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Fuck it. Iran probably realized Coronavirus is going to be the end of the Persian Empire. So why not go out with a bang?

You're an idiot if you sign up to fight ZOG wars.

Let's go
We always love having dead burgers and kebabs

Are we sure it was Iran militias and not one of the other destabilizing forces in the area?

wheres the proofs?

also known as "wars"

>You're an idiot if you sign up to fight ZOG wars.
This. It's obviously the mossad behind this.

de habbenigs jus keep habbenig

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Fake and gay, OP is a massive faggot.

that K-1 base attack turned out to not be Hezbollah
but nobody will pay attention to the facts.
I think the bio-angle was already in play when they took out Sulemani, and then Kobe died mysteriously.
Some League of Shadows shit, like from Batman, Raz Al Ghul that storyline.

Maybe he will adress the nation because of the Virus and its unrelated to Iraq-Iran events? Any signals its actually about Iran?

It was probably an accident. Trump won't retaliate

What is the name of the song in the video?

>Kobe died mysteriously
Who fucking cares about some dirty nigger dying, you brainded faggot, its never fucking matters and unrelated

I literally cannot browse pol enough to keep up with all these happenings. 2020 is crazy

>Yas Forums blessed with happenings
>right at the same time the_cuck gets shut down and we're flooded with reddit niggers
>all happening threads are now shit up and is boiling over into other boards
This outcome was probably deserved

>20 rockets

Are you retarded?

need moar KEK

>UK and US gunna team up to kill some shitskins
sounds like a good time

you'd be surprised user to learn that the gay mafia has an obsession with blacks.

'olling for following address:

>"Today Iran killed two American soldiers."
>"This is our response..."
>Video transitions to a color aerial view from a American B2 Stealth Bomber over Tehran.
>Screen goes white, followed by large city sized fireball and mushroom cloud.
>Video cuts back to Trump.
>"That is all."

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Trump is too much of a pussy to do anything about it anyways.

I wouldn't be surprised that you watch too many Youtube channels peddling conspiracy videos with click-bait titles aimed at niggers after every nigger death. Some fucking nigger dies and they make videos knowing NIGGERS watch anything after the death, just because nothing makes niggers search on the internet than some nigger dying, niggers don't search science or knowledge on the internet, they only search after their favorite public nigger dies. And YOU watch this shit aimed at dumb niggers and you are starting to think like a nigger yourself, thinking this shit is important.

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Go and suck more nigger dick, you faggot mutt.

It was actually a very lethal coronavirus bomb.

Iran played us all along

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Cry harder Abdul Mohammed

its really not that important but you should listen to the churka pilot for the Kobe crash, he has a Tehrani accent like an Iranian, not an Armenian accent.
Most of these pilots are ex-military but this guy paid money to become a pilot for these larger craft as a civilian, and bought a few.
nothing to see? I don't care about basketball or celebrities but its a big deal for domestic narrative reasons in the USA, and Chinks love basketball too.

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welp. there it is. trump didn't want to war but his economy needs help. neocons win. israel wins. banksters win. petrodollar wins. rip, iran, you were too pure for this world.

need to know the name of the song please

What is this racism? They were just moderate rebels

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he would do anything to save the stonk market.

Source nigger also imagine. Ww3 and Corona channe combined

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something weird happened with the Nipsey Hussle death.. they turned a literal who into this christ-like messiah like figure. if it wasn't a massive hoax it was used as a social psychology experiment, no doubt.
niggers may be silly but they can be studied and their behavior predicted.
believe it or not this is true. they're actually more predictable.

nah, read my post again if it doesn't get through your thick skull.

What if Nipsey was actually the second coming of Christ. And now God is raging is wrath across the world? Isn't it weird this is happening after NIpsey's death???

>one of the biggest tranny producers in the world

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Where will I be able to find a stream?

I don't watch youtube conspiracy videos, for niggers or otherwise, but yes I am sure I sound like an idiot.
the Kobe crash was odd and TMZ broke the story... TMZ is run by a lawyer who has done "fake news" type operations, as tabloids do, and because he is a lawyer and connected he does these things without technically breaking the law.

Nothing happening with niggers other than them dying like niggers and youtubers coming up with shit to make you click like a good piggy. Really, youtubers can't wait untill some big nigger dies to come up with conspiracies to make niggers click. In the end your brain will turn to mush of shit

take my meme magic user

Pretty much. I'll enjoy the fireworks on tv however just like Iraq

That's actually more death than in the whole of world war 3 at the beginning of the degenerate twitter year, nice.

Replace with Tehran with Tel Aviv and you got my vote.


shut up cuck

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Why is an Arab defending Israel. Or are you a proxy

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>Iranian militias
Kek you mean the fucking kikes?

US military getting free experimental corona drug. aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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>iran says they want to kill jews
>exclusively kills arabs
how am i defending israel


So not wanting to suck jewish cock is being a pussy? Fucking desperate heebs kek

Oh hey got corona? want to fight in stupid wars for jewish sheckles? join the army we will cure you from corona kek

i legit seen this conspiracy, no irony and tens of variations of "Nigger X didn't die and faked his death". And in the end niggers who watch these videos, become paranoid and start clicking on every video with nigger death conspiracies, becoming loyal audience that gives conspiracy peddlers views. I even think i should start making nigger conspiracy videos myself, since why the hell not, they are so dumb, they eat any shit they are fed by youtubers and give them millions of views per week.

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They should put corona chan bath water on those rockets.

you do understand that in war between iran and israel lebanon is going to be the main battlefield

Checked. Kike false flag confirmed

It doesnt matter. Its legal to kill the sandnigger this way

Sorry guys we can't use medical supplies on your covid infection we need to save it for an invasion of iran.

oh, wait, were you shitting on turks for killing iranians and s*rians in syria?

time for trump to step it up

come with me if you want to live.

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yes thats why im going to canada for the free gibs before the inevitable war

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Dont worry user, my trips will ensure the proper outcome.

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>it's not hezbollah
>it's just a group hired by hezbollah!

just wait 7-10 days.