Why are zommers buying houses but not millennials?

Why are zommers buying houses but not millennials?

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Fake news

Idk about bongland, but both gens are certainly not buying houses in the US.

Because they weren't con'd into remarkably high student loans, were comfortable living at home longer, thought it was bullshit to go out and spend hundreds of dollars over a weekend "living", getting credit cards with stupid interest rates, etc.

Pretty simple. They went by the Dave Ramsey philosophy. Millennial's were fucked into thinking those were the right things to do.

>saved 6k
>buy house for 220000k

So who paid the rest 214000k?

I'm 24 in the US. I have a 75k/yr tax-advantaged, guaranteed job. I saved through college and have about 60k in the bank, liquid, as of today. I'll be at 100k by the end of the year, and looking at 180k houses by the end of next year in texas.

I think I'm far from the norm, I understand that, but isn't 6k incredibly low? I mean at that point the title should read "Bank let's uneducated meagerly employed children borrow money for shack at historically low rates"? Like serious question. I guess UK/US may have different lending policies? In the US, barring the VA loan or other special circumstance, if you we're offering...what... 2% down on a house... they'd laugh you out of the bank.

>He doesn't make a 12k payment on a 220k house and then get brutalized by mortgage insurance and interest

You need to step up to our Anglo debt levels, Kraut.

I don't even have a visa to live in the UK.

Thats cool, how much do they pay monthly on that mortage that's the real question.

If you're from California stay there, faggot

I'm 30 years old and bought a house 5 years ago. Not hard to save money when you want something.
My car broke down, so I was forced into buying a new one, spent $12k in savings clearing me out. Managed to save up $80k in the following two years. I make on average 50k annually.
I did have a roommate and a tenant living on my property, so that helped with that.
Point is, saving money is not hard if you can resist purchasing things for their instant gratification.

I'm from midwest, faggot.

not that hard to buy a house , millennials are just lazy fucks and don't mind living next to lafawnda and her 10 kids in their apartments

Californian home owner here. Sun is always shining, the average woman is a 9, and the beach is a 15 min drive away. Enjoy your fly-over flat wastelands and fucking your 3/10 cousin while its 40 degrees out

You've never heard of a mortgage? Nobody outright buys houses upfront. They get a loan from the bank with a down payment and then pay it off for the rest of their life.

Well I mean... that's not true. Necessarily. I'd say that's 95% of cases.

>just be homeless for six months lmao

thank you based capitalism

The bank did, they printed the money out of thin air to do so, no im not joking, most people dont understand this is how things work.

You know what I meant though. The only people who can afford to outright buy a house upfront in cash are rich boomers or young trust fund babies that don't earn their wealth.

and i'm having a hard time believing you can buy a house for less than 3% down, I thought the standard was 10% or more.

This, because us millennial were raised by boomers who had "plenty", and could misuse and waste and not feel the sting, so we inherited their bad habits by proxy. However, these same boomers kept everything for themselves, and thought that we should have it "just as hard" as they did when they were younger, despite them having it incredibly easy.

I didn't get my license until I was 19 and my first job until I was 20 (because I lacked a license), because my parents wouldn't pay or put me into drivers education because "they didnt get their license until they were 19 either", despite jobs being plentiful, well paid, relatively easy, and within walking distance in safe, ethnocentric areas.

Thankfully now I'm saving money and paying off debt and abandoning bad money habits I learned from them, but it has set me back years in my life.

Technically the house is "paid for" upfront. It's simply paid for with the bank's money, so yeah correct. The selling party receives funds from the bank, and the debt obligation becomes a contract b/t the buying party and the bank. Seller get's the entirety of their funds (minus w/e they owe. If nothing? Full value/selling price/w/e).

Again, 95% agree. I'm lower middle class and I think I'll be about 75% of the way to a cash purchase for a 180k home next year at 25, so I mean it's doable under a strict path I'd say. You are generally correct though no doubt.

millennials are retarded, I look at people my age complaining about spending 8-900/month renting a shitty house they could have bought for a $450-$500 payment with zero down. Houses were $60k here for a 4 bedroom 2000 sq ft house 5-10 years ago, now those same houses are going for 100k. Selling mine gave me a huge chunk to put down towards a nice one. Friends of mine are still in a house shittier than mine with more money spent and nothing to show for it.

>It's simply paid for with the bank's money
Where did they get the money?

How did they get a mortgage with a down payment that small?

because zoomers as based and millennials are lazy and entitled (and often drug addicts)

Uh I mean generally under the fractional reserve banking concept they have some amount of true liquidity. Not arguing with you on that though, I mean is a big fuckin fiat scam? Yeah. But that's just the way it is. If you wanna play the game, gotta play by the rules.

