Panic buying toilet paper is a mental degenerate disorder
>When people are stressed their reason is hampered, so they look at what other people are doing. If others are stockpiling it leads you to engage in the same behavior,
>In times of uncertainty, people enter a panic zone that makes them irrational and completely neurotic
>When you enter a supermarket, you're looking for value and high volumes
>people are drawn to the large packaging that toilet paper comes in when they are looking to regain a sense of control
/tp preppers/ confirmed schizos
enjoy using your hand like the poos
is eating toilet paper the new tide pods?
Lol I wondered where this tiolet paper meme came from. Is it really just a coping mechanism to handle anxiety?
The msm has a LOT to answer for hyping this to such insane levels.
this dumbass hysteria is getting so fucking stupid and embarrassing
>don't buy toilet paper before the fuckin problems
>fuckin problems
>sheltered in home, run out of toilet paper
>use soiled water to wipe ass
>get a fucking asshole parasite from your dirty ass hand
Preppers already had their toilet paper, retard. What you’re seeing is your 85 IQ compatriots realizing they’re fucked, but too stupid to get unfucked.
4.5 star bidet is $23 on prime. 1st review sealed it for me:
I never knew what clean meant until now.
We figured it would be tough for my wife to bend around after her back surgery yesterday, so we shopped around and got it in advance. Just installed.
My life will never be the same.
It HAS 6 settings, but anything above 4 would be a death wish.
Use 4+ only if you want to simulate being molested by Neptune himself.
3 felt like a zealous lover hastily exploring your secrets.
1-2 are tender but effective.
And you can angle it!!
(If I ever meet someone who says that they use settings 4-6, I’m gonna sit down with a glass of scotch, and just let them tell me about their lives. What led you here? Where did this incredible sense of power and confidence come from?)
I always thought they were like portapotty sinks, like it’s just a little burst of pressurized water. But you can just LEAVE this thing on and cast your problems away. It feels the same way hearing “Crash“ by Dave Matthews Band for the first time felt.
Before I knew what I was getting myself into, like a fool, I flipped it up to setting 1 too quick. My life flashed before my eyes as the brisk water took me over like DiCaprio in Titanic.
I tried again, slower, and still shocked myself. Then, a third time, gently easing into the first setting. Wow. It felt like riding reverse cowgirl with a Super Soaker.
I have a day tracker app that counts down to, or away from, important dates. Right now it’s the day I met my wife, the day we got married, and counting down until a particular life event happens for me.
I will be adding this to the app as the day my hygiene changed forever.
preppers aren't panic buyers
panic buyers are retards who didn't listen to preppers
it started because people were buying it to send back to china most likely
Am I being memed
Tell me what's irrational buying a bunch of toilet paper which literally has no expiration date? It just saves you trips to the market.
this, preppers stocked up before shit happened, that is the definition of preparing
panic buyers are the retards who stand in line for toilet paper and yogurt while everyone coofs on them
lol which one is it
>buy extra ammo, tp, water and canned goods
>potential crisis resolves itself
>just use stock instead of buying regularly for a while
>actually save money since prices are rising regularly
Problem? I just use it as an excuse to save.
i went to go get toilet paper today cause i ran out and it was already all sold out, had to wash my ass in my bath tub
its worth stocking up on just because retards are going to extinct toilet paper
You can still prep right now but I'd say theirs like 3 days left before the normies really panic. They are starting to realize shit is more fucked up than what the news says
>stockpiling tp
What a waste of resources when you have entire tons of leaves outside.
>loaded up on food last week, left toilet paper for later
>went to Sam's club yesterday and found no toilet paper. Got paper towels and laundry detergent though.
>hit Walmart and got some of the last toilet paper
I bought more than I needed because I don't know how easily available it is going to be
>being this homosexual
>people are drawn to the large packaging that toilet paper comes in when they are looking to regain a sense of control
"Of course. It has really taken over my life. These days I buy nothing but toilet paper. It gives me this amazing feeling of euphoria to grab yet another pack of toilet paper rolls, take it hom and place it in the toilet paper pack room of my apartment. It has really given my life new purpose and it feels so good."
>What a waste of resources when you will have entire tons of corpses outside.
>have enough food AND toilet paper for 2 months
Let the sheep panic.
been avoiding this stupid shit since it started on Yas Forums but ran out of toilet paper last night and the grocery store in my small town was empty except store brand so i'm begrudgingly wiping my ass with low quality toilet paper for not buying into the hype, i got played
>not using Kleenex like a chad
Wiping your ass with your hands is a good way to get sick. Shit tickets keep the shit off your hands and can be thrown away or burned. This is important if the plumbing stops working.
