Wow, white people really are mean-spirited.
Wow, white people really are mean-spirited
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Based. Fuck Chinks and their goddamn food they eat. They keep infecting us with their bullshit and we’re supposed be nice about it.
We’re the nicest people on Earth, bants are as bad as it gets, at the current time...
lel, hope this is somewhere in eastern europe so there are no repercussions of them
what do you think about this Japanon? Are you offended?
Is that from Berlin or something? If so, it just shows how much of a grasp the kikes still have on it since this plays into the energy of building towards war. Who benefits from war? The same kind of people every single time.
I don’t chinks actually care. They’re proudly xenophobic. It’s probably 95% white shitlibs being outraged on their behalf.
Really? Like not even a clue Angry Asian?
Here's a hint: this is all China's fault.
Chinks are the worst of all races.
Chinks deserve all the flak.
Why does this get me hard?
>tfw no qt racist gf
Cant be racist toward Chinks.
Holy fuck. You kikes couldn't be more obvious. Thanks for the confirmation.
Funny how Asians always cry "muh racism" while Asians are the most racist people on earth
Truly pathetic. They will all die.
shut the fuck up memeflag
>believing propaganda
I would absolutely find this girl and ask her out if I was within 50 miles.
This. They never fucking understand this shit.
'Whad you do, Jew some poor blind guy out of his money?'
The last thing you want as a non-white is for white people to stop the bants. Because once the bants stop then the blood starts.
>when you're so triggered by the OP that you don't read any posts and just mass reply everyone itt
You'd better watch it, commie. I was actually being reasonable.
>Chinese Japanese look at these dirty knees
Fucking chinks
Ok chang.
You know... My biggest fear is if this corona virus pandemic killed millions of people, imagine the backlash against the Asian community - that would be the biggest tragedy.
Not even close you shitty kike rat. My posts and your reaction to them as well as the avoidance of the point about how this benefits the kikes the most, tells the story. And you rely on the same damn tactics each time, damn you plague rats bore me.
How would that be a tragedy you fucking tranny? The chinks and gooks deserve it.
where can you find such a white group of schoolkids over here? sorry i live in brussels
unfathomably based. I wish only the best for these people
And she would reject the ugliness incarnated spic that you are
>doubling down
>further generalizing
You kikes have no idea what's coming to you. Your neurotic hubris blinds you to it.
>Asking an english teaching american loser if he is offended
Y are u retarded
get fucked chang!
Chinks eat babies for boners. Please give me a break that this picture is anywhere close to as bad.
Say that to the westernized asians constantly talking shit about us.
All the chinks at my uni make nigger jokes even though they listen to rap
and who provoked that? Who controls the education sector? Who embedded commies in the higher institutions of learning?
based white woman
Damn she’s gorgeous and based.
can someone tweet this to her with a black twitter account
Doubling down on what Chang? It's obvious chinks are enemies of the U.S. and faggots like you only want to weaken America.
As an Asian, I kek'd a bit.
Also, who cares.
Grow up retard, your ideology died 75 years ago
How are you doing?
Popos still smashing you?
I already busted you you shitty scriptdigits plague rat.
Using them now just exposes you further.
Wew. As usual the neurotic kike rats are blind to how their own tendencies and preferred terms also expose them.
Funny considering it popped up in random Italian villages that had no association with China. Bioweapon confirmed and MAGAtards believe it.
It's a rehash of a normal MacDonald joke which he uses to troll libs into exposing their ridiculous "logic".
sorry fren, I only have an Apu twitter account so I'm already on a list and they're waiting for me to slip up so they can b& me
That's they need a totalitarian government. Because they're fucking retarded
Absolutely based.
Fuck all shit eating chinks.
me american, me real smart
me no drink the pee pee part
Not an argument retard
Now cum tribute a pic of hitler
So easy to get you rats to expose yourselves by offending your pride. Kek
yes, although corona-chan is still here but we haven't forgotten their atrocious act and how they have become CCP military wing. It will be a long fight but we will go on nonetheless because we love this place, we are proud honkies!