/sg/ Syria General - Dead Jihadi Storage



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Devs Mar 8
With the fall of Afes, Al Qaeda in Idlib and their Turkish allies have been forced off the M5
Putin-Erdogan meeting in Moscow ends up unfavourably for Turkey
Joint Russian-Turkish patrols will take over M4 with establishing of safe zone
Terrorists still not part of the deal
Turkshills killing themselves en masse
Clashes between protesters and security forces at Al-Khilani Square
Former Egyptian army officer Hisham Ashmawi has been executed in Egypt after being captured by LNA scouts in Darna. He was wearing an explosive vest while assisting ISIS in Darna.
LNA forces fully liberated the apartment complex in Al-Azizia.
Ma’rib tribes prepared to hand over city to National Salvation Government of Yemen (Houthi Yemen)


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Poland has socialism once again.

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1st for Al mawt Li amrika


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All hail the greatest guys in Afghanistan, the Shia Mongols of Hezb i Wahdat!

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Six long weeks of pain and longing

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the neet shall inherit the world :^)

they have 27 cases.....

Are you converting to Shia?

we also have autism en masse

what's that shit nobody touched?

Hazara consists of many Tribes not just Mongols. There's also Oghuz and Kipchak Hazaras.


I love finngolia youtube.com/watch?v=x7RP6JqZgQ8



All these internal distinctions between muslims are just so tiresome. Can we just wipe out everyone except that one group of bosniaks around Bihać who aren't real muslims anyway?

yeah you genuis, you prepare before shit hits the fan, not when it's already on fire.
at some point Italy only had 27 cases themself.

Cool pdf!

And Tatars, think of our Polish Tatars, we love them

kill the mujos and alboids while letting the real muslims figure their shit out by themselves is what i say

Yeah, okay, select groups can stay if someone vouches for them.

this is the average poolack

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and Goranci, Muslims in South of the Province of Kosovo who celebrate Saint Sava and identify with Serb people

>a sole Tatar and Bihać bosniak look into the sky
>they're all dead brother, yes they are..
>but why us?! why did we survive?!
2 autists on /sg smiling autistically in the background

I'll save all mishars.

>t. Christian sect 832
Why did Tito leave us


o ali

>that one group of bosniaks around Bihać who aren't real muslims anyway?
Kek, you mean these guys?

lets talk about kevin is a movie i did not understand

Holy fuck guys.

If Taliban are not Salafi that means there is big chance they will work together with Iranian govt.

The dream of Greater Iran is becoming a reality.


its about an autist and how everyone ignores the warning signals

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They are salafis tho


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looking back that is

the woman slapped the crap out of Kevins mom because of his school shooter activities

The Poles do not really want to fight for NATO. Why?


yes about the movie but not the jpg. i dont do that

Apparently not. They have diff sect called Deobandi. It is based on Salafi, but it is different. It has touches to fit the local populations. Also, they oppose Salafis.

Has Ayatollah Mike confirmed this?

The Iranians in Afghanistan are the Tajiks; Taliban Pashtuns are from Pakistan, so they're ISI outgrowths like the Kashmiris. Plenty of people consider Pakistan a part of Greater Iran though. It's a -stan after all

False, the Arabs among them sometimes are tho, but Talibs are still mad at Arabs for stealing children after taking over from the Soviets

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Let me answer this seriously.
If you cried: "Poland is being attacked by Putin, go defend Warsaw!" than every single Pole hearing it will get in his car and drive towards the closest border.
On the other hand if you scream "Who's with me to retake Wilno & Lwów?!" You'll have 300 thousand conscripts in half an hour.

>Pashtuns from Pakistan
Paktunwah straddles the Durand Line, so they're kind of both countries. Kabul is a Pashtun city though, and Afghan heads of state usually are.

>get mercilessly rekt by larger European powers/ alliances untill the lates 90s

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>There are 500,000-600,000 shia Hazaras living in Quetta

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are pashtoons related to cartoons?

>Taliban Pashtuns


>The Pashtuns, also Pukhtuns or Pushtuns, historically known as ethnic Afghans or Pathans, are an Iranic ethnic group

>The early precursors to modern-day Pashtuns may have been old Iranian tribes that spread throughout the eastern Iranian plateau.

>According to Yu. V. Gankovsky, the Pashtun's probably began as a "union of largely East-Iranian tribes which became the initial ethnic stratum of the Pashtun ethnogenesis, dates from the middle of the first millennium CE and is connected with the dissolution of the Epthalites (White Huns) confederacy."

w00t w00t


Ok turkey is fucked with corona if that's the mentality


But Tajik is Persian and Tajiks are basically just Sunni Iranians

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#UPDATE: Further reports now from a BBC journalist that around 30 rockets possibly hit Camp Taji in Iraq, which houses US forces


twitter.com/PashtunComics *


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Death to America, of course


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>no source for their claim
I know, that's my point. If they are consistently lying on claims a normie can google in 15 seconds then what is one supposed to think of low quality footage with maxed out contrast, cuts, post-processing and lagging soldiers.
>this has happened. northwest idlib literally turned into other turkish occupied zones.
If this was new then maybe. Same situation was with sochi lines but bigger territory.
>I don't know why people are so obsessed about the "time erdo supposedly waited" or "erdo going to moscow" instead of the other way around.
I don't care about this waiting meme either. I'm just saying if Erdo was winning there would not even be a reason for ceasefire.
>also, why do Haтáшas get so testy when the quality of their AA systems are questioned?
Because the questioning comes in bad faith. If you ever visited sosach /sg you'd find out that people shit on pantsir and generally russian systems all the time.
>I would guess rebels are not the ones constantly sending drones to khmeimim;
Khmeimim has a drone attack almost every week but you don't know about it because after the first attack they added lots of AA to the base and rebels stopped talking about it because no successes to brag about.

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PMA most likely, they said the deadline ends on the 15th.
I doubt we will get a proper happening but it's heating up lately so fingers crossed

John 3:16
"Çünkü Tanrı dünyayı o kadar çok sevdi ki, biricik Oğlu'nu verdi. Öyle ki, O'na iman edenlerin hiçbiri mahvolmasın, hepsi sonsuz yaşama kavuşsun.

Matthew 16:24
Sonra İsa, öğrencilerine şunları söyledi: "Ardımdan gelmek isteyen kendini inkâr etsin, çarmıhını yüklenip beni izlesin.

John 14:6
İsa, "Yol, gerçek ve yaşam Ben'im" dedi. "Benim aracılığım olmadan Baba'ya kimse gelemez.


a week ago we had roaches here loudly proclaiming how they are immune to the virus and only lesser races get it

what does this mean

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Post more swedish songs like these if you have. It makes me relax to hear swedish words from that age.

Yes both Tajiks and Pashtuns are Iranians.

>basically just Sunni Iranians
True, I imagine Iranians were just like the Tajik before the Safavid came into power.