Abolish men

Abolish men.

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Omg yes sis

>failing is an incident

>Men: Money/Things
Lmao. Women are the most shallow materialistic creatures to ever exist

>Conflict solved through force
>Conflict solved through negotiation
They are right. And I'm proud of it.

> conflict solven through negotiation

Right. Just like in family court.
And domestic violence.
And catcalling.
And meanspreading.

Do I go on?


I love how this is a bad thing to them. If we never had a competition driven society we'd never have gone beyond our hunter-gatherer days. The only reason we have what we have today is because competition drives innovation.

That's another angle.
They have to negotiate because they lack force.

Why is everything only getting worse and more degenerate as women get more and more power

>men with negative traits in positive black title
>women with "positive" traits in negative red title
Seems about right.

There's a reason these roasties only get 1/365 days (1/366 this year, an even lower percentage) and that is because women rarely say anything of value. And even the most successful, strong wymyn break down and throw tantrums and act emotionally and quit their jobs, etc etc

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Women are literally the goodest of goys. They're so fucking stupid that they don't realize governments and corporations are "empowering" them into "leadership" roles simply for the purpose of disenfranchising men (but white men in particular) in an attempt to destroy the family unit in an attempt to depopulate us. They have no idea that they their inherent weakness and desire for security is being exploited by these NWO sick fucks for the purpose of justifying a totalitarian police state the likes of which the worth has never seen before. I don't feel like digging up the quote right now but Edward Bernays wrote about how women's suffrage was a great thing for the elite because by appealing to women, they could get the public to accept "minority ideas" that wouldn't be accepted beforehand. I.e. doing whatever the government tells them.

God, I fucking hate women so much.

Women aren't strong enough to take power from men. They can try though, i'll happily crush a few of their tiny skulls under my boot.

So there's only 2 genders?

A bridge collapsing is just an incident

I'm afraid you didn't get the memo, user.

They already took power from us.

>Failing is an incident

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I don't think so. They had their shot over the last 5-10 years and all they did was invite men dressed as women into their bathrooms, now they don't want them there. I think even women are sick of feminism.

>failing is an incident

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Men have 2 jobs in life.
1) To create things and advance the world in meaningful ways.
2) Negating the damage women do throughout the world.

All women have to do is exist to have a meaningful life. It is up to men to provide that.

Feminism movement in a nutshell:
>all women are perfect gods that can do no wrong

>women's culture isn't ego-driven
Funniest joke I've heard all month

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Just you, user.

Masculine culture works.

i kek erryteim

>Women are great because men are stupid and bad! :D
The west is beyond help.

The Money/Things vs Quality of life is funny too. The same damn thing.

>masculine culture
>women drive 85% of consoomer spending
Women were a mistake.

It takes a fantastic, childlike mind to believe men are more ego driven than wahmin. I wont even bother reading the rest.

>The third car's nervous reverse as he spots the retard.
Spiritually blessed driver.

You can tell a woman made that powerpoint because it's got the wrong aspect ratio for the screen. Never hire women designers.

Did any of these people ever interacted with a woman in a management/power position?
They are often more harsh and competitive than men.

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Wow just wow.
Women cannot work as a team.
They only share based of unfair bullshit.
Conflict has not been solved though force in forever.
MONEY AND THINGS IS what drives cunts completely!
I am so sick of cunts and this narrative.

these are blatantly wrong

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You posted this yesterday, now fuck off

Women aren't more competitive than men in the workplace. It's just that the way they compete is by constantly blowing their own trumpet and making sure everyone knows how great they are instead of actually producing results. Naturally the bosses aren't retarded so the men get promoted since the women aren't even doing their job half the time.

>>Conflict solved through force
>>Conflict solved through negotiation
>They are right. And I'm proud of it.
Bullshit women don't solve conflict through negotiation. They 'solve' (escalate) conflict through back biting, and manipulating others in a group against the person they have a conflict with. Ask any woman about how unkind teenage girls and even grown women are to each other. Conflict is solved through verbal unkindness and back biting.

>subversive memeflag kike trying to spread retarded propaganda
Just another day on Yas Forums.

The esoteric definitions of masculine and feminine energy are as follows:

Masculine energy:
>extroversion/expenditure of energy
>kinetic energy
>structured energy/creation
>the straight and narrow path that is in alignment with God/the divine plan
>the highest form of masculine energy is fatherly/paternal energy
>the lowest form is domination of another's free will

Feminine energy:
>introversion/acquisition of energy
>potential energy
>formless energy/destruction
>all potential paths, including those that lead us astray/away from God/away from our destiny
>the highest form of feminine energy is motherly/maternal energy
>the lowest form is manipulation of another's free will

Anyone who is advocating for matriarchy is mistaken and will be shoahed.

>God, I fucking hate women so much.

Everything you said was men’s fault. We should of kept our women on a tight lease. We get everything we deserve for being weak

It's actually the opposite, men are more inclined to see each other as brothers. Women hate each other.

>1 post by this ID
Kys, kike.


glad to see other meta around this topic that is similar to mine Its a great way to be to know/tell of the differences between men and women, the more who know the easier our conquest will be lol!

Checked. Just some low tier bait from a desperate kike. This thread is saged. Everyone leave now. Let it die.

This is such bullshit, most men are content with a quiet life and barely ever coomsume, meanwhile women always want more and more and more. It's the women that force us into wage slaving more than is healthy because they believe money and status is the only thing that matters.

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read the rational male, and escape the feminine control upon your mind!

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>Failing is an incident
y-you know what would be a good idea? w-what if we let women vote?

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Jews have women and all minorities as their pawns that perpetuate and uphold this retarded slave system based on the Rothschild financial pyramid scheme. This is one of the reasons why Jews actively try to demonize white males. The truth is that Jews are the enemies of humanity.

That's precisely 'advanced negotiation' as known by Jews.

Jews have matriarchal/matrilineal families so they're inherently feminine/Satanic. Masculinity corresponds to the Heavenly Father. Femininity corresponds to Satan. This is one of the reasons why Jews promote LGBTQ faggotry and try to feminize masculine males.

Failing is sabotage. If you can't do the job let someone else do it. Burning the toast wastes the bread.

1 post by this ID
It’s a slide thread

Are you implying that all Jews deserve to burn in ovens?

Conflict solved through negotiation?
Yeah, with a special team to END THAT FUCKING BITCH that you can't deal with yourself...
What crap

>Eco sounds like Ego so I made a point

Fuck I hate liberals.

>massive multinational corporation
>competition and money are bad

Checked. Kek confirms that all Jews will be shoahed.

No but that's also true.