Grow the fuck up

and when was the last time you heard about a reported case of it?

seriously what the fuck is wrong with you guys over this bullshit. usually most people here seem to be a lot more level headed when it comes to global events. is it a just a bunch of shills trying to scare people into buying/hoarding everything to boost the economy or did everyone here became a kneejerk emotional reactionist overnight?

We go through one of these apocalyptic returns of the plague every 2 fucking years. You'd think by now people would realize if they have access to healthcare and aren't living in destitute 3rd world conditions they'd be fine.

Is it boomers just making a huge deal about it this time because its the first one they're in the risk age for?

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>if they have access to healthcare and aren't living in destitute 3rd world conditions they'd be fine.
This is America, OP

ok Gary

Thanks, Trump

not any of the parts that matter.

cool, go spend your entire savings on shit that you dont know how to effectively use or dont really have room to store. Have fun dealing with it all by midsummer when this whole bullshit media distraction has been forgotten.

Holy shit, you people will just not fucking stop. What will it take for you to rip your head out of your ass and realize this shit isn't normal? You have to be some kind of super retard to look at everything being cancelled, massive quarantine lockdowns, progressively dire predictions from government, and STILL say "yeah, this is fucking fine".

I hope you get the coof and die you gormless stupid fuck.

lmao fucking cringe at OPs cope gymnastics

whatever man. I work in emergency services. Been through this nonsense more times than i care to remember. Even behind the scenes every hospital and agency is treating this like the ones that came before it (with the exception that we dont need the hazmat suit for this one like they did for ebola). Media just seems a bit more active on this one but thats really the only difference. But sure, shit yourself every time someone sneezes within 1000 feet of you, good thing you have a mountain of toilet paper.

>reported case of H1N1

It literally one of the most common strain of flu virus, so pretty frequently. H1N1 is not just that swine flue shit you heard about a few tears ago. Its an entire class of viruses.

It's unbelievable. Once I saw China start to wall people up with 10-foot berms that was enough for me to clue in that this is serious. And I know people are all like: "lulz, but it's China and they dgaf" but even China wouldn't torpedo their economy for no fucking reason, and if they really didn't give a shit about the people they'd still force them to work to keep the numbers up. That they went immediately to "seal it all up" should have told everybody with even minute self-awareness that shit has gone sideways. And still, now, with fucking spaghettis on lockdown we get absolute tards cope-posting.

Nice larp. I've seen 4 decades of "coof of the year" come and go and I have NEVER seen a response like this. You can pretend it's all copasetic if you want, there isn't a law against being stupid, but I've seen enough to be on full alert.

and here is a mutt living his own reality...he stack in H1N1 .time stoped right at that period of your life

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H1N1 had mortality rate of 0.1%
SARS-2 has mortality of 3.4%

shut the fuck up. There has never been a worse epidemics in at least 100 years

>trusting China
This is actually the problem. You retards are eating everything up that comes out about this shit. Why are you trusting the media all of the sudden? There is such a lack of critical thinking that it makes me wonder where the fuck you fear mongers came from.

get back to me in the summer when youre pretending to not have panicked like a retard over this

Anyone afraid of coronavirus is a gullible retard.

>is it a just a bunch of shills
Yes. The old guard is just tired of arguing with retards. We'll still win the election.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that swine flu infected nearly 61 million people in the United States and caused 12,469 deaths. Worldwide, up to 575,400 people died from pandemic swine flu.

When the coronavirus will infect up to 70% of the United States population you can easily calculate how many victims will be there.

You think the state media are the ones who put that information out? Wouldn't they have a vested interest in trying to keep it quiet? I think you might be lacking some critical thinking here, breh.

You just fell for the media doommongering retard. It's literally nothing. If the Flu got as much coverage as the coronavirus you'd think the apocalypse was upon us every flu season.

lmao I prepped and shut myself in during H1n1, everyone was coughing and falling ill around me while I was comfy in my room. The mortality rate was less than 0.1% so not many people died and there were already medicine that worked from before. Corona is about 10-50 times worse and theres nothing that can stop it. Flutards are going to get their asses handed to them this time.

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The media were the first to deny the danger of the virus, stupid monkey.

No, you dense motherfucker. I know that sealing people up on cruise ships isn't fucking situation normal. I know that walling people up isn't fucking normal. I know that cancelling convention season across the board isn't fucking normal. THAT is what perked up my antenna, not the media you absolute twat. The media were downplaying this shit for weeks.

The Orange Man

MSM always have an agenda. Manipulate the herd, for several reasons... getting more control and power. Right now for what? Immigration of europe, random laws, manipulate elections, killing the old and useless ppl and what not.

But who cares, it is a simulation anyway

They were hyping it up since the end of January

Reminder to you doomers

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Only when Trump went full nothingburger

>muh flu kills hundreds of thousands

Yeah out of the billions that get it every year you fucking retard

This thing is ten times as deadly and apparently spreads just as easily if not more

>People acting abnormally because of engineered mass panic means it's worse than it is and EVERYONE is trying to cover it up!
Take your meds schizo. We'd have a dozen videos by now of the "coverup" if there were actually one. It's literally nothing.

