The most popular german tv station just announced that in a month 1 million germans will be infected by Covid-19 like it's the fucking weather. And then they - and Merkel today - said we will handle that with no problems because of muh solidarity and washing hands. Fuck this gay planet.

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Well at least we will have closed borders.

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The Jerry must burn in the everlasting fires of hell's embrace.

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Oh no we won't. We'll take ecen more because muh solidarity and
>reeee save the poor refugeerinooos

Wait till one fucking person drops dead at the border, it will take no day till all news is filled with pleads to help them and accusations of racism.

>implying we will close the border and not everyone else around us

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Germany surrenders for the third time within a century AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Just start welcoming them with hugs and kisses on the cheek. Problem will solve itself.

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so what? 2 weeks later they have recovered except for some old and sick people

Germany is such a cucked society it has already given up kek

Not a surprise.
Portugal with 10M and they said good chance we got 1M infected. Couldent care shit since 20% of pop is foreigner or foreigner parents. Kill with fire Lisbon and we go from 80% to 95% native.

>Germany is such a cucked society it has already given up kek
Very much so, yes, unfortunately.

Those sick and old people are parents, grandparents and young people with chronic health problems. Which for me means my grandfather, father, brother and wife. So fuck you.

i don't get it man. why? WHY? I really feel sorry for you germans, can't you just get your shit together?

btw. you shouldn't have attacked russia, just as a sidenote.

German are supposed to be smart. They should start mass producing corona monoclonal antibodies.

so? there are other flue viruses flying around which potentially are deadly to old people. so far there are over 300 dead in germany this year because of normal flue. no 1 in the media cares because it doesnt give clicks

Sources for you claim?

Because we won't get out!!! Aaaaaahhh!

It's pretty simple - germans are efficient. You give them a goal, they do their best to achieve it. That means we absolutely depend on how good the goal is. And the current goals seems to be getting fucked in the ass so deep that we bleed from our eyes. Which we are pretty efficient at achieving.

>muh flu
Ok really just go and fuck yourself.

Ummm sweetie the first world war ended just over 100 years ago

okay go buy more toilet paper sheep

just one of the many sources. the tv news i was referencing isn't online yet.

>Covid 19

Ummm sweaty it's called the Chinese coronavirus or Chinavirus or Wuhan virus.

Shameful display. Don't ever post that faggot on here again.
He isn't funny.

such a shame. when the west is dead russia will probably still be here. you're welcome here. well not all germans, libshits can stay to die in the hellhole of their making.

Your a dead breed anyway. After WW2 you all got castrated and all good goys, irrelevant what happens and soon you will be a Turkish province under Islam.

Okay well I guess its a possibility, even though unlikely it still exists.

source? guess it was aktuelle kamera on ARD or some propaganda channel like this?

>close borders
>Germany becomes Fallout 2020
>no one allowed to flee
It's the perfect crime.

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they are pushing the "wash your hands, don't sneeze and you'll be alright" to minimize panic and give people a fake sense of security like when they pushed the "just hide under a table and the bombs won't kill you lol" because there's no cure or way to stop the virus.

Kung Flu

nö, es waren die scheiss rtl 'nachrichten'

>corona refugees

>if you don't want to die and leave your mechanical ventilator to Ahmad and Jamal who just crossed the border with airborne AIDS you are a fucking racist

worst timeline


perfect summary of the things to come

70% applies for whole planet earth

2 or 3 % of the 70% die.

stay cool, poopie-choopie.

So its not a maybe its a GOING TO HAPPEN.
me thinks they up to something.

they literally, wörtlich, announced one million infected germans in one month on rtl, believe it or not.

Since numbers are increasing tenfold each week this isn't too far off.

they cant know how many are actually infected. maybe there are millions more without symptoms which they dont test.

they said this number is based on the currently officially announced rate of infections. which means it's probably even worse.

depends. if there are millions of infected without any symptoms it means mortality is tiny

The new France

mortality in italy right now is around 5% - double of the mortality of the Spanish flu

It's more important to use gendered vocabulary for Ärztinnen und Ärzte, Pflegerinnen und Pfleger, Krankenhäuserinnen und Krankenhäuser than to actually protect the people

Can't wait for the day of the rope

Hubei: 67 773 after two months and decays.
Don't be idiot.

remember the hysteria is more dangerous than the danger

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Merkel avoiding public appearances is a carbon copy of Xi Jinping's behavior. Same commie principles of avoiding to show your face and send lackeys when shit just won't stop hitting the fan. Unlike an earthquake that is finished at some point at that can be used to collect appreciation points, Corona chan is here to stay and will leave a bad acossiation when things get worse by the day. Merkel is absolutey disgusting and needs to be guillotined

There is nothing that she can do.

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This shit is going to spread from Germany and France to the rest of Europe, Germany destroying Europe for third time in 100 years.

good thing when 6 gorillion germans die we can import another 60 million niggers to save muh econnomy

They are trying to kill our parents and grandparents so they don’t have to pay the pensions. Then they will flood our countries with more nonwhites. I swear I think this is A Bioweapon

link du hurre

Mainstream leftist indoctrination and muh holocaust. Nobody dare speak up in fear of being called a nazi.Women have lost the plot completely.

alter such doch selber nen stream vomg rtl nachrichtem, das noch nich online

South Korea: 140,000 swabs: 7500 positives.
5% of their population is infected.

>there are other flue viruses flying around
Yes lad, the problem with this is that it is 10 times deadlier than the flu , according to China it could be more, and it spreads like the flu so most of the people will get exposed.

No, mortality in italy is omost 50% if you count the people that recovered and died, you cant count people still fighting.

just be grateful that all the people most likely to die are the ones making the terrible decisions

yeah right nothing will stop the shitskin flow. They will bring some extra diseases to infect those already suffering.

You should ramp up production of artificial ventilators while you have time

now tell me how many people were infected with the flu last year in germany

you russian subhuman glownigger shills are so pathetic

20700 since autumn 2019, 130 dead
compare that to Covid in italy

>spread from Germany and France to the rest of Europe

Hey retard the rest of Europe is already infected.

fuck off Horst-Detlef
Mutti is based and u are just some dumb angry Kellerkind

You guys voted for her. Hate Trump all you want but he campaigned on closing borders and now he's about to have a bipartisan alibi to do so.

Mostly boomers voted for her and Germany is full of them. So I doubt many people here actually voted her.
But luckily the boomer problem will be solved by autumn.

You are right now and have been for years and years making a horrible mistake that puts the whole species in mortal peril: you are not killing these politicians and bankers and judges tied to the survival of the same system and values that just let airborne death spread to every state in this ducking country and every country in the world in a matter of weeks after we fucking watched what was happening in China.
These leaders and experts have already failed their duty in the most serious way, they will not save us and continued consent to their rule damns us.
These fucking faggots are still trying to turn the viral extinction of humanity into an election game. Hillary calls it trump virus billet to the head. Trump calls it hoax ballet to the head.
If the military won’t step up and take charge from these children and intends to support their rule, then its every man for himfucking self. Hunker down in a blast shelter for two years and come back out when most everyone is dead