Can passive radar really track the F-35?

If so, is stealth now irrelevant as Russia surely has this type of tech installed on all its AA missile sites and also gives this tech to allies such as Iran.

Attached: 99267303-7ED5-425A-BD31-33467EC10873.jpg (1536x1606, 345.96K)

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We are so fucked.. All the defence money goes into this aircraft

>Turns left at 1400 mph, invalidating your missile
Sorry sweetie :/

> surely has this type of tech installed on all its AA missile sites and also gives this tech to allies such as Iran.
no they cannot. radar like this gets all sorts of false positives, you will track birds instead of planes, it's impossible to use radar like this for guidance.

sure you can track "stealth planes". if you can weed out all the false positives and then what are you going to do? you can't launch a missile using this as guidance.

>Air show
So when it had transponders on and wasn't in stealth mode? Amazing.

The F22 was better than the F35. Change my mind.

>I want to ask a question about the specifics of a military technology
>should I ask on /k/, the board for this specific purpose where people with relevant knowledge post?
>no, I'll ask Yas Forums
you are a nigger

You're right myn nikker

Passive radar actually gets a brilliant size estimate. So an F-35 shows up as a large object while a bird doesn’t show up at all. It’s the nature of being a passive radar, it needs a larger object to interfere with the EM environment.

Passive radar doesn’t benefit from transponders.

Russia is based
We need them as out ally
Oh, and fuck the us

Just have micro-missiles take out all the cellphones. No more passive radar.

It gives off a basketball sized signal, If you know when and where it took off, you can track it, if you don't, it just looks like static, not a plane. this is what stealth tech actually does, it reduces the radar signature, it doesn't eliminate it.


>Passive radar actually gets a brilliant size estimate
not for the F35. If you actually looked into this, you would find that the radar signal was fucking tiny, enough to be a normal fucking false positive, you idiot. I thought germans were supposed to be good Engineers.

What a load of bullshit
For instance, in the German passive radar story, the company says it tracked two F-35s flying, but at the time those F-35s had their transponders on and were talking on air traffic control frequencies (emitting their own RF energy). They may have even had their radars on utilizing basic modes. They were also flying with their radar reflectors attached to their fuselages and with their aircraft in a non-combat configuration and software mode. The operators also knew the local RF environment very well and how to optimize the system to spot aircraft that they already knew were going to be there. Even under these near ideal conditions, they claimed they tracked the aircraft for about 90 miles. That is a substantial distance, but is no way indicative of what ranges would be possible under actual combat conditions, and that's even if they would see an unannounced, emissions silent, combat configured, electronic warfare-enabled F-35 at all.

It benefits from any RF signal in the air, which transponders were putting off.

Okay, Goldstein.

No, F35s that fly training sorties have special reflective surfaces which give it the size of a boat. They use these on air shows and parades.

you can't hide a heat signature

stealth has been irrelevant since the 90s. how old are you kid?

just use IR, all that shit glows in the cold sky

>heat signature
bongs are retards. Its a miracle that you invented Radar in the first place

>you would find that the radar signal was fucking tiny
You don’t know how passive radar works, do you? Stealth coating and stealth shapes work for one-directional active radar. They only deflect a tiny fraction of the active radar EM emissions back to the radar source.

But for passive radar there is no active emitter. Just the general EM field consisting of hundreds if not thousands of emitters. The “turbulance” created by the mass of the F-35 is recalculated by the passive radar software. It doesn’t work for birds, as their mass is to small. But it works for any other object regardless of whether they have stealth coating and stealth shapes.

instead of a searchlight it's a net

> shitposts on and on
> not a single fucking link
how about posting a link, hans?

Stealth is a larp coined by some jouno. We call it low observance. BTW Israel has been tea bagging positions under s400 cover for months with Adirs. It works.


>It benefits from any RF signal in the air, which transponders were putting off.
No, it doesn’t benefit from transponders putting out signals on the F-35. Passive radar doesn’t work like that. It cannot detect single source emissions. It builds a physical “undisturbed” image of the undisturbed EM environment and overlays that constantly with what it picks up... compares the the data sets and if there are fluctuations, calculates what object where could cause the fluctuations. A transponder signal doesn’t change the background emissions of hundreds or thousands of way stronger EM emitters.


do you morons not understand that even civilan level radar can most things now-a-days. The stealth aspect of modern aircraft is from jammers inside the aircraft that the pilot chooses to activate. if he was flying over fucking Arkansas there was no need for it to be on.

we invented radar to deal with prop planes, jet engines are easier to spot with IR

Like how that terrorist tracked and killed those two F117s back in '95?

Anyway, back to reality, Meter wave radar can detect stealth fighters, because they're designed to be stealth to one system only, Microve radar.

Americans really do worry over the silliest things. you have entire fleets of ships who have no point defence against hypersonic missles, but your stressing about jets you dont even have yet?

f35 does not jam anything. You should do some research.

Attached: 1582493826717.jpg (556x472, 97.78K)

That was from a jammed open landing gear well. Either way that was primitive with RAM coatings. The f35 sounds hollow when you smack the thing.

