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They're right for once. Stop being a nigger and take responsibility for the pollution you create.
based to the point
Then tax the shit out of China and India, they're the worst shitholes for pollution.
We should.
Fuck you kike.
We have to act NOW!
Nevermind all the times we were wrong, this time we're right!
Not even worth greentexting.
But the evil old foreign agent cunt will still insist on mass migration. They don’t give a fuck about the environment.
Are you posting telepathically then?
How does the act of paying an extra tax cool down the planet?
Or invest more funding into nuclear research, develop a fusion reactor, and scrub excess carbon out of the air using the infinite and free energy available.
How much will the Breathing Tax cost us?
Whoa, are you a supergenius? These people don't give a shit about any of that, that's why they block all that shit. They want bullshit wind farms and solar panels cause they feel good but don't change much.
the climate is supposed to change
kys kike
The first mistake Americans made was not banning Jews in our constitution.
Second was not deporting all the niggers after 1865.
Third was giving women the right to vote.
You know I’m right
>implying im not already taxed for any energy I buy
Great, more gibsmedats for jews for no good reason.
If you give the jews all your money they can stop winter.
I mean I hate kikes ....BUT she is right, besides you can't rule over a dead world, why wouldn't they want to save it?
So tax on breathing?
They are not even hiding that the climate change issue isnt about science or the environment, just about government extracting money from the productive endeavors of its citizenry.
>i hate kikes but
Hopefully you watch your family get systematically assassinated.
Didn’t this circle harbor a chink spy for literally decades? Why isn’t she hanging?
lel who names their kid whitehouse
Stop asking sensicle questions goy
I hope every tard with less than 100 IQ is eradicated from this earth that includes you and the dick that's coming out of your mouth attached to your father.
yes, we should start with China and India
>We have to tax your breathing so we can help workers families and communities
Just meaningless platitudes.
>Carbon Bad
>Must have Socialism that fix
>give the government more money for no reason.
>told us sea levels would rise and in 20 years Florida would be under water
>20 years later
>Oi the bottom of the ocean is sinking goy
It's all so tiresome
Can someone explain to me how another 50,000 tons of water dumped into the ocean can make a five thousand mile wide tectonic plate sink
I'm a drop out but I had an Oceanography class while I was still in College and I'm pretty sure it can't.
>oh no, the kikes want to move beyond an environmental toxin that’s damaging the planet. This will ruin the constant growth economy fueled by Jewish bankers who leech off of wage slaves.
There are no real conservatives who are anti-environmentalism, or pro-Israel. Fuck off.
This. Or better yet, glass China.
>Trusting Feinstein at this point
this is what Yas Forums has come to
this place is beyond dead
Factually correct on all counts
Those cargo ships that go back and forth from Cali to China pollute more than every car on earth. But Feinstein won’t do shit about that because she knows Cali is dependent on those ports. Also she knows that bringing the manufacturing base back to the US would benefit the White working class, and fuck her Chinese buddies,and we can’t have that.
>giving the government more money
>fixing a problem
They'll never get carbon shekels. NEVER!
somebody coof on her
Isn't it weird that the lady with the Chinese spy driver doesn't think China should pay the carbon tax first?
Sooner or later, one way or another, a carbon tax will be footed by small town middle class white laborers. Not yuppies commuting for work, taking flights two or four times a month, going on cruise ships burning HFO in international waters, buying a revolving door of chink-made tech; not corporations; not shithole developing nations being given a free pass; certainly not net tax drains. This initiative, like most, exists to spite white people and prop up institutions doomed to failure. The money will end up in slush funds to subsidize universities who are bleeding funds on everything BUT education, bailouts for corporations that can't survive free market capitalism on their own, minority-filled population centers, failed nations, NGO ferries, et al.
>house on fire from nCoV
>bitching about carbon
Really have their fingers on the pulse don't they?
Hey goy the earth is going to die in 10 years from carbon. You can still use carbon though, and as much as you want even, as long as you pay!
>They're right for once. Stop being a nigger and take responsibility for the pollution you create.
STFU faggot, the carbon credits are a Jewish scheme to kill the middle class and enrich themselves. See:
I agree with her. She has wasted a lot of oxygen, the least she can do is pay more taxes.
They pulled that shit here a few years ago.
It had almost 0 effect on industry. The big players kept pumping out carbon and simply raised prices on their products.
You should see our electricity bills. shits fucked
on average person farts 16 times a day.. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! WE MUST LIMIT FARTING TO MAX ONCE A DAY AND TAX THE REST!
Hitler was a massive environmentalist
>A price on carbon
Bastard type of Value Added Tax
Carbon Tax
>No, Democrats aren't the tax and spend party
Day of the rope yet?
only if they tax those responsible, but i guess they wont.
Covid19 is reducing pollution
Oh yeah, lets tax manufacture and spend it on tranny story time