Nick fuentes

Anyone else think he will be president one day?

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If he sets his mind to it he can do it. He is good at talking

>first gay president

only a low IQ retard who eats his own boogers would think that

>Muh e celeb should be president

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>Catholic theocrat
>any chance

you zoomers have to grow up lol

no nick we fon't think you'll be president

I’ll vote for the nicker

no nick we don't think you'll be president

Low information voter spotted

Murdoch Murdoch

Hes a jewish op

That nicker is alright.. but he needs to stop hanging out with cat boys and drop the Jewsus larp

Buttgag should be his VP!

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I'd vote for him but only if he approves government-issued catboys

I dont think america is ready for a gay president yet.

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Yeah This is definitely not a vaushpig.

>Catholic theocrat
Checks out

Vice president patrick casey?

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you do know our president was a reality tv star right?

Why do all these internet personalities look like ultra faggots? Spencer, Fuentes, Styx, Sargon. Every single one looks like a cocksucker.

>Its vaushes fault nick is gay
Press x to YIKES

Show flag Moishe

Casey is even cringier, even its not mathematicaly possible, he fucking is.


It's ok buddy bernie can still win

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Using the word "Yikes". You're an actual homo.

Good, then King of Israel is safe. So is Charlie kirks career.

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>eceleb shit

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Then Ima based groyper.

Homos are attracted to positions of power. They then use whatever power they gain to fulfill their own personal fantasies and sellout their original constituents.

You're obsessed is what you are
Vaushpiggies go oink oink


He seems to understand the game of politics far better than others, he excels in rhetoric and charisma, so he fits the bill. The only exception is he's not on the payroll of ZOG

Glowies like gays.They're naturally duplicitous and easy to blackmail.

He'll probably just stay in media

yeah im black not a democrat ooo weee

Nice projection senpai

No he doesnt, he excels at picking easy targets. Dunking on conservatives has been happening for 30 years by the left. Nothing new.

Also hes a fucking manlet, who respects manlets? Seriously lmao

he might be president of a gay bathhouse or something.

Of the gays? Yes.

100% based
Bryson will be performing at Nick's presidential inauguration

President of mexico.

>Nick Fuentes
President of GRIDS LARPers for Zion? Sure, he already is.

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Very few people care about height in politics, it is not a relevant variable for someone's electability. Nick has everything needed to excel in politics and his enemies are painfully aware of it, which is why they do not dare debate him because they end up getting owned. Something tells me you're one of them, memeflag.

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100% this. Fuentes has been promoted to be the new Spencer as it were. It will come to light, in time, that Fuentes is a complete fake. In fact, not only is the twink not remotely a traditional Catholic (but rather adopted it as a brand choice), there is verifiable proof that he was seeking male on male relationships. His older Discord logs even show this.

Sadly, Gen Z has a contingent of fatherless youngsters desperate for a leader to the point that some will still defend this LARP with cult like ferocity.

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>Very few people care about height in politics, it is not a relevant variable for someone's electability.
In nearly all american election people vote on height, stupid fag, statistics fool

>they do not dare debate him
Yeah he just shits and insults them, yeah what a briliant debater

With friends like you pozzed up zoomers the american right doesnt need enemies.

probably not, nick. the catboy demographic isn't big enough to carry you.

Hi Mr Meeseeks

Talking into a mic doesn't qualify one for being a leader. Can we get over this a society. It seems like the bar has been lowered to "FACE I RECOGNIZE FROM MEDIA!" and that's all it takes to be given massive amounts of power over people.

They're all people who don't look bad enough for people to call them ugly or make fun of them so they have no issue with putting their face on the Internet all the fucking time.

Wouldn't be the first cuck in the White House.

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Not sure why you all discredit this guy so much, he has probably redpilled thousands of Zoomers on his own.
>White majoritarian
>Good optics
He is by far the closest e-celeb to this boards views. Plus, almost all other ‘right wing’ e-celebs do not associate with him or mention him.

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he organized AFPAC and got michelle malkin on board, you retard


Lol this is fucking retarded. Nick has never even had a girlfriend which is one of the most common insults thrown at him. Are you stupid or did you not get the memo?

>he doesnt eat his own boogers
first, mine are always ~50% cocaine so hell yeah I eat them bitches, $5 a pop
second, I haven't been sick in like 15 years lmao nigga can you even into antibodies?

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It's mostly shills and butthurt spencerfags

No but he is more conservative than Charlie Kirk by a country mile in general and better than Ben Shapiro on foreign policy, trade/economics.

It's literally and unironically discord trannies. Same shit with these every thread.

President of the Young LBGT Republicans yeah

No, the kikes wouldn't allow it. But I definitely would vote for him.

>4 replies
>the 2 memeflag replies are also kiked, just like the original poster

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why? barry soetoro was dicked in his nigger ass by michaels bbc

this guy is a mexican that eats his boogers and thinks stonetoss is a "pea brained wignat"

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>Good optics
good catholic optics to deny the holocaust and go on gay dates
Wait every though you can easily search these things and see they are true I must be a shill!

I support everything that redpills normies and so should you.

When nick brags about being the most talented and the most charismatic he isnt wrong, which is what makes spencer, vaush, and the like seethe the most.

If it werent true they wouldn't have to resort to gossip as their primary means of attack

This guy gets it, booger eaters are the most advanced defensive biological humans to ever exist.



No he will never be president he doesn’t have the money to stake himself and has no one that would back him to even become a nominee

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And that changes laws or policies or effects anyone in any good way, how? Retard.

All the fuck he does is copy off Yas Forums like every other eceleb griter. Does he have any original opinions of his own?