Holy shit its actually fucking happening stock market crash imminent!
Holy shit its actually fucking happening stock market crash imminent!
Buy gold cucks. Ron Paul was right the whole time.
>Holy shit its actually fucking happening stock market crash imminent!
>But but but it's not his fault!
If he wasn't retarded with the Corona response then the market would have recovered by now.
this is the end of zionald blumpf
prepare your angus
it's gonna be malarkey joe
Of course he was right. What moron ever thought he wasnt?
Making money with my short positions. If you can't make money in this market you're doing something wrong.
Honestly I'm buying stocks for cheap, there's no logic to this dump. Even cryptos are dropping, like wtf get a hold of yourselves.
How do I even start?
Certainly couldn't be retarded poorfags like you driving panic, no. It's entirely blumpfs fault.
lol, this bring back memories of Yas Forums being absolutely wrong about muh September crash
Prepare your asses for layoffs
1- Stay away from insurance companies, they don't have enough cash to pay for all the life insurance policies from boomers who will inevitably buy, that's why they are selling off.
2- Buy government bonds. Most western governments will be relieved of a massive pensions burden when this is all over.
3- A large factor contributing to the panic comes from so many senior corporate, civil and political positions being held by people within the age range where virus lethality is high. The economic impact will be temporary because people won't stay indoors forever, but the uncertainty regarding who will replace these old farts is causing this crisis.
Enjoy the ride.
this is just the day traders and other dabblers fagging out. fund managers are in it for the long haul and that's the bulk of the market.
>inevitably die
>How do I even start?
Heh I was like you once kiddo. Just gotta pull yourself up by the bootstraps and have a firm handshake.
You cant eat gold
>Poor people who own zero capital or stocks are causing the markets to fall
Please kys
Trump has a plan
>Taxes will be cut
>Money will be printed
>Interest Rates will be slashed
>Federal Money will be spent
>implying you can eat stocks
>or anything you can invest in
This is going to age well...
What was he supposed to do about china you stupid shill?
What kind of retard would spend money on gold instead of food, water, vitamins, cleaning products, toilet paper, medical supplies, guns, ammo, and alcohol?
Oh no our massively over-inflated monopoly money husk of an economy is being slightly devalued
Economy as doing too well and needed correction.
Good. I want nothing more than dead bankers, Wall Street traders, land lords, communists, and capitalists. America First, Americans Only
>Trump is responsible for China shutting down their factories and fucking up the supply chain
The ironic thing is that Trump has been begging and threatening companies to bring more of their manufacturing and sourcing to the US. The fact that our consoomer economy is so dependent upon the functioning and cooperation of Chinese supply lines is proof that Trump's plea to deglobalize the US economy was smart.
That's what happens when you let a retard steer the ship. It's all fun and games until he hits the iceberg.
not lie about it being a nothingburger. not saying it will go away very soon. not allowing the fed to expand the already unprecedented bubble.
He should have forced them, it’s a matter of national security. Everyone responsible for off shoring needs to hang. Anything less is in itself an act of treason
Why are you talking about china like that?
>be retarded orange zionist
>during and before campaign repeatedly say stocks are overvalued, crash will happen, must allow market to correct
>pump up stock market and pressure Fed into slashing interest rates and more QE
>tie success of the market to success of presidency
>Coronachan kicks market in balls
>market falls
>2008-level crisis incoming
Zion Don should’ve made his presidency about ending immigration like he promised instead of sucking off Wall Street and Israel
Already have all that.
Now is the time to protect your wealth.
the happening happened last month, each day since there is a new a happening happening. it's literally happening every day.
What happened?
is it still happening?
when will the thappening become a happened?
Buying now is just stupid.
We haven't found the bottom yet...
There is plenty more fear that can be invoked. The normals arw just starting to come around.
>Begging and threatening
Why do you guys always believe the shit Trump says? You can just read about his actually policies, but instead you just believe his lies. Trump started a trade war, then after putting farmers on welfare, signed a pathetic trade deal that basically said "we're sorry for making you mad China".Trump has done nothing to prevent globalization.
This is the end of the rule of man by Satan. It's not the end of the world. It's the end of THEIR world.
Riiiiight. Day traders can move the market in the face of constant fed helicopter 'repo' money.
Is the media really owned by retarded poorfags? I thought it was probably rich dudes
Lol keep telling yourself that faggot
The cope from bulltards is incredible. Hoping for many bulltard suicides soon. We bear market now.
Recessions are correlated with spikes in oil prices. At the current point in time oil has actually collapsed in price. Market corrections are not recessions.
Because we know you're a tranny shill and no one cares what you think
It is a nothingburger.
Buy the dip. Sell tomorrow when it goes up again. Buy the next days dip. Rinse and repeat
Literally go back to red dit if you can't fit in here, cocksucker.