I play by my own rules, nig

wait what they bought a 220.000 house after they saved 6000? what the hell thats still an enormous mortgage to pay out, and managing to save 6000 pounds with 2 people in 6 months while not paying rent is pretty easy honestly

AVERAGE salary on the UK is like 25k

We have a help to buy scheme on for first time buyers if they get a new build where you can put 5% and the government put 20%. You have to pay the government loan back in 5year before they start putting interest on on it.

2 incomes + no rent yet only managed 1k a month?

Stay there then. Dont come to Texas.

How is san antonio? Obviously not buying in the Spic parts but curious.


In the jew000's yes, a high interest loan to pay for an overpriced home on an overpriced lot is the only way to go.

Tell me, why do you think tax assessment for a 200k house is somewhere around 90k?

Zoomers have never known a housing market that wasn't kiked to the max, millennials know houses cost 4x what they should.

Uh Oh, got a free thinker here! Just take out a (((loan))) like everyone else, it's the only way to keep up!

>let's generalize about an entire generation based on a fake new article about a single couple

the house cost 220 million dollars? seems a bit overpriced...

>Nobody outright buys houses upfront
What are you talking about, user? This is Yas Forums, everybody here bought their 6K sq ft house on 40 acres with cash. You think all these millionaire welders and HVAC repairmen are gonna fuck around with a mortgage?

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I bought my first house cash in my early 20's. It was a clapped out former trap house in the middle of nigsville Baltimore. Paid $8k, moved two dudes I worked with in rent free to help with renovation. Sold it two years later for $80k and rolled that cash into my current place not in Wakanda. If I could go back, I wouldn't do it again.

They still owe 214,000 on the house. I wonder if we'll see an update article about the 20 year old young woman and her 21 year old boyfriend getting their house repossessed by the bank.


>6,000 in just SIX months! Wow!

They didn't buy anything. The bank bought it and now they owe the bank 280 thousand dollars

Please never leave

Your so full of shit. The average woman is a gigantic Mexican pushing 5 kids and the beaches are infested with homeless and hypodermic needles. I live in Orange County bitch. Fuck you.

> the average woman is a 9

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who approves a mortgage with less than 20% down payment?

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why are spoiled zoomer twats getting their mommy and daddy to cosign their loans to purchase a home and why is FAGGOT OP shitting up catalog with this retarded slide thread

>720 credit score
>75k down
>400k building loan
Got word about 10 minutes ago that I have been denied by everyone my broker applied to for a building loan, which I wanted because I don't want to by some suburban cookie cutter plywood piece of shit. I'm unironically taking my 75k and moving to SEA.

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That faggot is from fantasy land pretending he's got 60K liquid capital in the bank at 24 all from his own labor.

I read one of these stories and it was complete bullshit. At first the guy claimed he made a decision to save at least £500 a month. But it took him 8 years to save £6,000. Then he reveals family and friends gave him a load of money so he could get a mortgage.

None of it made sense but the point of the story was to shame people who can't afford to buy their own place, without offering any real advice or solutions.

All of these stories are the same.
>"Yeah we stopped buying takeaways for three years and then we bought a house."
But skip to the end and you see their parents are loaded and gave them £60k.

All designed to give people false hope and stick with renting while the rich snatch up property.

>That's $10,600 canadian renminbi's

I actually do. You seem maladjusted and angry.

>buying at the top

Lmao zoomers btfo
Millenials have seen the happening coming from miles away

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I don't buy it.

6,000 pounds is not 20% of 220,000 pounds

they are going to get ravaged on the downturn

In America you only need 10% with bad credit, 5% with good credit

>I'm unironically taking my 75k and moving to SEA.

>You need to step up to our Anglo debt levels, Kraut.

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Zoomers are graduating college with meaningful degrees in a good economy. Millennials were the first generation that couldn't get a good job with a bachelor's, and were tricked into getting degrees that never had jobs in the first place. Of course zoomers are in a better position to learn from our mistakes and take advantage of a better economy.

This. Millenials remember 2008 and know that house prices can be halved in a matter of months, probably not long till it happens again.

cuz houses come with taxes, maintenance, chores, and ultimately responsibility. no thanks

What a stupid fucking headline. There's nothing impressive or newsworthy about this.

They've been living like literal parasites staying at other people's homes to save 1000/month. I don't even know why that 6000$ matters, they'd still need to take on a huge mortgage to pay for the house.

they are literally implying 19 year olds can save $300,000 by cutting out expenses also that means they think 19 year olds somehow are able to earn 300k. What a fucking retarded article. They all need their neck snapped fucking rich journalists, rich fag kids, rich fag parents. I hate them all.

>Why are zommers buying houses but not millennials?

im just waiting for the last of my grandparents to die and i can use part of my inheritance to buy a house, no reason to stress over saving up for a down payment when i can just use the equity from the homes when they die.