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We're all gonna die

>feel bad for not prepping more

Anyone else know this feel

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Rødgrød med fløde
Try doing nothing, like us.

>You gun goofed
I er alle færdig guffet.

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>Food for maybe a week
>No mask
>Toilet paper for months though
Bye bros.

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Tager sku på mac'en engang i nat, tror i der vil være kø?

ad, en Mohammad

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it takes a single infected person and its over. This is suicide.

Hvorfor går I så meget amok altså?
Supermarkederne lukker jo ikke ned.

Hur många infekterade har ni eller varför sådan panik? Vi har 500 men vår regering är som bekant efterbliven. Folkhälsomyndighetens chef drog till Somalia.

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... dude this virus is not a death sentence even if you're 70+. Relax.


ja, folk er sgu da underlige. medierne siger at Netto på Rådhuspladsen er løbet tør for TP og .....gær


det kan de jo så lige så godt når nu de ikke har flere varer

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>hur många infeterade har ni
Omkring 600

Put the groceries

I'm the bag

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last two digits are how many % of danes will perish

I kan meme alt I vil; Regeringen har taget fornuftige skridt. Der vil klart være konsekvenser, men der vil være konsekvenser ligegyldigt hvad vi gør. I det mindste prøver vi nu at komme lortet i forkøbet i stedet for at vente med pikken i hånden indtil vi bliver fucked i røven ligesom unægteligt vil ske for USA, og som sker for Italien lige nu. Prisen for isolation og nedlukning af ting mens folk er raske er langt bedre end at vente indtil alle er fucking syge.

>Hvis ellers borgerne handler, som de plejer og ikke øger deres indkøb helt ekstraordinært, er der varer nok.

Guys. I got 17 packs of instant noodles and a frozen pizza. Will I make it?

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>I'm the bag

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no guns? Do you know how to fish and hunt?

Det jo helt godnat det her. Godt arbejde med at sprede panik.

Danes are indeed based. Obviously our detections are the most accurate. Everyone is on holidays now.

I have a fishing rod but I doubt that's going to keep me alive.

stay pleb

køb ris, græveli lite kosteligbt. Anskaffelse rigtigkt lide pbenge!

Har hamstret massere af guns

will you be able to claim asylum in germany if you cross the border before the lockdown and just go on vacation on a camping site for a week or two while it happens ???

Slæøgfeumel sæuglehuge?

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You can survive years on rice, beans, dry meat and water.

Get some seeds and start planting some vegetables they literally cost cents

>prime minister goes "we have enough groceries so long as you just shop regularly"
>head of danish chain of supermarkets goes "we have enough groceries so long as you just shop regularly"

Jeg går ikke amok. Jeg købte bare pasta ris og kaffe til et par måneder til vores husholdning. Det gjorde jeg igår mens jeg redpillede hele fakta butikken om hvad der ville ske i de kommende dage.

Hvad er der overhovedet at være bange for? Spis din havregryn

Based ancap

>forældre på vej på ferie
tror de er mere sikre på en eller anden sydhavsø end i dette lorte land for at være ærlig med jer familie

Bilka Field's?

I kan lige prøve på at komme imellem mig og mit toiletpapir homoer. Vi ses på gaden.

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>Why yes i do stock up on hemorrhoid cream instead of toilet paper
>How could you tell?

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It could be all Bilka´s

nah, I've literally 4 fridges full of literally every fucking thing a human being can eat lmao plus at least 30kg of pasta

None of your concern Toothpaste

20% får ARDS hvilket som regel vil medføre permanente skader på lungerne og for mange senere komplikationer med cyste dannelser og pludselig død senere i livet og det er hvis du bliver smidt i cpap eller ecmo.

>didn't prep at all

Yup. Going to be exciting to see what the shelves will look like in a week's time.

>Fornuftige skridt

Knep dig selv luder, de skulle have lukket lortet for 2 uger siden.

I have a .22, and a 9mm and I'm trying to get a .308 hunting rifle but it's too fucking expensive.

If I were you I would try to buy at least a .22 and 1000 rounds of ammo. At the very least you can hunt some pigeons if the world turns to shit.

Also, get some seeds, learn how to make pickles and start a small garden

"Please help us!"

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>He didn’t listen to Billy Gates the past 20 years

You were never gonna make it

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Fuck off sweden no one understandable your shitty language here

hvor meget af landet lukker ned? skal jeg på arbejde imorgen?
og hvad med postvæsenet? jeg har drage-dildoer på vej, det passer sindsygt dårligt.

buy more my fren
it takes me 2 packs per day to just barely stave off stomach pains from malnourishment

Jeg skal bare ha' et net løg i morgen. Kommer sikkert til at tage hele dagen.

Their the ministries language is incredibly clear. The situation is taken care of. Janteloven ftw?

Swedish language is metal if it includes statistician and epidemiologist in a single word thus profession

mom laughed when i told her to get some supplies 3 weeks ago fucking told ya so you dumb bitch

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Just a pandemic

Nothing to worry rrr-right?

the cartel is gonna slaughter you no matter what

Ligner den i Field's hvis det store O til højre er for Ost

kys mikkel


skal have nogle kartofler

Is this motherfucking shit in CPH yet? I'm in Malmö and I'm biting my ass over here I don't wanna die and shit

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Why are you guys sperging so much? You have less cases than us.

Same here. Told her at the end of January and she literally laughed. Told her repeatedly for the last 4 weeks, still kept shrugging it off.

I don't understand why people just refuse to listen. She is probably gonna panic buy like the rest now, and stand next to a bunch of people with the virus.

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>når der ikke er flere pladsbilleter til at komme hjem og væk fra sjælland

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You're more likely to die of a grenade attack than the cold virus.

Of course it's in Copenhagen.

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Heh, I wouldn't be so su

Your country is literally size of connecticut and entirely consists of private property farmland marshland. You faggots are fucked. With that said though plz spare me one of ur qt aryan duaghters so i can add danish genes to my norman dutch seed preferably from the mainland not one of your faggot islands.

*someone burps*
Dane: I agree

CPH is always the most pozzed part of denmark.

ok jerome

The average person, regardless of nationality, is a gullible retard.

Why people are dumb enough to think all food factories will suddenly stop working because of some variation of the flu

i er alle nogle fucking nørder. Om nogle uger er alle der skyndte sig ned i buttikerne til grin. Corona er en joke, bare gik på antal døde.

No! Not the heckin land of Legorinos!!!

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French fag living in CPH. Have been buying ffp2/3 since mid Jan plus food. Comfy now and live way far from the city. Hygge.

Du er god nok mutt.



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It means "state epidemiologist" he's top fag at our public health department.

>tfw you're able to work from home
I wanted a corona vacation lads

Thanks Pedro Ramirez.