/GBG/ - Greek Borders General


Updates 10/03
Greeks built embankment as second line of defense at Evros border creating a strong barrier and choke points (video on mediafire)
Turkish Coast Guard KAAN29 class patrol boat TCSG107 violate Hellenic Terittorial Waters near Vatos (blue square) islet in southeast part of Oinousses islands. Karaburun peninsula (red square) in background can be seen.
HellenicArmy SpecialForces pair of RHIBs Magna 960 patrolling northbound Chios Strait in east Aegean Sea. Hellenic Security Forces in high alert ready to intercept rubber boats with migrants from Turkey to Greek islands
HellenicNavy Roussen class Fast Attack Craft P-69 HS Krystallidis spotted today afternoon northbound Chios Strait in east Aegean Sea
the Exalco company donated to the military a truck full of materials to reinforce the border such as barbed wire and other military essentials
Poles and Austrians to join Greeks in defense efforts
Oguz Bulut, indicted in the Ergenekon case and a former MHP (Gray Wolves) youth president in Sivas (Turkish City) was arrested for sexually abusing a 15-year-old boy
Video from inside Greek Navy Vessel in Lesvos where illegal immigrants have been transferred to


Turkish Forces Shot directly at Greek forces trying to escalate situation, the shots were not fired into the air

Latest CNN interview of PM mitsotakis: youtube.com/watch?v=GqU022LgT-M

>Videos and images

For this full list check the pastebin

Poseidon's Wall (Shoutout to CzechBro)

Previous Thread

Attached: evrosMolotov.png (734x744, 237.99K)

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Fuck turkey

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immigrants try to burn grass on the Roach side of the border trying to make it spread and burn the Greek grass fields and farms nearby

Attached: fires.png (293x445, 139.38K)


Coronavirus in Greece
>archive.is/lQwvW - 09/03
>archive.is/r6uz6 - 10/03
>archive.is/SMtZ9 - 11/03
Turkish coast guard reportedly hit Greek Coast guard boat in Greek territorial waters
Austrian special forces Cobra operatives arrive in Greece
Greek border guards on standby for possible mass push by migrants assisted by Turkey, because Turkish forces have opened up a road parallel to the banks of the River Evros to help migrants pass.
Turkish airforce, violated twice the Greek airspace in Evros, couple of Turkish F16 flew low and harassed Greek helicopter which was monitoring the border
Immigrants attack Kastanias border with molotovs and try to take down fence (video on mediafire)

Digits and all muslims will be slaughtered

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>Turkish Forces Shot directly at Greek forces trying to escalate situation, the shots were not fired into the air
Holy shit what
What the hell are they even trying to achieve. Between this and the Syria fiasco Turkey is becoming the regional bad guy once again

They want us, to fireback and actually kill a turkfag. So they can run to merkel and to EU crying about the "BAD" greeks that kill ppl.
It is just 1 frrom the millions of provocations

>What the hell are they even trying to achieve.
War and chaos.

Rollin for Constantinople

Attached: bruh3.gif (728x408, 2.29M)

they are trying to make the greeks respond and shoot back or do something

bigger check from germoney

God save constantinople

Ah, but I say you do get it. I need you to. I stopped going to church when our normie church here went full woke faggot (you will not believe how bad).
But if you get back Constantinople, tear down the minarettes, and get a proper priest. Then I'll have cause to go to church again for the first time in years.

time for them to lose Anatolia I guess

Can't Turkey just get kicked out of NATO eventually?

digits for war starting tonight

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There is no way to kick a nation out.
You better liberate it, I refuse to visit it as long as the roaches are still occupying it.


there's no mechanic in NATO for kicking someone out and introducing such rule would require unanimous vote
in practice the other countries just agree to pretend that the country isn't part of NATO so that it can easily participate again after a more agreeable leader appears
since NATO's primary purpose is to expand USA's sphere of influence it works better that way


>You better liberate it, I refuse to visit it as long as the roaches are still occupying it.

Definetely seems to me that Turkey tries to go against NATO by doing actsof war against other NATO members.


Reminder that greeks are hellenized Armenians and are genetically identical to Syrians


18 99.1% Armenian + 0.9% Tabassaran @ 5.21

19 100% Armenian + 0% Spanish_Aragon @ 5.21

20 100% Armenian + 0% Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha @ 5.21

greeks are being used as pawns of the West.

To be honest I don't blame the greeks. After all average IQ there is 80 and on their own they can't survive so they need the big west to protect themselves lel


it's close fren


It won't happen

your ancestors aid that and now lie under 6 meters

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To Constantinople!!

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God is with me, or satan. It won't happen.

