Obama cares about us!
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Go to college goyim! Pay for a worthless degree and be in debt your entire life!
he is saying we must prevent whites from going to college so the death rate gets higher
If everything collapses i'm going to find that nigger and hang him somewhere high so the rest of the surviving population knows no one is safe.
This is unironically a good point. It shows how that there are much more important things than just the economy.
Everyone has been saying that though :/
All that shows is that it got worse when Obobo was President
Is Obama even writing his tweets? Why has he not been in public for so long?
Do you think these actually correlate? Couldn't I flip it and say that perhaps whites that don't go to college don't do so because they are already stupid and depressed and kill themselves regardless? can you really draw the conclusion that if you go to college your less likely to kill yourself?
lol Obama trying to look like he cares about white people
In other words. Whites that are less depressed/suicidal will be more likely to go to college and pursue more fulfilling lives?
implied correlation: you can spoonfeed education to people, lowering death rate from alcohol, drugs and severe depression
actual correlation: intelligent people are less prone to stupidity
Whites that go to college get entangled with "first world problems" like genders, feminism and diversity.
Whites that don't go to college and have an experience of what the tough side of the world looks like (beyond your office desk), realise it's shit.
This is what I'm trying to say
>My rhetoric sucks
Is he bragging?
I cared about Obama too until he expanded the surveillance state tenfold.
The graph clearly shows that college-educated whites think more carefully about when they decide to fuck off and stop investing in the civilization's demise.
I think the fact that white people tend to kill themselves more often is related to the fact that direct-action environmental/animal rights groups are almost exclusively white. A question of self awareness.
that's not what he's trying to say at all and you can clearly see the same pattern emergin in college educated people who are supposedly better off (at least the boomers are age 55-60 are expected to be, but that's precisely where numbers are changing)
obama is legit woke right now, his documentary about the chinese factory was pretty good too, seems like he's the only voice in the democrat camp that's truly trying to understand the trump phenomenam and he's seeing white men are being crushed and that's no good
nothing makes those suicidal thoughts go away like crushing debt
>be a working class pleb and kys
Whites aren't equal among themselves.
The kind of person that completes a college degree is completely different from somebody who doesn't and they have different lives.
This retarded gay nigger is full of shit.
No one is equal, and it's retarded anytime a government tries to act otherwise when it comes to the economy or industry. A part time burger flipper with a market value of $9.50/hr doesn't have any claim to $15/hr on any basis.
How about instead of devaluing college degrees we make a high school degree worth a shit.
>Pay for a worthless degree and be in debt your entire life!
have it financed by the state and price-regulated by the state.
t. MSc and PhD who never paid a single polandbuck.
the data is not trying to say "you're less likely to kill yourself because you went to college", it's just presenting a trend that could have a number of reasons driving it
to me it SEEMS like productivity requirements have been pushing people beyond their coping limits and that trend started a long time ago with working class people (around the time neoliberalism became the status quo), now starting to catch up with the college educated (as automation moves from factory floors to the offices)
>not understanding causality
That's a nigger.
>inflate the importance and quantity of degrees to the point that jobs are unironically asking for degrees to operate a cash register
>wonder why people without degrees check out of society
That depends a lot on what white collar industry or position someone might be aiming for. There are a great many white collar jobs that are being over certified. An accountant vs a regional manager for example. The latter could easily be handled by someone with a high school degree with 5-10 years experience and training.
what if college were tuition free like in normal countries?
>obama cares about us
lmao he's literally talking WHITE ADULTS only. Why doesn't he show other races? Or is that data too "racist"? Obama doesn't care about anything other than appealing to the white-hating libdem masses that are the majority of twitter
Obama should've endorsed Yang
this angers the college cuck
>working class
>has nothing to do with being marginalized by people like Obama
Of course.
it's literally just farmers
lol at all the coping in this thread by just world faggots. protip: if your theory doesn't account for the change over time in working class whites committing suicide, it doesn't explain shit.
>Cynical fucker pretending he cares even slightly and isn't just posting it because of the upcoming election
Obama is 90% the reason why white men "are being crushed"
He said he was going to fundamentally change the United States back in 2008
reminder that Yas Forums disagrees with this somehow.
Any thread talking about substance abuse and you faggots start up with ''they deserve to die'' despite nearly all of them being depressed white males killing themselves.
>What would lead anyone to overdose on drugs? fucking degenerates..
Probably this literal epidemic of white male loneliness you dumb faggot.
Reminder that being depressed and suicidal is nearly identical to being a heroin user waiting to die.
It's just amazing that despite being white advocates you guys never want to do anything to actually help the people within your communities, even if it's killing tons of you. It's like i'm dealing with literal niggers here.
this allows the college to more effectively rip people off
consumer flexibility
Brainlet take. Obama is irrelevant to the grand scheme of things, as is Trump.
