Uhm guys, I think we may have just started the race war

Tweet from /ourguys/

Tweet from the Brown Horde(NOW THIS)

Check out the comments, this gone get gud. I'm not going to spoil anything for you but this is one of the most antagonizing videos towards whites Ive ever seen

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Other urls found in this thread:


Do any of you have the meme/pasta that says something along the lines of "Why would you ever fuck with white people. And goes through our wars and blah blah and then how we split the fucking atom and dropped nukes not once but twice"

holy shit, you're all in coronavirus threads arent you. GET IN HERE FAGGOTS

Shut up bitch

t-thanks for the bump, n-nice digits fren

they wont do shit, americans will posture online and then give in like usual.

You've just given in for the past 60 years I dont expect you to grow some balls anytime soon.

Why do they get to say brown power but you guys can't say white power? Black Republican, simply cannot accept or believe the brazenness of this anymore. You should all report the fucking song and fucking storm it with phone calls and emails until it's taken down. It's just sanity: if white people cannot utter the phrase "white power", guess what, libs?

That's how it works. Period.

It's funny how the media and academia come up with these convoluted mental gymnatics and double standards to demonize white power while saying black/brown/etc power is totally ok. Hell they even encourage it while white power is considered the worst possible thing you could believe.

God damn it it's always the fucking Indians or the jews YOU GUYS AREN'T BLACK don't use blacks to make it seem like you're somehow oppressed and victims dumb as shit.

You have to go back Paco.

Don't worry user, that's just a mutt. If the war's on they won't be here long.

It's almost like it's just about attacking white people for being white

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Our Tweet has like a 1/3rd of their Tweets likes, need to get it bumped.. Also, anyone have these meme/pasta?

are we comprised into the brown power group?

Only have this

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What happens when browns take over American and nothing changes?

> I don't know when
> I don't know how
> But I know someday all brownies will die
> Watch and you'll see
> Someday we'll be
> Part of that world.

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It will be more like Brazil

Did nothing change in your homecountry, swen?

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She’s just trying to capitalize on blacks hatred towards white people and be new edgy. Blacks will never do shit as other people have said they have not one successful country and burn down every city they inhabit. We do need more anti white awareness though we are losing our country and heritage.

Dumb muzzie cunt.

>poo singing about brown power
sometimes the jokes write themselves

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I meant how the brown people feel like they are always being oppressed.

It'll get much worse most likely. Looking at it from a statistics standpoint, most nonwhite groups act as a massive tumor hanging off of white america. They don't pay a positive amount into the system, they commit more violent crimes, and they come into the country illegally. Most of the talking points given by the democratic party, such as comparing us to Euros in gun crime, are almost entirely caused by nonwhites.

Ask a malmo resident

Just you

THeir fucking tweet literally says
"’Brown Power’ is sort of a punch in the face to anyone who is trying to stop the browning of America’"

"Anyone" obviously referring to white people..

punch in the face for trying to stop us from taking over your country

No we want it to stay up so more people can see it. These retards make better propaganda for us than we could ever hope to

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I want release from this existance

>hates white people
>only wants to move to white countries

lol found you in another thread

Got u baguettefam

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I live in Malmö kek

After these mongrels who fled their shitholes to live in white nations turn white nations into the same shitholes, where will they go then?

>It's funny how the media and academia come up with these convoluted mental gymnatics and double standards to demonize white
I'm all about that cultural appropriation

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>fuck with white people
Funny, cause right now whites are really fucking themselves in the ass.


Why are whites so in love with the curry niggers?

Tfw you will get to seduce a 6 foot tall brown corporate executive woman and you can be her subordinate white pet


The comments are pretty based. Lots of /ourguys/.

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Ah, hatey. How are your mud cookies and stolen beef stew?

That's strong digitry on the side of the white man.

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Adding this to my "if you need more proof immigration is an invasion" folder

Crackeriest guy from Crackerton reporting. Not looking for friends anymore.

Nothing will happen stop with your shit twitter screencaps.

We only make the mud cookies to show to journalists, it's really fucked up.

Honestly there's plenty of rice and mangos and shit here. If you're REALLY hungry you could eat dogs or cats or shit.

They only play up the victim thing for the cameras.

What REALLY needs to happen is some even more serious brutal event that forces us to get gud.

It‘s amusing how minorities think they have us firmly in their grasp thanks to „muh social justice“, yet they do not comprehend that we are merely humoring them for a bit because we‘re as generous and forgiving as we are merciless once we had enough. We gave them a chance to prove themselves but they aren‘t using their chance wisely and will gravely regret it.

