Would deportations of legal but non-white citizens work

would deportations of legal but non-white citizens work

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You can’t deport legal citizens. And why would you want to deport them anyways especially if they’re taxpayers and working??

Maybe in other country than USA, yes.

I wish.
They're invaders undermining societal cohesion

Wtf how did you get a picture of me? I do not consent to this.

No because then everyone would be arguing about who is and isn't "white"... look at Yas Forums doing this all the time.

so true

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If they were born here or came legally I don’t think they’re invaders.

Big boomer cock

>meme flag
Checks out.

Yes. They aren’t true citizens of Western countries anyway.

Would probably be faster to deport the smaller demographic, white people lmao

No, you have to kill them.

only solution is to deport all jews to israel

I don't blame you, man. I've seen black women.

You don't realize that every rich white (Good Goy) is against that very thing and they also want more darkie cheap laborers each year too, right? You have a white leadership problem. All the white leaders worship Jews and love darkies. Fix that before you get silly ideas about mass deportation when your entire rich class makes mad money from mass immigration.

>non white
>paying taxes

Nice try nigga.

Your feelings don't matter. Nor does it matter what loophole they used to get into the country; or if it was them themselves or their parents bringing them here. They are on foreign ground.

>changes law to just let people in
The rubber stamp of legality under a system ruled by your racial enemies make it legit. Checkmate bigots, you have to go extinct now!

Yeah, these traitors need the gallows or the guillotine. What of it?

>would deportations of legal but non-white citizens work
No, culture is not race, I wouldn't want the Franc and English Canadian cultures to be combined. The differences between the two are important and combining them to form a homogeneous society is an awful thing to do. Mass importing millions from another land into your countries do nothing but destroy the native culture. Look at the native American and the Australian Aboriginal, this is what awaits western countries if we continue to import millions of immigrants. Immigrants need time to assimilate and be absorbed by the host culture. You cannot force this globalism, it's such a destructive act on our societies. The people who force this open borders are wanting to create a police state, a prison society where we are all in cages like cattle, working and just getting enough to eat.

You can deport anyone you want. If you have the will.

White women are so gorgeous because of their pure dna. Non-white men subconsciously know their race is inferior, if this want the case they would lust after their own race's women. This inferiority leads them to wanting to possess that which is better than them, ignoring the that this act of possession destroys what made the beauty in the first place, it's genetic purity.

This thinking is oxymoronic. It is a philosophy of short sighted nihilism. It is an act of destruction and jealousy. It truly proves that the non-white races are not just physically interior, they are mentally and spirituality inferior as well.

Face it, white women are built for white men.

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They have no problem deporting a 95 year old ex-Nazi citizen. In theory it would happen but it would be a long-term project. You couldn't deport all shitskins at once.

This kills the chink.

My nationality has no relevance to anything.
Tons of colored people work and pay taxes you know.
Sooo, what country are you even gonna deport them to? I don’t even think it’s legal and what happens if they’re third generation then?
That’s not how laws work.
Except you literally CAN’T.
That sounds fake and even if it was real he probably wasn’t a citizen AND he probably wasn’t born in the country he was deported from. I really don’t think if he has kids that in a country that that country could then deport his kids.

>implying he wasnt a citizen
>implying it was fake
>inplying the majority of spics in the US were born in the US
unironically kys memeflag kike

>feet out of frame
Why does this happen so often?


You can’t deport the “spics” who were born in the US though and what if the people who were born in the US THEN have children which probably won’t even know any other language than English??

Of course 'legally' you couldn't. But the rule of law is decaying quite rapidly anyways. Neoliberals ignore immigration laws to get the cheap labor spics and poos in the country. In a reverse scenario where nationalists are in charge we could ignore the laws that protect ''citizens'' from deportations.

Where would you deport them too then?? Like Mexico wouldn’t accept them because they’re not even Mexican citizens you dummy.

Pretty easy
>Only whites granted citizenship
>non-whites citizenship revoked

deport them with bullets and fire and sure other wise you are just creating a problem for you descendants. It would just be another huge mistake in a long line of mistakes Whites have made due to their altruism. If you are going to do a job do it all the way.

Not really my concern. There are ways in which you could prevent them from reproducing, and just allow them to play playstation and go to buffalo wild wings without creating new shitskins. Or provide some monetary incentive for them to leave. Or if they get violent just deport them to the middle of the pacific and film their drowning on national television.

Wtf... What kind of leaf are you?

