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Oh shit nigger

Good, the House of Sauron will fall


you didn't listen

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just testing if i'm still banned.
oh and fuck the pope
holy corona


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>the star will gorge itself on clay
corona is the star because it started in china, and the vatican is clay because it is made with lots of clay or something.

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Why contain it?

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What did you expect of chief toe sucker?

Is there part of the prophecy concerning a mountain of gold coins? Because that's the one refering to the Vatican.

Also, corona is about to prove the existence of God if that satanic pope dies from it. Why is Italy so fucked up by corona? Why is Iran for that matter? Do they both have massive chinatowns or something?

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This is big nothing burger. You must be tired viewing Yas Forums all day. Must be feeling sleepy. I am very sleepy also, friend. Let us go to sleep. The Chinese Communist Party has everything under control, you are worry your family for no reason. Sleepy. Let us sleep?

The Romans crucified Jesus. Looks like it's finally payback time

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I hope the antichrist I mean pope gets infected for real this time.


best news I've ever heard. Absolutely fuck (((christians))). Pro-tip:

>jerusalem isn't in europe
>rabbi yeshua bar yosef isn't a european name
>xtianity isn't white

Attached: fuck rabbi jesus.jpg (1200x786, 854.66K)

castigo di dio

Christ came because the jews lost their way, they turned their back on God despite being chosen to herald his message to the world. The new chosen people, believers in Christ, the man who fought the jews of the time and was put to death by them, they fulfilled their duty to God and spread his guidance to the world. Still today Christianity is the worlds most widely followed religion. Your logic is full of holes which leads me to the conclusion that you aren't genuine and are here to trick people.

Christ came because the jews lost their way, they turned their back on God despite being chosen to herald his message to the world. The new chosen people, believers in Christ, the man who fought the jews of the time and was put to death by them, they fulfilled their duty to God and spread his guidance to the world. Still today Christianity is the worlds most widely followed religion. Your logic is full of holes which leads me to the conclusion that you aren't genuine and are here to trick people.

The Lord's divine punishment for sucking nigger toes for a photo op

source? do you mean THE vatican or Vatican City?

absolutely stfu christfag. If you put every mammal on the Ark they'd have 16 millimeters of space. Lizards don't fucking talk. God didn't start shit because someone ate a fucking apple. No guy named Jonah ever lived inside a whale for three days you absolute brainlet retard.


Maybe the plague of Justinian will strike Istanbul and the Greeks will retake it

no one cares about the vatican secretly owned by the rothschilds




thats the gayest fucking bullshit I've ever watched

Happened weeks ago, dummy


Given its demographics, expect the largest mortality rate here, probably around 80% or so

Ameridumb education

Satan is here, get right with the Lord.
a one month supply or better of freeze dried meals won't hurt either.
if you have enough money buy one of everything infowars store has and you'll be all set.
also pick up a Ruger Blackhawk in .357 magnum.
people should wear more hats too. get a hat. cheap boonie or Stratton pure beaver fur felt.
a couple of shemaghs should be in your happening quiver.
a kilo or two of meth and or cocamacaine can always find a good use.
I don't think you'll ever use them but to appease the *precious metal jews fuck it carry a handful of silver blanks in your skyrocket.
have a knife.
assume you are surrounded by blacks, and do not relax.

Who gives a fuck? Catholicism is the most pozzed denomination. Orthodox Christianity is the truth. May every faggot at the Vatican die.

most people will find that if they do not have a leather bullwhip, they'll wish they had one.
go ahead and drop some dough on a 8 foot 12 pleat bullwhip. make sure to have some leather treatment to keep it conditioned.
nothing says you mean business like carrying a bullwhip and wearing a cool hat.

Digits for DEUS VULT

Noahs Ark is part of your religion, judaism, you can lose the meme flag we all know. All that matters truly is the teachings of Christ.

Reroll for Christ

Based leprechaun

Stop wanking

you should be wearing steel or composite toe leather boots by now. this is a good defense against snake or rodent bites and also enhances kicks by 30 plus hit points depending on how it lands.
don't be afraid to clip a knife in there either.

vahahah that Koran bitch who grabbed the pope in January. You know it was her


Your meds schizo, take them.

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Vatican is catholics retard

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satanists btfo

Cringe and bluepilled. Kill yourself, faggot

Corona-chan plz kill the satanic pope

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If you can't afford a decent sabre or cutlass, at least get a machete.
no reason to waste your powder on weak faggots trying to raid.
spears are worthwhile if you can fashion one that will spike more than one target without failing.
compound bows, crossbows, long bows all perfectly useful and a blowgun wouldn't be a bad idea along with a slingshot.
learn poisons taht you can dip your spear, arrows, bolts, etc. in.


traps traps and more traps
I'm talking about pitfalls, Arkansas turkey traps, ieds, and things of that nature. you have to sleep sometime. make your traps nasty and loud. use your imagination to protect your perimeter.
the other traps you'll need are for rabbits, squirrels, rats, etc that make a tasty stew.
buy em or make em.

Roman Catholicism is the One True Church founded by Christ, my heretic friend. And yes, may all of the faggots that live in the Vatican die.

it refers to a solar micronova where the outer mantle cools itself to become a dense crust, then the sun ejects it toward earth and everyone dies. happening in 2060 or so. screencap this

Cool. Priests now will fuck underage valets and sniff some golddust in the hope to get rid of the revenge of nature.


after the collapse be prepared to take over your local region all you need is to make up some fancy *perfect* religion.
just construct it so that no matter what everything is all sweet and perfect and make it a pacifist religion so they won't rise up against you.
people are so stupid they will believe anything just to feel comfy.
you could convince people that Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is the Bible after a traumatic situation.

Show geo memeflaggot

I already have lightweight neighbors asking me about firearms.
Only train the faggots that you can program. Never train a rouge faggot. If you can't lead them and their thoughts into what you want, do not train or help.
About this time you should have at least a rifle, shotgun and pistol and now be concentrating on stockpiling ammunition.

Raid the archives, expose the hollywoodcaust!

Oh no! No more secret satanic child orgies for the "pope" and his fellow so called "elite"!

there will be two types of raiders you need to look out for
the first, will be the political raiders. the gov't, the army, the nasty girls, the UN.
they are going to want to check in on you and make sure you aren't armed or prepared.
they may think that you have to give them quarter in the region/local while they are there.
it is of the utmost importance that you do not, and that you offer nothing but pain and suffering to them and their families and for generations to come their heirs will know nothing but pain and misery.
the second will be niggers trying to get you shit and rape and kill you not necessarily in that order.
these should be killed or maimed and then placed on pikes up their ass along roadsides.
if the smell gets to wafting you can spray them with petrol and light afire.

Divine Wrath


> clay or something
Corona is Chinese, and bats eat bugs out of dirt and Chinese eat bats because they are not human or something.

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