Norway is dead

Norway is going down. We are all ready number three in the world infected/one hundred citizens.
Do any one still thinks Norway is based?

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Don't worry, m8. There will be a new phase tomorrow.

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We are so fucked, so many people don't take it seriously. Where i live we just stop cruiseships from unloading their passengers on the docks...

If it makes you any happier, we're fucked too.

Poland has 22 cases and they close schools tomorrow. Denmark as well.
We have 500 cases and nothing is done to slow down the virus

>AHHHH! I'm so afraid of a gay little virus I want to cease all normal activities and strip all liberties

The Coronavirus has cucked the planet, now to your new god

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who ever is in charge of their marketing needs a gold star.

Uncontrolled spread in Oslo right now.
People who were shopping or used public transport are exposed

> nothingburger
Just wait for your turn mutt

We don't have nearly the capacity for hospitalisation of the one's that get infected, soon we'll have no available public health service


the mutt cope is pathetic

However, to be serious. Why did the nordic countries fall? Was it because they gave women too many rights?? I'd like to think it was due to the political correctness and muslim immigrants, but these seeds had to be sewn way before for them to get this attitude. The only thing I can think is that they gave women too many rights. Then one thing led to another.

It's spreading like wild fire right now. The figure if they don't test then they can report low numbers. Then there's people w no ins or ins w a insane deductible that those people will die.
See a good number of the infected will need to be put on artificial breathing for a lil while and there's no way in hell will that be available for free. We borrow trillions to est global Jewish Hegemony and everything else is gutted. For our leaders to show one bit of mercy would be a sin in the Talmud.

shhhh, no tears now

Lack of conflict breeding weak-mindedness. Next inquiry.

Who did ever think that Norway is based lol

MFW the goverment just about now realizing how serious this is. The low amount Finland has is most likely because of we do not test enough. Soon enough we will be caught off guard just like Italy and it's going to be crazy out there. Just give it a week.

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Everyone needs to see this, it's Italian doctors explaining how they have to put people on artificial breathing for a while.

Warning, it's scary but mandatory viewing.
Plot access to a artificial breathing machine.

Heck if we had time I bet some people could make their own but I digress. That would cost the Jew shekels, off limits.

I don't think it will be so bad, just get out to your setter, make sure you got TP and beer.
You fags are naturally prone to having the infection spread slower in the non city places.

Round 2

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> Embrace 3rd world immigrants
> Lax border control
> Liberal idiocy
Ofc you are. Hopefully you'll grow a spine and stop being panzy fucks after the dust is settled. Also, hopefully you'll stfu and stop ridiculing conservative nations. Enjoy nature's reality check

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I can't wait to enter personal union with Denmark again

What Conservative nations? Israel's the only one.
Every other country has Corporatists masquerading as Conservatives.

Go to your mountain cottages and stay there until the winter comes.

Nice. I hate you cuck pussies.

No I never thought you were based. Very overrated. Good luck though!

kill al niggers and sandniggers and you'll be fine, Bjorns.

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You don’t know this country. We let women to sink battle ships without consequences and Oslo police don’t have a boat to kill one Anders on socialists island.

Yeah the one girl I know from Norway knows about it but is like "I'm so tired of hearing about corona"...she's also a pharmacist assistant, you'd think she would give more of a shit about it. Still goes out drinking to the bars every couple days.

>>>Just wait your turn mutt
>>>Was promised a turn 2 and a half months ago, I was told 2 weeks wtf

Tx, good to hear from the front lines in Italy

I know your prisoners have it better than a lot of the population here.

Millions will die.

Thanks Obama

I hope you going to be all right mutty mutt

I got a deal on 18 corona's a few days ago due to market fears. (It's not the beer's fault that everyone is getting sick.) Been getting sauced and space trucking in Elite Dangerous when not bantering on pol or cooking.

People typically project when they attribute large demographics to a particular few negative traits.

The negative traits you attribute to the population of my country, and me by extension, is indicative of your own personal behavioral issues. Perhaps you feel that you, yourself, are a "cuck pussy", and that's why you feel the need to scapegoat it onto me, as a means to dissociate yourself from the notion.

Had a couple Norwegian guys in class once. They were cool as fuck. I'm on your side NorwayBro.

Well maybe its a simple narrative. What if the Perfectibilitists existed in Germany back in WW2 and went for an all out war, when they realized they gonna loose they fled to the US(us gave german scientists deals) These scientists create a new Secret society in the US, Now around 80 Years after WW2 They managed to cause so many Immune deficient people due to diabetes,shitty food a Shitty system in general that the Coronavirus will wipe out a Decent population of the US to make room for European refugees that get raped by russians and Turks and Middleeastern/african refugees. Whaddya think?

seriøst? lukker i ikke skolerne ned?!

>lol nigger president
>fat fuck idiot MIGA kike cum guzzler president
>believing your country is conservative while at the forefront of every degenerate imaginable.

Sure thing Miguel Escobar de Hernandez Mc Donaldsberg.

regjeringa er et jævla feminist helvete

I say we go full Kalmar after this.. let in Finland and The Balts too, we need to stand together.

I will be, thanks for the concern, at least I know someone cares

bror.. hvis det stod til feministerne så var skolerne blevet lukket for længst, Danmarks statsminister er femnist og hun lukker hele landet ned nu.

han har blitt hjernevaska til å tro at alt er venstresidens feil, når det helt klart er for økonomien..


Actually small towns and small municipalities have been hit very hard, because people have come home from vacation now and people meet very often in small towns.

1/6 of people in Sel kommune are in quarantine right now.

>We have 500 cases and nothing is done to slow down the virus

Same in Sweden. That's what we get for having governments that actually wants to genocide us for arabs.

Jeg kan ikke komme hjem til min mors 60 års dag i slutten av mars nå. Hva faen!

Noen her som har eller tror de har korona?

så sandt, kære fjeldbroder. Jeg håber i klarer den, deroppe.

oy bror.. hvordan er situationen på Malta? Jeg tænker at rejse dertil til efteråret.

Norway is still based. Hold fast. Don't get infect by the fear.

De påstår det bare er 6 stykker som har det, 2 er nordmenn som var på skiferie i Italia. Det er garantert 500+ som har det. En liten øy. Stopper de komme med mat via lasteskip er vi føkket

Nææ har hosta en del, men tror det er pga asthma og daglig forbruk av djevelens salat... Før vi håpe, uansett så er vel asthma en dødsdom skulle jeg bli litt mer enn litt syk

shit.. så må i fiske!

We have 34 now with 320 suspected in hospital, 1000 under home quarantine (mandatory) and 12,000 under observation..

I think you guys should accept more Arabs and Africans that way you're leaders look like complete utter losers.

har du ondt i halsen, eller brystet?

Also today another infected Polack escaped from the hospital. This is the 4th one.

>Kurwa #1 in escaped infected corona patients!!!!!!!

Ikke særlig vondt, men hoster en del hehe

du burde blive tjekket.. især når du har astma. Hvad medicin får du mod astma?

You are wealthy with excellent health care and your population is tiny. You will be fucking fine.

Yep, I'm cancelling my trip to Norway
I'm sorry but I don't want to get infected

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De vurderer det nå, men det allerede for sent

why the fuck would anyone escape from the hospital?

hellere sent end aldrig..