>Catching a falling knife
Let's see how you feel a week from today
Yes, today was the first day normies in the office were panicking. Mommie Merkel saying that Krauts were going to be Holocausted is what spooked them. Shit is going to crash like a coked up Instragram model at a Blacked party.
Delusional. We have negative growth and layoffs are coming. Trump attacked the economy for 3 years now its attacking back.
Society won’t barter forever fags
The (((Media)))
He's a fucking idiot, should have listened to his voters rather than wall street Jews.
Here come all the migapedes (crypto leftists) to attack anyone who is even remotely critical of the jackass in chief. I voted for him and will probably be forced to again (as the lesser of two evils) but he's a fucking retard, no convincing me otherwise.
Dow to gold ratio really shows the whole picture. Dow in fiat currency terms means nothing.
You mean crashed!
The point of gold instead to eat, it's so you can buy stuff to eat once humanity gets it's footing after shtf retard. In the beginning of a shtf situation most people won't trade gold. They'll be trading stuff to survive. But once the dust settles, what happens when the guy selling medicine doesn't want your bullets or old can of tuna in exchange for his stuff? That's why humans have always used gold and silver as the default currency.
Oil has collapsed because of less demand from China and an oil trade war that is mostly being pursued to put US oil mining out of business by Russia and OPEC. It's also happening at the worst possible time (pandemic). It's all coming down at least 40 percent before it's over (conservatively). We might even get a full blown global melt down at this point
>"we're sorry for making you mad China".Trump has done nothing to prevent globalization.
You're a fucking fool! Trump put 35% tariffs on Chinese goods- 35% tariffs that are STILL on and will NOT be removed until China PROVES that it is complying to Trump's STRONG trade deal which forces China to stop stealing intellectual property!
Fuck, the first thing Trump did when he took office was to withdraw US from the job-killing, globalist-enriching Trans Pacific Partnership
Wish I knew how to do it here. Oh well, I'm fucked.
>buy at the very end en masse.
>wait for tommorrow to reach for the peak.
>rinse and repear
There seems to be tides.
A dip means the market is on sale.
Russia and Saudi Arabia are pushing oil prices down on purpose to destroy the USA.
That with that attitude
Can't eat fiat.
Who gives a fuck what his "policies" are or if he even believes them? What he's saying is RIGHT and its truth and value is apparent to any US business owner and corporate board to plainly see. It's never going to happen from the governmental regulation side given the special-interest globalist lawmakers that have that level of control. It has to be domestic corporations taking responsibility for the domestic impacts of their business model.
russia is getting fucked as usual
I'll buy and hold. Especially bitcoin. My dad bought Ford and Bank of America stock during the Great Recession and with patience he made a killing, I'm going to do the same thing. I'm not selling 10-20 years from now.
20% down from high, bought into close today.
Why are people trying so hard to resist this correction?
This is not your typical panic crash, there's a real physical reason why the economy HAS to go down, no amount of stimulus is going to offset that.
Let it go.
You only had to listen.
Officially in the Bear Market! R.I.P.
Tariffs we end up paying, and many of them are on goods we don't produce stateside. So basically we are punching ourselves in the balls and expecting China to feel it and change their ways.
It is a nothing burger dummy
Hello darkness my old friend.
>market falls 6,500 points
>the crash is imminent
>already down 6,500 points
Uhh yeah about that...
>Zion Don should’ve made his presidency about ending immigration like he promised instead of sucking off Wall Street and Israel
Illegal immigration is down 80% under Trump's "Remain In Mexico" end of catch-and-release program. Hell, only FIVE of 10,000 asylum cases adjudicated on by our judges the first half of 2019 have been given asylum (the other 99.99% have been REJECTED and sent home!)-
Hell, under Trump LEGAL immigration is even down 7% !!!
The happenings are the new non happening
>media drives panic so retards panic sell
>rich buy up at low prices
>My dad bought Ford and Bank of America stock during the Great Recession
Nobody is getting bailed out this time.
Monoatomic gold. Fagit
Hahaha what’s best is it’s all drumpfs fault!
Aheh. Turns out Trump for some stupid reason demanded all the coronavirus prep shit be marked classified. In short? You ain't seen nothin' yet.
About fucking time.
>Tariffs we end up paying, and many of them are on goods we don't produce stateside. So basically we are punching ourselves in the balls and expecting China to feel it and change their ways.
Bullshit! Inflation has been a non-factor the last three years (prices have rose 1.5% while wages have rose over 3%- 7% for the bottom quarter of wage earners)
The market can only recover when the media stops trying to whip people into a panic.
They will only stop doing that when they have no choice but to talk about something else.
Trump's presidency is why the market is at 23k instead of 10k.