“ Against a passive radar adversary, air superiority will likely only be achieved at significant cost. Forcible entry and amphibious operations will accordingly prove much more challenging. Once again, the defensive form of warfare asserts itself.”

>It works
Doubt (((Russia))) would strike Israeli planes. Jews are untouchable.

>The stealth aspect of modern aircraft is from jammers inside...

nope, its from microwave absorbing paint (which is why meter radar isnt bothered)

Looks like they were trying to fight back

Attached: 1581880912871.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

You should just look it up nothing I can tell you here will help you.

>hot jet in the back
>quite fast for a bird
>not tractable
>american education
Your stealth was possible only when there where no advanced radar SYSTEMS. Yes, systems, not one, not two radars, whole fucking systems.
Stealth pitch is just buzzword to sell it to arabs.

Attached: 1581881059042.webm (1280x720, 2.5M)
>advanced jamming

it's good people like you are rulling the american defence system. you're too cocky and too stupid.


choose one

That symbology is not from an f35

>Electronic Attack
Advanced electronic warfare (EW) capabilities enable F-35 pilots to locate and track enemy forces, jam radars and disrupt attacks with unparalleled effectiveness. Advanced avionics give the pilot real-time access to battle space information with 360-degree coverage and an unparalleled ability to dominate the tactical environment. Data collected by sensors on the F-35 will immediately be shared with commanders at sea, in the air or on the ground, providing an instantaneous, high-fidelity view of ongoing operations – making the F-35 a formidable force multiplier while enhancing coalition operations. This system allows F-35 pilots to reach well-defended targets and suppress enemy radars.
That's the sales pitch at any rate.

>pilot is kill

These are PODS I don't even need to look.

False positives moving along a continuous path at a speed far in excess of any natural moving objects.

Low frequency radar, passive radar, using modern spatio-temporal detection instead of having some schmuck try look at a monitor for instantaneous reflections like some caveman ... in a war between modern powers, stealth isn't shit.

Hypersonic cruise missiles and drones are the ways of modern warfare. Stealth fighters are just really expensive ways to kill muslims.

>I'm an enormous faggot
Stay ignorant, nigger.

>Can passive radar really track the F-35?
Yes, when leaving an airshow, wearing radar reflectors, then sure.

I work for the third largest arms dealer in the world. Propaganda. Thinking an f35 would be running SEADS is moronic.

Just remember, in an actual contest, the networks are going to be the first things to go.

>Looks like they were trying to fight back
The Syrians? The Russians would maybe retaliate if the Jews attacked their base. They won't cover the Syrians. Because of Jewish lobby in Russia, EU and the USA. The Jews would declare war on Russia, like they did with Germany. That's why Israel is untouchable and above the law.

We have systems for that like MALDs; the days of the sparkvarks are over.

To every dumb mother fucker that doesn't know how radar or stealth planes work in this thread, do us all a favor. Call your local representative and tell them you want your country to go to war with America. Then we will sort it out in reality.

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How do I get into the arms business?

Depends on what side engineering is normal application process; admin is military heavy.

>nooooooooooo pls remain our stupid goy
>t. eternal anglo
Fuck you bongo bong

Passive radar prototypes appeared 12 years earlier in Greece, the govt declared the program an absolute necessity and then shut down the program forever. Goes to show you should never trust governments after the year 2000, EVER.

>Look in the sky
>See plane

Wooooooow soooo stealthy

Attached: [RH] Nichijou - 00 [4261C944].mkv_snapshot_07.02_[2020.03.01_22.17.01].jpg (1920x1080, 212.49K)

I'm more of a salesman type of guy. Should I just go to expos and shake hands?

HAHAHAHA imagine having spend just a penny into that scam

are you guys a superpower yet?

The only one getting tea bagged is your ugly face.

The public sector works with tendering
If they need something they call for bidders and the best as well as cheapest wins

>USA BTFO by rice farmers
>USA BTFO by sand people
>USA BTFO by ponies
You are australia level cunts now

I honestly don't know the best way to get into sales. Some of the support guys rotate into positions for technical sales. We never see those people they're all US based.

an F-35 just flew over my marijuana farm!

Attached: 1579163158252.jpg (640x640, 58.82K)

Good job triggering anglofaggots, hans
Keep up the good work

Saturated the pantsir , and hit it with a glide bomb it was shooting at targets. You need to bomb it 8 times tho.

Duuuuude, how high was it? Lmao

Birds don't fly hundreds of miles an hour

we sold the F35 but kept the F22 designs classified, really makes you think

its multiwave radar that can track it, coincidently all those the people that died on the Malaysian flight worked on a microchip used in multiwave radar

Attached: 2CA7FDC900000578-3245370-The_pope_s_tiny_Fiat_500_appeared_even_smaller_compared_to_the_h-a-4_1442993067971.jpg (628x450, 32.55K)


jammers broadcast you to everything nearby

you literally know less than nothing about this technology and are proving the dumb, stupid, arrogant prick american stereotype true