China Virus causes IRREVERSIBLE lung damage

It's all ogre

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Other urls found in this thread:

im not afraid

The virus will kill itself off eventually, thats the point of containment

will vapers be safe?

The West are cucks for free travel and open borders. It has zero chance of being contained.

Kek, beat me to it

>trusting australians

Diversity of pathogens is our strength

This we'll do anything to justify open borders, it's like a death cult at this point.

if this is true im fucked

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>female doctors

The article literally says it is not known if the COVID 19 can cause irreversible damage.

This article is filth click bait, cheap reporting. should be flagged as the new Fox. How disappointing

Article and tweet

This, Nigel’s been sending his trash to Australia and Canada for hundreds of years

>"irreversible based on autopsy"
well, yeah, they're fucking dead. Women...

50% of males in China chain smoke cigarettes

AIDS is a syndrome not a virus, no medical professional would say that. HIV is the virus and coronavirus is nothing like HIV. Absolute BS.

North america is obsessed with not being racist and cheap consumerism. Fuck I hate this place.

>and coronavirus is nothing like HIV

Attached: HIV glycoprotein in COVID-19.jpg (1242x1518, 835.2K)

>went viral on Chinese social media
The CCP controls Chinese social media. If this was true, it would show the CCP's incompetence and lack of urgency and would be taken down immediately. It only went viral because it's misinformation and helps the CCP.

As a layman what books can I read to learn about infectious diseases?

>t. somebody who has never studied biology

you are a fucking idiot

You can try Wu Flu And You By Ching Chang styled Guangzu

Meh, one more reason I'm glad I didn't give up smoking.

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our education system really is terrible, huh?

bullshit fake news

>Chinese doctors say Corona is like SARS + AIDs
>Chinese doctors say cases are leveling off and deaths are declining

>resorting to insults, the surest sign of having no argument
Provide a counterargument or fuck off. Please, I actually want to be proven wrong on this.

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This is the equivalent of stating that cars are serial killers because serial killers tend to drive cars.

Having a certain lipid profile or protein spike that's similar in chain to a different virus is incredibly commonplace. And this is coming from someone who's voluntarily quarantined in their own home until this shit gets either runs its course or gets contained.

This virus is pretty fucking scary and deadly, no doubt; but there are far more viruses this thing has in common with than HIV, and said narrative is being pushed to generate mass hysteria.

There, does that help?

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Just have the doctor remove one of your lungs before you get infected. If you get infected wait till you're cured and put the good lung back in.

>effort posting for some ignorant cunt on Yas Forums
watch him disappear into the night and never post again

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Nothing to do with chink air quality being warzone tier, or that Wuhan has a mega incinerator in the city centre, opened in July 19, burning 2000 tons of waste per day.

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That's not what AIDS does. These journalists are regarded

But ever chest cold causes irreversible lung damage ,no sarcasm .They just cause variable degrees of damage

>Yup, definitely the Wuhan flu caused all this lung damage. Sure wasn't the 30ft visibility smog that these bug people live in while they ride their motorbikes behind massive diesel trucks for hours due to a chemical plant exploding and burning so they have to be stuck in traffic.

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you think it's about diversity? it's about barenaked economic interest you faggot, those people that beg for FED liquidity all day


Chinese doctors =/= chinese government

It's really tiring to see Yas Forums just pull any news article it sees and spread it around as truth. I thought people were supposed to be smart over here? Do you ever think about the articles you read before coming to a conclusion?

I doubt it mate

Happeningfags are off their meds. They can’t even see how they are helping push the (((narrative))). It’s honestly pathetic.

I see your analogy, thank you for extrapolating. My thought was that because the glycoprotein shell mimics the infection mechanism of HIV, that would explain why those who are "cured" still have the virus (potentially forever).

Glad to hear you're voluntarily quarantined, I've had my family on lockdown since last week.

Attached: (You).jpg (666x666, 47.13K)

Hopefully the pot has bad a crystally tar around my lungs to protect from corona

>watch him disappear into the night and never post again
You can find my post here, asshat Also, if you'd read my post, you'd see I wasn't arguing with him, and in fact specifically asked for a valid counterargument to prove me wrong.

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Just like the rest of the world, they read headlines only. Nearly every crazy clickbait headline article has the opposite of the title buried at paragraph 12 where the retards would never get to.

>trusting people who use emojis in their response
I sure hope none of you do this

Kek 99.99% of the people here just read the headine

>thought people were supposed to be smart over here
You're probably stupid if you think any board is full of smart people, this site is full of retards just like everywhere else.

Simpsons did it.

>Dr. Literally Who

>listening to women on twitter

been discussed already 1000 of time.
Where have you been the last 2 months?

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Unless you're vaping glutathione, probably not.

Do you smell that, yes, fuck, yes.
The smell of thousands and thousands of anti- vaxxers. Jew and niggers. Coof coof. Their fucking lungs out. What a fucking time to be alive. I am erect as all hell and honestly can’t wait to see how this ride ends.

Actually this virus having the glycoprotein spikes HIV has makes it possible for ADE to be a thing, this is why the virus never leaves you. all of you in this thread are newfaggots, lurk more using the archive.

The irreversible lung damage would be from ARDS or pneumonia, not directly from the virus. But that's pretty fucking normal with any severe acute respiratory infection...

The claim about the irreversible damage to the immune system doesn't really make sense, however, unless, maybe it's a reference to ADE?

nuke china. they were already the world's most evil country and now we have a great reason. waste em. put the cute asian girls in a bunker first though please.

fucking chinese motherfuckers , first they gave us sars and now this . fuck them motherfuckers.

we alraedy knew this by january though

Thinking about this now, seemed way too well timed that china was able to do a full lung transfusion last month(or was start of this one? ) I just cant tell if its a coincidence, the CCP mocking others or doctors trying to give a hint to the outside without alerting the CCP

maybe the real AIDS was Twitter all along

Old news, it's why I've been avoiding people ever since.