Is this just another hiccup like last year?

Is this just another hiccup like last year?

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This breaks the Fed

You should be happy user

I hope not. Fuck this jewish world order.

the fed can't print money to make the virus go away

Shit's fucked.


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This is probably worse seeing as the virus isn't going away.

It’s retards panic selling. Mind you, these are the same people buying up all the toilet paper and bottled water because when you look at Wuhan, China, the major thing we all learn is how they ran out of toilet paper and their plumbing wend tits up.

Yes. The market always bounces back over time. And if it didn't, we would be too busy killing each other in the streets over a can of corn to notice.

Yes. It’s called correction. We’ve had wild gains since 2016 and it’s only natural to dip back down.

no, because they can't fake-save it this time. what is fucking amazing is that they duped people into believing the bull narrative by pumping it more than 30% in a year

That graph should give you some idea how far it can fall.

Yes, it’s just a hiccup that lasts for several years and will eventually stop your heart

literal nothingburger

No because there's actually a physical reason for the correction this time, resistance is futile, just let the market find its new balance.

What can we do to keep it down?

Your chart doesn't show the 23k

if they quarantine cities and hospitals start filling up, people will stop traveling, working and consuming,. That means we are going to be facing at least a short term recession. We have not felt the supply chain and demand shocks yet. Thats coming late march, hence the interest rate cuts last week.

Sort of, just bigger. Just hope it doesn’t (or does) start crashing everything else as well.

not enough time has passed for it to show on a 5 year map. give it a day or more

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Imagine your in TSP (.gov job) and you only got three IFT's a month..
Should have bought more VIX puts...Still more room to run.

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Lol fuck the stock market.

You wait till the £15trillion business debt bursts.

I give it 3 months at most

Relax. The Bernanke will fix this.
He's the guy the Boggs call for help.

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Wait for the candle close for fuckssake, it's sitting at 23k, not At 25k like the graph suggests

>>I hope not. Fuck this jewish world order.
>he thinks this hurts the Jews
>as if Jews don't like market crashes
user, if the market always went up, you could buy in, ride it up, cash out and make a profit. This is how non-degens invest over decades. But if you're a speculator, this system sucks. Once you cash out your position, then you have to buy in at a higher point. There's no real profit if you want to keep playing. So that's why we have crashes. Here's how it works:
>buy in
>speculate prices up to scam levels
>cash out position by selling to some schmuck at a high
>designated bag holder goy
>pop bubble
>buy back in from same schmuck
>goy realizes losses
>elaborate wealth transfer scheme, nothing of value was created
This is called the "business cycle" goy. If the market just went up without a crash, you could only profit once. Jews want the firesale to get back in after they dump their positions. They love market crashes.

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We're not even bottomed out yet. I was tempted to buy in Monday. Glad I waited. I'm not buying in for another couple weeks at least. This is going to get worse before it gets better.

This. It will be dow 19k by april

The jews didn't do so well after the Great Depression, did they?

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Operation lose your smirk.

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are you kidding? supply chains are fucked, events are fucked, travel is fucked, vacationing is fucked - all of this for at least 6 weeks

this isn't done yet and it may not trigger a recession but it's going down

We'll know at the end of the month how fucked we are.

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It goes up and down every day because they can’t pull the trigger


It'll go down to 19k-20k. Once testing becomes wide scale, the number of cases being reported will explode. We'll have a few thousand deaths within the month and normies will panic sell. Once the weather warms business will slowly get better

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Are you fucking retarded?

Yes. Buy the dip. Stay poor forever, fags

buy at any point and watch the dip recover to twice or three times the previous value, if history is any indicator

>plebs ITT not realizing that stocks are a longterm investment and daily, monthly changes in the stockmarket are irrelevant.

daytrading is for betas, anyone that pays attention to stockmarket changes shorter thatn at least a year doesn't get stocks.

House of cards is collapsing

I hope so I feel like a big stupid dummy for leaving my money in the market

>monthly changes
wew lad

Sure, buy the fucking dip!

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your money is where the flow is. Trust you did your best an It's all going to work out. Watch for your exit (if you feel you must) if it shows again. Right. I mean even if you lost everything in the casino your still going to work. Pay attention to news, and new opertunity, if you can make up your loss somewhere else then who cares.
If your a business that used some widget, time to step the fuck up and MAKE that widget yourself.

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buy the dip, hold long

kaz i bought the dip... but the dip wont stop dipping

>>won't stop dipping...
Oh man, that's called catching a falling knife. Hopefully not all your gold went into knife handles.

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Trust the plan, quamp, miga666!

I was listening to Bloomberg TV the other day and there was this blonde thot calling for helicopter money over and over. She was all like "maybe we need to rethink how we did things in the past, maybe QE is not good enough anymore. What we need now might be HELICOPTER MONEY, gibs me dat HELICOPTER MONEY already". Least to say I was pretty amused.

who doesn't like free money

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stocks are casino.
Life is an adventure.
everything is flexable.

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It has only just begun.
What do you think will happen when millions of Boomers with coronavirus fill up hospitals and start dying in the streets?

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What does this mean

It's because of social Venezuela and the bat shit crazy BernAmericans

We let boomers take care of themselves because everyone is lazy according to boomers.

>>what will happen
The Queen will be blamed

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You will die with them if you ever need hospital care.

Bruh it's over

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The FED was printing money to stave off the inevitable

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Sure, senpai. Just buy the dip.

>jews like things that destabilize their own domination
I wonder why user thinks this...
>I am a retarded piece of shit who actually invests in the jewish world order


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one of the scariest charts i've seen today

usually wikipedia I don't trust as news.
Hard to fuck up maths unless you do it on purpose like HSBC..

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