Christianity hate thread

In this thread we post everything we hate about Christianity in current day and in history.

No ChristLarpers allowef

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imagine being so insecure of your beliefs that you have to make threads like this... you're either christian or you're not, who gives a shit, if anything you validate Christianity more because of your insecurity

imagine being so insecure of your beliefs that you have to make posts like this... you're either christian or you're not, who gives a shit, if anything you validate Pagan practises more because of your insecurity

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Deus Vult Infidel

Christianity killed Wolfwood

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No Christlarpers allowed
The official church policy at the time was to protect Jews because Jesus was born into the Jewish race, but in reality Jews were often targets of Christian loathing.[1] As the plague swept across Europe in the mid-14th century, annihilating nearly half the population, people had little scientific understanding of the disease and were looking for an explanation.

imagine being so insecure being from Belarus that you have to make posts like this... you're either Russian or you're not, who gives a shit, if anything you validate being Russia's bitch because of your insecurity

What do you say to that the Christian Church held Jesus as belonging to the Jewish race and granted the .priviliges?

Christian zionists are the absolute worst,, because of those assholes we have given the largest military aid package to a nation with 10 billion annual budget surplus that has been selling American military technology to China since the early 1990s.

Christians are weak-minded cowards who, instead of striving to improve themselves, their families, and their nations, spend their miserable lives waiting for a magical Jewish carpenter to come down from the clouds and save them. Self-Reliance is a foreign and terrifying concept to them. They lack the strength and drive to deliver themselves, so they seek deliverance externally.

And christianity is the ultimate cop-out. As the world turns to hell around them, the cowardly christians welcome the destruction because they've convinced themselves "it's all a part of God's plan."

They're also driven purely by their paralyzing and all-consuming fear of death. And they embrace the destructive and anti-nature ideology of christianity in order to alleviate this fear.

And the "teachings" of christianity are diametrically-opposed to the laws of nature. "Love your enemies." "Pray for those that persecute you." "Turn the other cheek." "Resist not evil." This is the ANTITHESIS of Nature's principal law, "Survival of the Fittest." Christianity is fundamentally anti-nature. It's a celebration of weakness.

The Jew, Marcus Eli Ravage, proudly boasts about how they (the Jews) have imposed Christianity onto the white man in order to weaken him and unhinge his mind. He states:

"We have put a clog upon your progress. We have imposed upon you an alien book and an alien faith which you cannot digest, which is at cross-purposes with your native spirit, which keeps you everlastingly ill-at-ease, and which you lack the spirit to either reject or accept in full."

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i hate that modern christians refuse to follow jesus

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Was Jesus part of the Jewish race?

according to the bible, yes

Why do you worship a Jew?

eviL = Live

Waaahhh...God won't let me worship selfish, lower tier spirits....waaah

>i blindly hate anything related to the hebrews based on the modern actions of the ashkenazis

if you read the bible you will see what this god is and what the purpose of following what jesus said is. its not the jewishness of his flesh that is worshiped

Why do you worship ancient Hebrews?

jesus was indeed jewish, but you have to understand that jews from back then are not the same as jews from today (vastly different).... also jesus was very real, both the romans and the jews had records of him, whether or not he was all mystical and the son of god is whats really up for debate.

the way i look at it is Jesus was just kinda of a hippie reformist jew who noticed how corrupt the Jews of that time were getting, he aimed to just simplify and change the teachings which later became Christianity (again all this being my view, i myself am not that religious but appreciate Christianity for whats its done to the world), either way we should all aspire to be like him whether or not you believe in all the mystic.

i still love you belabro

i pray in jesus name that you find peace one day through him and his message. remember god has unconditional love for you and sent his only son to die for your sins, only if you believe it.

but you seem to have the entire universe figured out. imagine the hubris.

>the way i look at it is Jesus was just kinda of a hippie reformist jew who noticed how corrupt the Jews of that time were getting, he aimed to just simplify and change the teachings which later became Christianity (again all this being my view, i myself am not that religious but appreciate Christianity for whats its done to the world), either way we should all aspire to be like him whether or not you believe in all the mystic.

If Jews opposed Christianity why did they allow it to exist if they created it?

again, it is not the hebrews that are worshiped
this god exists regardless of the people who identify it. this god is everything, everyone is bound to it. hebrews identified this god and uncovered the natural progression of humanity within the confines of this force that we are all subject to.