First off sterilizing people on mass is NOT okay, monetary incentives could probably work as long as you don’t force them and you can’t be serious with the drowning thing...

they are invaders, why can't they work and pay taxes in their countries?

>First off sterilizing people on mass is NOT okay
Rookie mistake. It is perfectly fine.

But what about their kids who were born here and what about their children? Also Canadian people were immigrants too not that long ago, you know that right lol?
It’s really not.

This country and Australia had a literal whites only policy which is how these countries had a 99% racially European population, then jews changed the laws and suddenly you're telling me this is all above-board, and now these people are totally legitimately here. Fuck you.

Only non-skilled workers.

Why are you even on this website?

But white people voted for politicians that made those laws though...
Idk, I’m bored I guess. And you?

>It's not real
You are a lemming and we are not requesting your opinion here, nor do we want your input on any potential solutions to the problems facing our race and indeed the whole world.
You can convince a population to support any measure as long as you control the information they consume. It's why today racism is the one deadly sin while only 60 years ago the vast majority of the country was explicitly racist.

In my view deportations will be unnecessary, as a strict justice system will remove all the worst from society while propaganda coupled with temporary economic assistance and a eugenics program would convince foreign bodies within our nation to remove themselves over time. If you are going to use force to remove them, I would suggest you just go the extra mile and subjugate their home countries, using the immigrant population to build up their new state. Such a policy would do wonders for Mexico in particular.

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She would be really cute if I couldn't see all the makeup caked on her face.

>women think this looks good and not fake

I'm Metis so fuck you.

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What country did we immigrate into? Who had a country built up here before us? No one. It was a wilderness with sparse hunter-gatherers who enjoyed skullfucking each other for the last 10,000 or so years. Eat shit nigger. We're not all immigrants.

"You voted for politicians that did something outside of the scope you voted them in for to do something you never would have consented to therefore the system is legit." Fuck you.

>we are not requesting your opinion here, nor do we want your input on any potential solutions to the problems facing our race and indeed the whole world.
No one is requesting your opinion either and I’m just being realistic here while you guys are just living in a fantasy universe.
>We're not all immigrants.
Moving from one nation to the other makes you an immigrant and there were natives there before you.
>"You voted for politicians that did something outside of the scope you voted them in for to do something you never would have consented to therefore the system is legit."
But you kept voting for them even AFTER they changed the immigration policy... you can like claim that you were tricked for ONE election, but after that you know what their immigration policy is but you still kept on voting for them.

Show your flag Poojeet

No, I don’t want to show my flag.

You're a memeflagging parasite who just wants to live in a country your own people are incapable of building an equal to and bloodsucking the people who did build a country like this to death. Fuck off.

"You kept voting for them when every single party was the same and speech laws were drafted up to throw you in prison if you made the case against the policy in question, therefore legitimate system goyim."

Fine then, I’m Swedish and no I don’t come form an immigrant family.
Every single party isn’t the same and you can always make your own ones.

The Trail of Tears worked. Even if it didn't that just gives us the excuse to kill them all.

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How about you guys open your borders and take all of them in then? I'm sure all the spics, poos, niggers and mohammeds will make great contributions to Sweden and culturally enrich you.

We will gladly ship them to you for free.

You are not being realistic at all, you are parroting mainstream points we have long dismissed as insanity. You refuse to even acknowledge the existence of a deportee because it is easier than facing reality.
On your final point, you don't even know what a nation is. We are not immigrants, our ancestors were not immigrants. There was no nation living here, no state, no country. There were only warring nomadic tribes. Our ancestors were colonists who built up new communities, created a state to govern their country, and conquered the primitive men who assailed them.
All the parties work for the jew because the jew holds sway over finance and a party can only win power anywhere after a thorough advertisement campaign. If you create a new party they will first ignore it, then they will fund its opponents, then they will threaten the few men you could win over, jail them if they can, get them institutionalized if they can, and when all that fails, if it fails, they will kill you, just as they did George Lincoln Rockwell whose party which was once my country's last hope of salvaging the situation democratically, is now no better than a honeypot with which the government traps dissidents. For he who enters into the fight against Judea initiates a struggle for life and death.

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You can. They are living things and can be relocated or even killed if they refuse. I don’t care if they are even workers or tax payers I want them out. I want white ethnostate. Everyone else can fuck off or die.

>would deportations of legal but non-white citizens work




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>especially if they’re taxpayers and working??
Browns being taxpayers/working

kek what type of troll is this? OOOOOO Nice flag jew.