But it's a nothingburger

>n-no it's worse than the flu despite the lower numbers everywhere in a much longer timeframe

>Oh gee looks like I caught a stroke by going outside, what a pandemic this is
Literally die

H1N1 was a natural virus. Corona-chan was literally created as a bioweapon to disrupt nations by IsraHELL and accidentally released by Chinks, big difference there faggot.

In 24 years, how many times has E3 been cancelled? There's a lot of money on the line with events, and a lot of money being lost due to cancellation. You think they're just doing this for no good reason? That it's just raw panic over "just the flu"? They never did it before.

Those are your words, not mine. You made it up out of your vivid imagination, schizo.

Hey faggot, you're still more likely to get a stroke and die. Let that sink in, you are literally more scared of Corona which you has a far less likely chance of dying from.

i think you need to reread. I'm explicitly not panicking and instead complaining about every brain dead "critical thinker" who is losing their shit over this whole thing. I agree 100% that by August the only mention will be people complaining it wasn't a happening or pretending they didn't panic.


How can China be notorious for censoring their own internet but at the same time be so incompetent to let all of their attempts to stop the "virus" slip through the cracks and end up on Yas Forums? Do you ever feel like you're being manipulated?

>its announced that the virus is 10X more deadly bringing the mortality rate to 1%
>the media cuts off the last few words
>Dude why is everyone freaking out..... this must be SERIOUS!!!!

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See, now this is some conspiracy shit. It's all manufactured, right? Errybody in on it! Let's FAKE a flu and lose billions of dollars! That absolute state of copefags.

>50 million infected
Are you retarded fags seriously trying to retcon H1N1 into a nothingburger? Does something only qualify as a Happening(tm) if you're literally wandering through a post-apocalyptic wasteland?

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I think it's because it's all Drudge covers

H1N1 was just an Obama time slogan.

Truth is, there is no truth to anything. We do not know what is real or not, all we know is what we see. And I see a panicked market. The uncertainty of this all is not helping.


It can be both serious and not the end of the economy or world

>this is totally not sensationalized
Why are you stoking the fire? Do you have money invested in this?

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>never leting a crisis go to waste
Sorry you dont see the manipulation that's obviously going on. This is being hyped to make Trump look bad and the people doing it dont give 2 shits about any damage this may be doing. Look up the other chinkflus and the shit responce to it, we had thousands dead before the administration lifted a finger and the media gladly covered for them

The CCP isn't united you idiot.
There are parts that don't like Xi the poo bear. They've been waiting.
Xi has angered not just the chinese people, but people in the CCP

ok, small redpill, but the bars for "epidemic" and "pandemic" are incredibly low. Professionals who know and use these terms will tell you same, REGARDLESS of their attitude towards corona.

>hurr durr 800 million people get quarantined for nothing

I'm tired of "just a flu, bros" cope-posting. By now anybody with any fucking sense should have seen enough to figure out this is something they should take seriously. That doesn't mean panic, but for some reason copefags think the only two state are nothingburger or end of the fucking world. If you cannot see by now that this is some serious shit with very little precedent, and that you might want to evaluate your options, then you are really fucking slow, m8.

yah bro italy and china both fucked their economy up because they want to beat trump.

> out of the billions that get it every year
oh yeah, coronachan hasn't even been around for a few month and in some places less than 2 weeks. Its only just begun in the west and its already taking a huge toll. We all gonna die.

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We have flu vaccines.

h1n1 didnt do shit to speculated oil demand thus crashing the economy
h1n1 didnt do shit regarding quarantine and mass closures of events and schools

>Killer virus chaos spread


>Low deaths from virus entire world working to cure

Equally valid

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half a million people died of swine flu

>this is some serious shit with very little precedent
There's plenty of precedence this is like the 4th chinkflu in less then 20 years. They only hype it because they dont like the guy in charge.

no it wasn't, asshole

italy is hyping it cuz drumpf xD

Wtf man, yes H1N1 was a pandemic and it was fucking nuts, and this is worse than all of the previous 'diseases of the year' combined.

Besides you seem to not have a grasp on what an exponential function is, and no real idea about disease control. Social distancing is the only way to curb this and the only way of doing it is by relaying it constantly through media. People do panic a lot about it but you're a fucking retard for trying to go the opposite way and say it's a "normal" situation.

Also this shit started in China and evidence from Italy shows they have omitted several pieces of data from the entire picture. For all we know there could be plenty of folks still dying in there. Finally, nor you nor anyone else can guess if this one is seasonal of if it's going to stick for good (like the fucking flu which naysayers seem to compare it to, when having more and more variations of "flu" diseases are a fucking nightmare in itself).

Finally, if you would so much as take your head out of your asshole for a bit you would realize that going "through one of these apocalyptic returns of the plague every 2 fucking years" is a compound effect and its rate is increasing. People like you treating it like a nothingburger until the rate becomes high enough to actually cause damage to civilization are just like the Booming Boomers drinking water from lead pipes and wondering why their children all have acute assburgers and can't fit two pieces of Lego.

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Remember the old saying: When the media says panic it means situation is not serious but if the media says don't panic it means the situation is serious. Meaning: WHO announcing that Wuhan flu is a pandemic is just a scare tactic so the population will act a certain way. I'm not saying Wuhan flu is not real or you won't get infected. Yes you still need to take precautions but be more wary about your government's actions.