That's racist.
Stop calling it China Virus or Wuhan Flu
Other urls found in this thread:
>brain dead bug people can't stop eating roadkill deepfried in gutter oil
>whole world has to suffer multiple epidemics because of that
a million chink lives is still worth less than what I left in my turd bowl just now
It's wrong to call it China Virus because there are too many Chinese Viruses--it's not descriptive enough.
Alright, Kungflu it is then
If an American makes a product and exports it, it will be called the “American product”.
If a Chinese eats a bat and catches a virus, that virus will be called “Chinese virus”.
It’s simple math.
Maybe WHO shouldn't have taken two fucking months to give it a different name then.
Naming things is first come first serve, better luck next time.
Why the fuck would I care what literally WHO says when they're in league with the CCP?
Also the article link
>Just last week, A 23-year-old student from Singapore studying in London was attacked just by a man who reportedly said, "I don't want your coronavirus in my country."
I don't remember people making a fuss about either Ebola or Zika having a geograghically descriptive name, sorry I mean being racist
I prefer calling it chinky pox
I'm racist.
Everyone who studied their hive knows the chinkoid queens lays that many eggs in like a day or two anyhow.
Kungflu, chink cough, slope sweats, whatever.
I really hope people start hating the Chinese after this is over.
Insectoid virus
lmao thinking how utterly and completely ass blasted the CCP chinks must be about this
That's because WHO released their naming convention in 2015.
>The use of names such as ‘swine flu’ and ‘Middle East Respiratory Syndrome’ has had unintended negative impacts by stigmatizing certain communities or economic sectors,” says Dr Keiji Fukuda, Assistant Director-General for Health Security, WHO.
>“This may seem like a trivial issue to some, but disease names really do matter to the people who are directly affected.
>We’ve seen certain disease names provoke a backlash against members of particular religious or ethnic communities, create unjustified barriers to travel, commerce and trade, and trigger needless slaughtering of food animals
Let's call it XiJinping Flu because he's responsible for this shit going global.
Wuhan isn't a race.
Is it racist to call a virus that originated in the the New York flu?
The ching chong bat soup homo aids virus
>be me
>called it covid or coronavirus since it began
>suddenly lefties start reeing about some "China virus" being racist
>start calling it China Virus
They always play themselves.
We should start calling it Ching Chong virus
It should be called chink flu
>entire world literally getting sick and dying
>b-but remember to call the virus a name that doesn’t hurt people’s feelings!!
we are getting what we deserve
Keep hearing about people calling it this.
Havent seen any proof anyone has
Cave Chicken Flu.
Thank you, user. That is an interesting fact.
Why wouldn't they sperg out and make this retroactive though? I can think of other previous medical terms that were changed - spastics being an example. I hope that all pandemics from now on are just old illnesses that already have racist names
Chinese are the virus and corona is the cure.
Some people are panicky retards just like the KEEP HATE OUT OF OUR CAMPUS ogre.
Call it the Wuhan Wheezer
Kung Flu Pandemic
What like the Spanish flu? Which btw came from China.
>not calling it the Chinks Wrath
>not calling it the Kung Flu
>not calling it never forget Pearl Harbor
Fucking kek
yellow fever
>Big Wu
>Wuhan Holocough
>Chink AIDS
are these cool?
>roadkill deepfried in gutter oil
My sides
>those evil CONSERVATIVES are being mean
>the authorities said you can't be mean, it's against the rules
fake news
>mfw accidently called it "chink flu" in a public setting
too much Yas Forums for me
Fuck the literally WHO
I really hope we get another world war and I get sent to China land to maim and violently destroy as many chinks as possible.
>Whoa there Jonathan thats a bit rough don’t ya think?
Are we really going to let China get away with this?
>everyone looks at you like you just murdered someone in public
I miss the early 2000's, it really was a different time.
for me its the chink virus
>Wuhan John and the Kung Flu Showdown
Let's go Hollywood. These ideas write themselves.
I've never heard anybody call it the "China Virus" until this leftist asshole politicized it.
If I was going to call it names, I would call it the Ching-Chong-Choker, or the Gasping-Gook.
No self respecting "racist" would call it the China-Virus
If only there were places these ethnic community members could go to stop being mistreated by people not like them.
The Chi Com Cough
Why do we call it Ebola then?
>unjustified barriers to travel, commerce and trade
CCP has its hand up the WHO's ass all the way to the rolex
That's because China us trying to tell its own people that this was a virus that actually started in Italy or was a us bio-weapon. The WHO has been a puppet of the Chinese since it added Chinese traditional medicine tit it's ICD at the Command of the Chinese government.
The US has a sizable fifth column of Chinese aligned left since the 1996 campaign finance scandal was never punished and was left to fester on prc money.
So the China virus wipes out Western civilization, suit yourselves whitey.
fucktards still confuse the usage, from most sources who say covid-19 it seems to refer to the disease you get when infected, but most sources still say coronavirus when referring to both the virus and disease
the names assigned by WHO are coronavirus disease (covid-19) for the disease and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (sars-cov-2) for the virus. so it's fair to say coronavirus in colloquial usage instead of this autism
so fucktards are still getting it wrong by referring to the virus as covid-19
Get away with what
It's not the China Virus, it's the Chinese Bat Soup Virus, get it right, liberal hand wringers.