Who paid for Obama's Degree ?
Foreign Scholarship Program ...
Who pays for that ???
By All Means Continue to Uplift this Sodomite.
>drastic increase just before 2016
>no more statistics after that
What did he mean by this?
Thought we all know the trend continues, the deep destruction of our society transcends who is in office.
the white male suicide rate has been going up continuously for the last 20 years. it started before obama and continues unabated under trump. red and blue teams are united in wanting white men to die.
>poor whites have zero access to the social safety net that other races get
>not going to college is killing them
Burn in hell, King Nigger.
what if your highschool education was worth teaching, and you separated your post-secondary education into 3 tiers each governed by its own body:
-college (bachelors, masters, doctorate)
-profession (trades)
-post highschool (classes, specialization, remedial, training)
>no one talks about the thousands who asphyxiate themselves each year out of despair
yea, you won't have time to think about suicide if you're in debt, due to all the buttfucking you're getting.
That looks like bollocks, Does that even take into account wine aunts? I have heard of Doctors being alcoholics too.
Can this nigger just fuck off already?
>take society away and flood it with shitskins
>blame everything on me
>i'm not allowed to have a community of people like myself
>make me pay for my own assraping
Gee I wonder why.
I think the increased suicide rate was consequent to “progressive” activists degrading culture and making it mistreat people. The general decline in etiquette and the failure of our cultural knowledge if polite honesty lead stupider people into ruin. We collectively made being a poor, stupid person more intolerable, so poor, stupid people became more likely to drink, do drugs, and kill themselves.
This was justified in part by “reciprocal ethics” as the stupid people were treated as far more insulting and therefore more deserving of being victimized. Unfortunately, reciprocity works on a grander scale than that, and since it was indeed leftists generating the hatred, leftism breached into an international skin-of-our-teeth period.
Successful leftists hated the unsuccessful, and despite their ostensible affinity with compassion, they used institutional and technological methods to victimize the “unworthy” in society. This presaged a period of intense concern over just who, indeed, was unworthy...
what did he do for them?
oh right nothing
>Successful leftists hated the unsuccessful, and despite their ostensible affinity with compassion, they used institutional and technological methods to victimize the “unworthy” in society. This presaged a period of intense concern over just who, indeed, was unworthy...
Has there ever been another period besides right now that leftists elites behaved this way. The seem to want a class structure of educated and uneducated people.
A lover of one of my exes died of liver failure. That demoralized my advocacy of liver-printing perhaps unfairly. I don’t hate my exes; I’m not in touch, nor do I observe their lives, but I am not so distant no gossip ever passes before me. Yes, I do not hate any who I can ever remember loving... Thus yet, I wish them well.
Having their loved ones die like that is not “well” at all... Every death is of a person with loved ones. Every death is the loss of something uniquely valuable: a conscious, thinking being.
This is still true among the poor, yet the people who arrogate to themselves the right to automate their hatreds did not respect the poor in this period. They manipulated our forums towards racism, and tried to convince us to see the world as being full of NPCs! They wanted us to give them the right to “reciprocate” sociopathy!
Automated observation of the zeitgeist; targeted manipulations at potential threats. Lies, and not just small lies, but life-ruiners. Whosoever opposed this was “primitive!”
It is of the same kind as what befell inner city blacks when police criminology algorithms tagged as a probable criminal every black person who came in contact with cops. Our society under Obama went to war against /the poor/, and convincing black and white people to blame each other for the lashing they were being given by a “technologically advanced” elite was just part of that.
I am alleging no conspiracy save the conspiracy of hatred. As racist whites need not confer to punish blacks, and racist blacks need not confer to punish whites, so it was not necessary for educated individuals who hated the impoverished to conspire.
They just... expressed themselves. In culture. In leadership. In science itself. They were proving themselves virtuous, with the corollary that their opponents were worthless.
I’m still waiting for apologies I don’t expect to get. Oh watcher, if my influence endangers, give me a confession!
made me kek hard ameribros
Why are there a bunch of commercials where this nigger Obama endorses every candidate in a separate commercial, he even shouts out for socialist pig Bernie? Anyway he's a nigger.
He's seeing that white men are being fucked over the same way blacks were. Most leftists, including Obama, were on that page before the left got fucking demolished by identity politics.
He wanted to, tried his best, and ultimately failed. The swamp dragged him down. Why do you think that Trump had that thousand yard stare after the handoff meeting? Trump fought against it too, but the monster is just too big.
When it became fun to make fun of the father character on tv and when the white guy became the default bad guy in films.