The Truth of Coronavirus

Sorry shills, the truth, as per usual, will leave you seething. Meanwhile I'm making a killing in the stock market.

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Other urls found in this thread:

You're a shill for not spreading the fear

that was written by a woman and therefore has no credibility, user


It's Sandy Hook style media manipulation.

i can't wait for stories of nothingburger shills getting all the hate from their co-workers and family.

>Italy has been shut down for the sake of the US election cycle

really not unimaginable

Lol ok then how come none of those other illnesses caused entire countries to close down

Italy is corrupt and needed an excuse to bilk its citizens.

Well what the fuck else do they have to do over there? It's not like they're a world power. The only thing Europe can do now is drown themselves in Arab and nigger semen.

china are in on it too?

Invest in hand sanitizer and short airlines

i would want to agree if only it dont kill doctors and nurses


China needed an excuse to kill political dissidents and burn paper money.

Nice. but if you have elections every other year and is flexible with years (when virus was discovered, reached burgerland or becomed treath) then you you can’t miss elections year

Go back to tidder.

>i can't wait for stories of nothingburger shills getting all the hate from their co-workers and family.
I thought all my co-workers and family will be dead? Is it happening or not?

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that comes later

If you want to know who is behind the shilling, look no further than the NEETs on this board. They think the world is ending and that their life choices protected them and therefore they aren't failures. Unfortunately, the sky isn't falling and they will eventually have to own up to the fact that they are failures.

China desperately wants Trump out and Biden in.
They have no intention of ever getting to a phase 2 of the trade deal and want phase 1 unwound as asap.
Meanwhile, they absolutely own Biden after his son accepted that massive bribe.
This as well:

Woman's handwriting; didn't read

>Im making millions on the stockmarket
>Posting here

>world intrudes in on US politics every year

How fucking stupid, head in the sand, unable to cope with reality do you have to be to say this is no big deal.

We deserve to die.

Fake appeal to authority
>muh doctor says
When this was first posted on Yas Forums it was just the white board
But it didn't get much traction, so now it's got the edit
Also it's Facebook tier wrong
tldr. Brad Parscale is a fool

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fuck off you condescending little bitch. Near me we got just one confirmed case, next day they were dead.
So it's batting 1 for 1 in my area, that's empirical so I trust it more than anything anyone else says.

That isn't unexpected for a government willing to prosecute political opponents for stopping illegal immigration.

Good for you user. Buy the dips.
CoronaChan BTFO.

>We deserve to die.
Be my guest, user.

You're likely lying. If you aren't lying the person who died was probably 90. Get a job please.

>making a killing on the stock market
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH he actually brought the dip, fucking kill yourself before your house gets foreclosed mutt faggot.


eventually most people will have had corona, a mild case for most people. Most people will develop immunity after this mild case, after the majority of people have immunity things will return to normal
It'll be over by may

They are testing the limits of their fear prison.

>You're likely lying.
Says the projecting shill. Fucking die in a fire you piece of shit

After the things Biden has done this week, there is literally a 0% chance he beats Trump in November. Biden makes Trump look like a fucking saint.

>corona virus is fake and every country on the planet, even all the countries that hate each other, are playing along.

What a shit thread.

Shut it down goyim...they're breaking the memory hole

it isn''t shills.
What you are seeing here is an army of pathetic incels wishing for their life to have some meaning.

>So it's batting 1 for 1 in my area, that's empirical so I trust it more than anything anyone else says.
Sounds like you'll die first.

Oh man this NEET is seething. Part and parcel I suppose.

Always dumb Americans thinking the world revolves around them. No one outside your mystery meat pool cares about your politics, mutts

>Near me we got just one confirmed case, next day they were dead.

How old were they?

This. I don't know why Yas Forums fags can't stay in their own containment board.


>redditor writes something on a whiteboard themselves
>takes a picture
>posts it on reddit claiming it was from a doctor's office

The truth is that we're dealing with outbreaks of communicable illnesses constantly. These things don't happen on 4 year cycles, you retards are only remembering the ones near elections because it fits a narrative.
Italy has a mortality rate right now around 16%. People are laying in beds in triage because hospitals don't have the infrastructure to deal with these special cases in addition to all of their regular patients. We have strong evidence that the virus can cause last damage to major organs like the heart and kidneys. We have evidence that the virus is present in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients, and they may carry the virus for life, much like Herpes.


Not a happening unless you are a boomer or have aids


I would remind everyone that in 2001 the biggest larp (until this one) perpetrated in this century happened.
What happens when you tell someone that 9/11 was an inside job?
Do they call you crazy?
Do they get angry?

Now ask yourself if they can get away with that, then why not this???

The whole world is controlled by the central banking system. THE WHOLE WORLD.

Just a civilian casualty of the war.
Based leaf. The economy is what people needed to fall, and it's working in the short term.

Every election a nothing-burger. They had to escalate it this time. The test-kits give random positives.

>no u
Whp is claiming 3.4% lethality us the one trying to be a scared pussy.

The actual lethality is 0.5-0.6%
Go be a shill on reddit theu welcome fearmongering.

Huh so it really is a nothingburger

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tfw you can't build up an immunity.

But I'm not a NEET. So now fucking what? You can't respond properly with curses and insults because you're getting paid to do this and need to stay on script.

clearly this

Pensioner, so over 65

Take your meds schizo. Just for the record, not working and being on disability is still being a NEET. Nice try though.

>god punishes boomers for their crimes against humanity

wtf i a believer now

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>office girl writes something down as she’s told
Do you think before you post?

To be fair, even if I made millions I would still shitpost here. If anything being filthy rich would give me even more time to shitpost.

And Iran released all their prisoners and killed half their old ass ruling class to stick it to Drumpf too right

I can't believe China, Korea, and Italy are all trying to control the US elections by becoming so infected with the virus they're shutting down as societies. That's dedication to teaching a lesson to the 34% of the US that still supports Trump.

Mutts law.

Source :TrUSt Me ImFrIeNdz WiTh TrUMmp

Ok Jew no thanks this is all problem reaction solution.