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Habbening cancelled ebin fail Yiorgos Papadopoulopoulos


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In matter of fact, article 5 says that an attack against a NATO country is an attack against all of them. Apparently it doesnt mention an attack against an other member of NATO, but it NEITHER forbits it.

you mean 6 feet right?

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*bashes your wh*Te skull in*

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Worst of all is that when push comes to shove the Americans will side with Turkey.

Nice try mehmet

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actual greek iq is 80

it's the hellenized anatolians (not greeks) who make your iq look 92

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keep coping time this land is freed from you filthy insects

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To repeat, If you count second generation poor excuse of a grandson American diaspora, the yes. And no alcoholics go to meetings. I just raided papou's liquor cabinet when we were cleaning out the house after he died in 2015.

Also my experience is rather limited. I'm not exaxtly well versed on the Cretan/mainland differences etc of tsipouro.

Use live rounds on the invaders...you have a right to protect your borders with ultimate force, lethal force is necessary

Your iq is so low that you actually think, the rest of the world will believe your retarded pic of the turkfag iq, made by a turkscum.


>end of the People's Crusade
Do you know what this was? This was a mob of old people, women, and children with no military leaders who had been caught up in religious fervor and saw this as a pilgrimage, not a war.

The roaches can't swim

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what sort of meme chart is this



Imagine raising a kid/roach for 25 years, only to see him getting murdered by a random kurd in SANDALS

pic related


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>This was a mob of old people, women
what were they doing in Anatolia, our homeland?

What the fuck is this? Am I seeing this right? Fake "refugees" beat the kids they kidnapped while holding them over a fire and getting a women to cry in their face. They then run off towards the boarder to elicit sympathy from dumb ass westerners? What the fuck EVERYONE needs to see this.


Attached: roach.jpg (250x250, 18.16K)

Daily reminder those kurds are also gonna be your best bet as allies if shit hits the fan. If they can open up a second front it'll force the roaches to divert troops

>our homeland?
Now that is actually funny. Good one.

But what had happened is that Pope had initiated the call to Crusade, and while the actual lords and knights were levying and preparing for war, a single hermit named Peter started in France and riled up peasants for a "crusade" that many thought was just a few week long journey.

oh shut the fuck up you armchair subhuman cracker. whenever we conduct an operation towards YPG/PKK, you cry "muh genocide"

I swear you wh*Te subhumans deserve a good beating. Literally every single whiteboi needs to be punched in the face every day. No exceptions

Dumb greek. There live more than 15 million Turks. If you take Conszanrinopel you have to give more than 15 million Turks EU-citizenship. And all of them will come to Germany for Gibs.

Triggered, ohhhhh boi. Ameribro found a good solution to the r*ach problem.

So many rolls, no digits. Kek has spoken.



>Imagine taking constantinople back , without DEPORT or MURDER all the roachers.


this is old, the lefties are so delusional they were saying those kids were suffering because of tear gas but its very clear that they ran towards the border where the press was

Attached: cry-for-the-cameras-kid.webm (640x640, 1.02M)

greater syria, when?

just do with them the same they do with us, behead, slaughter, enslave and persecute

please call us that more yes WE OWNED YOUR ANCESTORS AS PROPERTY you filthy turk nigger.

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why can't turkish girls keep their hands away from greek cocks??i was reading a book called "ματωμενα χωματα"a story about an anatolian greeks life in asia minor and there's a part about how he fucked a turk bitch while in captivity(τ'αμελε ταμπουρου(basically death march))
here's the part where she falls in love with him and tries to seduce him

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Lol whats wrong Ali, scared of having to fight an actual war instead of a few insurgents?

And if they all go to germoney thats Greece's problem how?


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say the n word again and i bash your skull in for real cracker

>anatolian greeks
no such thing

this is the part where he fucks her

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fuck off roach nigger

Attached: nigs.jpg (460x355, 55.75K)



Ha NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER. Your inbred countrymen are a literal joke. Like i can think of no other country more pathetic then T*rkey.

What burger said. Murkel wants more poor 16 year old boys for her pedo hostels anyways.

and this is the part where he rejects her and decides to escape home
do you live in ancara by any chance?
this might be your grandma i'm talking about

Attached: greeked3.png (1029x750, 242.1K)

Oh and thanks for calling me master. Its good that slaves know their place.

first thing to do after taking Constantinople is this, remoce this disgusting thing

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fuck turks

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nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

Drop them.

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How many of these goatfuckers are Corona carriers?

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hahaaha these fucking furries

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>anatolian greek

yeah and the french speaking Malians are also pure descendants of Gaul

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