If Jews opposed Christianity a cult from their own that was banned and punished by death when the Jews were pushed into diaspora by Romans did the enslaved and fucked Jews opposed gaining power by converting others to Christianity?

Jesus is a hebrew who you say is an ancient based Hebrew different than modern Hebrews, and I ask you why you worship ancient Hebrews or submit to ancient Hebrews literature and prophets?
Are you an ancient Hebrew?

If ancient Hebrews supposedly hate modern Hebrews how would they feel about modern celts, Germanics, slavics or whatever creature you are?

Does the authority and power of the ancient Hebrews help you and your people?

the submission is to god so that the kingdom of god will manifest. the path is love and the natural progression is clear, ethnicities have nothing to do with it

im no teacher, these are hard concepts to grasp, i know. try reading the bible through if youre actually curious

you shouldn't we are on opposite sides. your semitic pseudo religion made you a cuck. and i despise cucks.
become a man. than we'll talk

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You are submitting to the literature of ancient Hebrews that their authority is true.

Do you believe the word written of ancient Hebrews?
If so you submit to their authority, you submit to Hebrews.

Christianity is a religion created to get non semtic nations and their cultures/gods to submit to Israels, a religion of racial traitors.

>imagine being a christcuck

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I just wish they would stop claiming to have been an asset to western civilization. A bunch of monkey is what they are.

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you really dont understand what youre talking about

the authors and the jewishness of the bible is irrelevant. the path is uncoverable without the bible you dont need it at all... but there is no other text that compiles the facts about our existence and how to reach the next level so, if you throw out the bible and jesus based on its physical origin then some other heathens would have to stumble upon it again and have it compiled again over the course of thousands of years. we already have this compilation and knowledge, and jesus gave us a clear path to the next level. rejecting the message based on the origin and behavior of the authors people is naive and if applied to everything would prevent anyone from ever actually finding the next level

>No Christians

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Christianity is the ultimate cancer of Europe. A downfall of master morality and jewish victory over the world.

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Burn in hell jews. Nobody fucking likes you or your crazy jew shit.
Out fucking scumkike jews.

>selfish, lower tier spirits
You mean like your god Yahweh?

D&C shill

White nationalism and the right wing as a whole depend on Christians

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Kek cure you stole our word, LARPagan

Come home white man, to Traditional Catholicism. Meet a good white woman that's trad catholic and have white kids. You can be against demographic replacement and Catholic, don't fall for shills who say otherwise. We are against evil, and replacing a people is evil. Demographic replacement is wrong and there isn't anything bad about saying you wish your people to continue to exist in our own countries. You just can't be a genocidal maniac. Come home white man. Traditional gender roles. Take away womens right to vote. Create a better, more moral and safer society for our children. A homogeneous nation as well.

Because Jews never lie? idiot


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>Christianity is a jewish trick because a jew said so.

Christianity is a LIE. Jesus is a LIE. Yeshua is a LIE. Abrahamism is a LIE and you continue to proport the LIE.

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Read up and study about the great infiltration of the Catholic Church. A civil war is going on within Catholicism between the heretics known as Modernists against us chads known as Traditionalists. Majority of Catholics are mislead and corrupted. The truth is in Tradition.

The Catholic church has been taken over by Jesuit communists.

Okay, so according to that logic, all the quotes from the mouths of Jews concerning White Genocide are also false. The famous video of Barbara Lerner Specter saying Jews are "At the center" of mass-immigration must be false too.

Fuckin' brain-dead christfag.

The Catholic Church has always been a tool to oppress and destroy the European and keep the European man down.

All words that come from aliens are squelched.

I am christian and i think those stories are important to know

May you both die in a fucking hale of inferno - you disgusting fucking cockroaches.

Rome will come about again. Aliberal to all parties - death to the new, and mundane - birth to the old, and ascendant

According to you we should believe in everything the jew says


no, "christians" dont actually follow jesus. every "christian" denomination has anti christ doctrine. "christians" are all larping as followers of jesus, but they dont actually follow jesus. "christlarper" is a good term since "christian" means follower of christ and those who call themselves christian today refuse to follow jesus in favor of their anti christ doctrine and societal pressures

Why should we come to it than?

>A jew told the truth once so that means this other jew isn’t lying

What if you are both wrong
What if you too, are wrong, and the purpose is far more sinister

Don't put words in my mouth you fuckin' cocksucker. I didn't say that.

But you just want to cherry-pick the things they say and only accept that which supports your retarded view-point.