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No, please don’t. I don’t want more immigration.
>You are not being realistic at all, you are parroting mainstream points we have long dismissed as insanity. You refuse to even acknowledge the existence of a deportee because it is easier than facing reality.
I am being realistic and even if deportations was an option I don’t know if I’d support it since deporting in Sweden case like 1 million people just because of the color of their skin is absolutely horrific imo.
>On your final point, you don't even know what a nation is. We are not immigrants, our ancestors were not immigrants. There was no nation living here, no state, no country
Except most people care to the US when it literally was a nation. The Swedish, Norwegians, Italians etc all came to the US when it was an EXISTING nation.
>All the parties work for the jew because the jew holds sway over finance and a party can only win power anywhere after a thorough advertisement campaign. If you create a new party they will first ignore it, then they will fund its opponents, then they will threaten the few men you could win over, jail them if they can, get them institutionalized if they can, and when all that fails, if it fails, they will kill you, just as they did George Lincoln Rockwell whose party which was once my country's last hope of salvaging the situation democratically, is now no better than a honeypot with which the government traps dissidents. For he who enters into the fight against Judea initiates a struggle for life and death
Shut up. You’ve clearly been brainwashed.
Sooo where are you planning on moving them then??
It’s not a troll. I’ve met a ton of second and first generation immigrants who are extremely hard workers.

>You can't!
I don't know why you would think that user-kun

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Please explain how it’s possible to deport CITIZENS of your own nation who were born there and who’s parents might even be born there and probably only speaks the language of the nation they’re citizens off??

When did people in Sweden vote for third world immigration? What kind of monopolistic propaganda system exists in Sweden to condition the populace to think being bred out of existence in their own country = good and that opposition to this = nazi and nazi = bad.

>When did people in Sweden vote for third world immigration?
When the parties openly talked about accepting refugees.
>What kind of monopolistic propaganda system exists in Sweden to condition the populace to think being bred out of existence in their own country = good and that opposition to this = nazi and nazi = bad.
What do you mean by “monopolistic propaganda systems”??

>Shut up. You’ve clearly been brainwashed.
Says the man who believes race is skin deep. Screencap your post, lurk a year, and look back at your naivety with disgust for those who conditioned you.

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Same as non-citizen. You take whatever papers they might have, put them on a boat, train, or some other mode of transportation, and send them off somewhere else. Unwelcome guests of traitors are just that, regardless of whatever magic seal the traitors stamped on their forehead.

Nigga some non-whites like us and the Chinese pay more taxes than many native whites

Come on, you know what I meant...
What if the other nation does NOT welcome them??? You’re acting like some other nation will just accept millions of people which they won’t.

Easy, amend the constitution, make it into law that anyone of non-white ancestry needs to leave the country, give them a deadline and some support. Done.

If their country of ancestry doesn't want them back, then they can beg some other country to take them in as refugees.

Swedes were comped from the beginning.

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If you actually believe that you need to seek help or something because that’s just disgusting....

>What if the other nation does NOT welcome them???
Then hopefully they die.

Love is not disgusting, it's beautiful.

Deporting millions of people because they happened to be born into the wrong race is disgusting.

A bunch of jews talked about it in Sweden in the 1960s. No one else. Sweden had a PM during this time that talked about the reason why Sweden is so good is the homogeneity. You're a lying faggot.

Virtually all of the media is owned by foreigners. A woman was kicked out of the Sweden Democrats party for suggesting that it shoudl be law that ethnic Swedes should have to own at least half of the media in the country. Which they don't. Really makes you think. That's a monopoly owned by hostile foreigners.

They still have a homeland. We don't. Are you saying we have to accept being colonized and eventually exterminated in our own countries because some kikes like you let in literal foreign hordes through a coup via institutional capture? Eat shit.

>What if the other nation does NOT welcome them???
They all came from somewhere. If those places won't accept them (although they probably will) it's not our problem. If your neighbor started dumping his trash over your fence would you just let him? Or would you make him take it back?

Not under currently established law. Sure, you could change the law, but would likely be challenged and overturned in constitutional court. And even if you succeed, then what? Where do they go? Sure, some are dual citizens, but what about the rest? Do they just live in airports for the rest of their days?

Killing millions of chicken because they happened to be born into the wrong species is acceptable.

We are being humane here, we are just telling them to go away, not harming them physically at all, so I don't think it's disgusting at all.