/undesirables/criminals/mentally ill into processed protein to solve the world hunger. Cull the pops bro