/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #1899 - Lookner Edition

► Detected: 124,916 ► Died: 4,585

WHO declares _PANDEMIC_

Spanish Civil Guard keeping people quarantined

4% of health workers infected in southern Netherlands

False claims in social media to get you arrested in Newark, New Jersey

UK health minister tests positive

983,006 infected in Wuhan alone

Asymptomatic concentrate virions at nose, more infectious

Recovered in Japan sick again: reinfected or dormant

Virus hides in neurons, indefinitely escapes recognition

Young cases end up hospitalized too, it just takes longer

China factories waste electricity to fake productivity

China province outbreak 52 times worse than admitted

China province covers up "viral pneumonia" explosion

Indian man tests negative, dies of pneumonia next day

CDC approvals delay testing in New York

13:41: 6 new cases in Colombia.
13:37: 2 new cases in Poland.
13:17: 121 new cases and 1 new death in the Netherlands.
13:10: 9 new cases and 1 new death in Spain.
13:01: 30 new cases in Sweden.
12:58: 4 new cases in Iceland.
12:49: 48 new cases and 1 new death in Spain.


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What specifically should have the US of been doing?

Anything but nothing.

Warriors first nba team to play without fans. First home game is Thursday. People are really taking this shit seriously.

Wtf is the Canadian government even doing at this point? Countries with less than half the cases of us have shut down school and banned gatherings. They must want us to all die right?

start cancelling infected people like you are usually do

497 new cases in France
15 new deaths

That makes global tally for today thus far 6496 new cases and 326 new deaths.
Press F

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Big if flu

can I have the cvg approved anime list ?

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I subbed at a middle school today, and the discussion between students about coronavirus were indistinguishable from hourly coronavirus threads here. That's the intellectual level you fags who are panicking about his are operating on.

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are whites still immune?

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Reminder that the British parliament is infested

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>Macron's face when the retirement crisis is going to be solved fast

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Czech Republic reporting 84 cases as of now. It was like 61 when I woke up and it will go even higher before I go to sleep.

For anyone living in Italy right now, are online retailers like amazon still operating? I just want to know what's going to happen here inevitably.

Pandemic bondholders BTFO!

Useful prep list anons put together

stfu retard itll kill the chinky boomers and nornal boomer, their properties will hit the market all at once, driving the price down. this is the correction canada needs so younger ppl can afford houses that arnt in rural areas

I need crying Tedros image for... meme science. Best if nothing is obstructing his face

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4am here lads, I’m gonna go stock up on more shit once the grocery store opens, when all the boomers wake up here and see a pandemic has been announced no doubt they’ll buy out the shops again

Lookner knew.
And he's disappoint, now.

I hoe ths virus kills the wogs and gays in large numbers but I know it won't

Ive got the Koruna virus

I am expecting shit to go down in Denmark tonight. Press conference with the prime minister in 45 minutes.

Using flamethrowers on potential carriers

>“Peak shedding” - when a person with Covid-19 is most infectious - typically occurs within five days of picking up the disease, and patients emit 1,000 times more virus than during peak shedding of a Sars

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Metro Detroit user checking. Our second confirmed case is a woman who had returned from travel in a country with no reported infections.

My wife's mother have been called by the state today, she's a retired nurse and they asked her if she could come work in hospitals soon. Tomorrow Macron will make an annoucement about the coronavirus. Something big is coming in France...

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fuck you leaf :)

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I must protect my little sister at all costs, loliraiders have been warned.

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I welcome this. Good times make weak men, weak men make (*you are here) hard times, hard times make strong men, strong men make good time.

>agenda free
used to worth watching. now he's a whore for subs and likes just like everybody else. and his jannies are faggots

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Black rain in Japan...

>I subbed at a middle school today
yeah ok pedo

+1 death in Bulgaria (66 yo woman), soon will be +2 since her husband, 77 yo, is in critical condition as well

Less active in these threads now that the whole conspiracy time is phasing out and we're all just coming to terms with how our lives will be altered soon. So how is everyone feeling? What have you done to prep?
I intend on getting my PAL in Canada once this is all over as a means to defend myself and my family.

oh god oh fuck

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Threadly post your fridge

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>That makes global tally for today thus far 6496 new cases and 326 new deaths.
sounds like the flu

POTATO CHAD: twitter.com/xeclipse_/status/1237468385417592833

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we've been testing a lot of people compared to the US as well as using FLIR at ports of entry

The silver lining.

>UK still doing absolutely nothing

The NHS will collapse in a week we are so fucked

One, nothing bear with me
two, nothing bear with me
three, nothing bear with me
four, nothing bear with me

one, something got to give
two, something got to give
three, something got to give


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friendly reminder:
Germany is Kill

Federal is doing shit all, you need to thank provincial govs. B.C. and Ontario in particular are prepping out the ass.

They’re kicking off together, corona ain’t so bad.

Norway at 598, two more and we will have a 50% increase in less than 24 hours. Was at 400 this morning!

Compared to US Uganda is testing more people probably, so the bar is not that high I would say.

we're actually doing quite a bit not gonna lie as much as i fucking hate trudeau his health people who are running the show are doing a good job now

Guys, i think it got me.

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Get some self awareness fagots , the common cold isnt gonna hurt you - your other vices however...

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oy vey that's fucking disgusting

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Holy kek


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10,590 people are currently infected with the coronavirus in Italy, a rise of 2,076 on Tuesday, Civil Protection Chief and emergency commissioner Angelo Borrelli said Wednesday. The number of deaths has risen to 827, 196 more than Tuesday.
1,045 people have recovered from the coronavirus in Italy, 41 more than Tuesday, he said. The total number of cases in Italy, including people who have died, those who have recovered and those who are currently infected, has climbed to 12,462.
>Borrelli said the growth "is following the same trend as the last few days" and a factor in the big rise registered on Wednesday was that 600 of the new cases were actually from Tuesday but they were not available in time to be included in the data released yesterday.
>Indeed, there were only 529 new cases on Tuesday with respect to Monday, a rise of 6.6%.
>Wednesday's increase of 24.6% was in line with the previous rises.


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