Back home with all the loot they got

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Immigrants do that now here.

>Glass Africa
>Glass the Middle East
>Glass Israel
>Glass China

I'm over it. Lets make world peace happen.


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I will say this Christianity will not solve this. All it does is try to assign guilt to someone and guess what, it happens to be whitey.

What needs to done is to create a med warrior caste that defends whites and is giving special privileges, just as the ancient Greeks added as a guard to Europe.

So the solution is returning to classical Western civilization. This Christianity garbage is not going to cut it anymore.

Someone tweet this

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Why are you obsessed with ariel?

papa doc wasn't enough?

Do you suck dick like this daily or is it just on /pol?

>Let me tell you how this is Christianity's fault
Slow day at the office, kike?

Based kike

Are you kidding me we'll be like south Africa soon

F, tänkte du flytta ut?

>poo in loo
every single time

No one cares about your shit opinions on religion.

You realize Jews are the major enemy of classical Western Civilization as this destroys all their schemes.


Zeshon B vs Zyclon Ben its on

>this is how you get white people to go full nazi
Has this person ever come across a liberal even once in his life?

Why would I want this taken down? To hide how the niggers truly feel?

Oh. It's a "Christianity is a Jewish plot" episode. Next channel.

So the Nigger Anthem is a thing now?

No, there its gonna be much worse because of 4 main reasons.

1.Brazillians, both government and general populace, dont give two shits about Israel
2.Holohoax indoctrination in almost non-existant
3. We have a lot of mutts, but far fewer backs than murrica
4. Slavery was ended peacefuly by imperial decree without much disagreement, without a civil war tale its extremely hard for subversives to have a moral basis, all movements a la black panthers failed miserably in brazil.

America is in a much worse racial position than us. If they had our demographics they would've been slaughtered haiti style long ago, meanwhile its as of today much easier to be white and prosperous in brazil than in the USA, most notably bcause our government is not obsessed with systematicay exterminating us.

>"It is unrealistic and unacceptable to expect the State of Israel to voluntarily subvert its own sovereign existence and nationalist identity and become a vulnerable minority within what was once its own territory."
>"Furthermore, bi-nationalism is unworkable given current realities and historic animosities. With historically high birth rates among the Palestinians, and a possible influx of Palestinian refugees and their descendants now living around the world, Jews would quickly be a minority within a bi-national state, thus likely ending any semblance of equal representation and protections. In this situation, the Jewish population would be increasingly politically – and potentially physically – vulnerable."



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You are correct, ignore the christian spergs. They had the resources and means to solve this for a long time and did jackshit, even before vatican II.

It's already happened in larger cities. You have heavy segregation, police no go zones, and all social programs being strangled due to the tax payers knowing where it really goes.

Black power good
Brown power good
White power bad

Well you live in a mainly Christian society that assigns guilt to whites and organizes all brown and black people against us. Do you like what you're getting?

What's bullshit is that once they finish our societies off or start a civil war they've got their turd world they can cower back to while we're stuck in a shithole they created.

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they hate what they aint.
you get one life and youre born a brown. sucks, id be pissed too too

>secularized society that has demonized Christianity is proof that Christianity is at fault for what the secular extremists are pushing
You really aren't very good at this.

Honestly Yas Forums should just take over churches and Christianity away from the christcucks.

Everyone preaching to turn the other cheek should be kicked out of the religion

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>tfw brown
>non-ironically starting to dislike brown people because I see this shit every day

there's not going to be race war in America, South Africa shows what's going to happen. Shrinking white population that's being actively murdered and they still don't fight back, just run away if they can or live in constant fear if they can't.

Whites are the only thing keeping this country propped up. If we're gone everything is coming down soon

whew didn't even notice i rolled those.

You' think after seeing what happened to South Africa niggers would learn what happens when they take over a white country but I guess if niggers could learn they wouldn't be in the absolute state they're in.

I took a brown power shit just 3 days ago, it left a stain. Am I part of her club?

Chinese Power is okay and progressive even though Chinese vastly outnumber whites and are more uniform and nationalist. This is a liberal stance that redpills anyone sensible.

ID: hey sorry


Corona is going to change everything, but it's undetermined how it plays out. It's the perfect cover everyone needs for the boogaloo to begin. Summer probably.

Mexicans, Indians, and Arabs are all brown, but brown is somehow a real identity while there's no such thing as white.

Id be bothered if it didn't suck so much cock

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I didn't say secular was the solution, I said look to the ancient Greek religion.
I'm saying Christianity will do nothing to stop what is currently happening in the West.

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