The retards buying piles of toilet paper and sanitizer aren't preppers. They're retarded normalfaggots who didn't get their shit together. They were playing on their phones and jerking to porn while the real preppers got ready.
did you ever thought of women with menstruation?
i think they could need their papers
>Preppers during happening
>Preppers during not happening
Never have to visit the store for the rest of the year
I dont get it, what are you so mad about? You forget to prep like a true retard?
Found the retard.
"People Panic-Buying Toilet Paper Are Most Likely To Die From Coronavirus, New Research Confirms"
There’s gold in certain rolls retard. Why do you think people are buying so much?
What's wrong with stockpiling a product that does not expire and that that you'll need for the rest of your life?
What you described is literally the opposite of a mental disorder, it's the human brain functioning as designed.
I don't get it, why do people feel toilet paper of all things is so fucking important? Is this some sort of mass psychosis that only affects retards?
Here you go bud
Greenco something or another. 23 bucks. Hell that's like two packs of cottonelle.
That guy needs to panic buy some liposuction
I've been waiting to hear a story like this. I'm sorry for you.
It started in Japan/China due to false rumors of TP factories shutting down and/or the machines and raw materials being used to produce masks instead
Ahhh thanks man
Two Words....rape spree
I think I have finally figured out preppers and happeningfags.
People prep and doompost, make themselves paranoid, etc, because it's fun.
Deep down they know it's all nonsense, they're just bored
These last few years are a goddamn treasure trove for sociologists. They should have enough material for research for the next few decades at least. Yes it's a sociological phenomenon. You see how few people actually think for themselves these days. Most people just react to what they think is happening like this anemone.
MFW I got so many toilet paper rolls, I can shit for eternity.
what the fuck is upw ith people conjecturing about why people buy toilet paper? you have no idea why people bought a bunch of toilet paper. shut the fuck up retard
Well I mean if eeveryone is running the shelves for toilet paper, that kind of means the stores will be out of it, and if you need toilet paper at the time thats sort of a cue to buy toilet paper. Its not panic buying like "omg im going to need toilet paper to stave off corona" its more like "omg everyone is fucking being retarded and running the shelves so i better get some soon because I'm almost out"
NPCs are glitching due to their MK Ultra programming breaking down. I've noticed people literally twitch/glitch/have ticks when I make eye contact or somehow "startle" them when I speak to them.
Sounds like bidets are a way to condition people into accepting homo sex desu senpai.
top post
Rate my stash
>Panic buying toilet paper
Maybe because everybody has been saying SHTF for so long.
This some Isaac Asimov shit
>did you ever thought of women with menstruation?
Runs on feminine pads are not happening
Just made this
Too Polish and not enough spotted dick.
This has all the hallmarks of an elaborate 4 Chan troll. Which one of you faggots did this?
Heh, I hoarded my paper a month ago when I knew the retards we’re going to do it anyway, made sense to beat the rush. Don’t be mad that I knew when to stock up and you have to wipe with your leftover McDonalds napkins.
A prepper is somebody who bought their stuff months or years in advance.
Panic buyers are not preppers.
OP is an idiot.
How often do you old dying boomers shit???
The hypothesis sounds plausible, but it is pure horseshit.
Some psychologist cunt simply made it up.
And if you believe it you are as much a mug as the cunts who bought 200 years worth of bog roll.
>just bought 12 rolls of Angel Soft, not because I'm hoarding, but because almost out
Pretty good canadabro.
also this
>mfw I've had a stash of food and ammo sitting around for years
My dad just texted me saying our Walmart has some in stock. Thank goodness, I almost bought a bidet off Amazon.
Anybody want to start Phase 2?
Persuade the public that feminie napkins are now in short supply.
>stockpiling on a useless material
I don't get the hate towards people who are storing toilet paper. It has a long shelf life so long as you keep it dry and it's the kind of thing that's good to have in any emergency situation.
Why do people have such hate for preppers? Yeah there are the annoying ones who wear it like a badge like vegans but unlike vegans and their shifty science you can't convince me having general purpose emergency food, water and supplies is a bad or stupid thing.
You snooze you lose.
if you saw a run on tp and did nothing about it you are the schitzo
because how is someone going through 30+ rolls of toilet paper in a month? fucking morons
I have TP in my prep space, I'm not going to be shamed or ridiculed into getting rid of it