Seriously. How can this footage not at least DISTURB white Liberals?

Showed this to a white, Liberal friend I grew up

We went to the same school in an upper middle-class, white community. He mentioned he's gonna vote for Biden.
Everyone here's probably seen the footage. Biden states:

>"An endless stream of migration. Non-stop"
>"Men like me of Caucasian-decent, Europeanstock, will be an absolute minority."
>"That's not a bad thing. It's a good thing. It's a source of our strength."

My friend-
>"Okay... and what am I supposed to think about that?"

>"Historically, how have minorities been treated anywhere, at any point in time?"

>"I don't know. Whatever. I don't really care."

Then he walked away. In one ear out the other. Take away all the Marxist brainwashing, propaganda, Academia, Hollywood, social media, everything. How can someone's threat receptors and survival instincts be so absent as to not make him stop and say,
>"Hmm.... interesting."

I had the same thing happen with a white co-worker. It was like they saw nothing and just carried on with their day.

Attached: Endless stream of migration.jpg (750x748, 292.68K)

Other urls found in this thread:

because they're brainwashed to think any pushback against this is nazi hitler 6 million dead jews

>in an upper middle-class, white community
He won't learn until he gets mugged or his car broken into while visiting a diverse city.

white liberals increasingly desire to see their own kind fail, or at least pretend to desire that. We are in fucked up times

Attached: AA2.jpg (2560x1138, 188.5K)

We live in NYC now. He's been here for like 10 years.

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Attached: Based Tony.jpg (468x283, 46.58K)

Don't forget to show him these

Thanks user. Looks entertaining.

Attached: Knock knock.png (1111x845, 1.46M)

Your friend is a traitor. Plain&simple.
He just didn´t want YOU to understand.

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>the white man has treated minorities like shit for hundreds of years in USA
>the past is catching up with him
>he is cowering
You’re a fucking pussy op. If whites become a minority just be the strongest minority there’s ever been. You sharing faggy Facebook vids with your disinterested friends isn’t going to change birth rates or immigration rates. Just fucking strap up and quit bitching.

Came here to post that pic.

White liberals hate themselves. They want to die.

Speaking of Obama, is he allowed to run as Biden's VP?

They live in a fantasy world that has been constructed for them by the media they consume. It has relentlessly been pounded into their heads that all these brown people are the future and that any time they have a negative perception of them, it's simply due to "internalized racism". They're taught that any time a brown person is doing something wrong, it's because they're oppressed. In their minds, the disproportionate amount of crime that brown people commit can be solved by throwing more money at them and throwing them into colleges. If confronted with evidence that this hasn't been effective, well, the college's must be racist. The police must be targeting them and framing them for crimes. They'll never stop coming up with excuses to avoid admitting the truth. Because admitting the truth would open them up to being labeled the worst thing they've been conditioned to believe you could possibly be labeled as.

The entire reason they are liberals to begin with is due to their hatred of their own heritage and culture. That's all liberalism is for them, a tool to wipe out whiteness in the country.

We're already being mistreated and no one does shit except stand in the VA cuck cage and shitpost.

Attached: Virginia showdown.png (597x442, 50.2K)

>Live in a democracy
>Flood it with new voters
>Don't care cause I got my slice of the pie lmao
The middle class is truly the worst.

what happens when this liberal cunts kids start coming home from school after getting the shit kick out of them by niggers and spics?
will their protective instincts finally kick in?

Barak is NOT US citizen plus can’t serve more than 2 terms
Micheal is a tax cheat who claimed residence in Virgin Island. You have to be living in US states (not territories) for 7yr to be eligible.

That's a great explanation user but it still boggles my mind. Some contributing factors to his delusion-

>No children
>Lives in NYC same as me but never in a bad neighborhood
>Friends are all Liberals
>Trump Derangement Syndrome
>Family all legacy Democrats who think the party is same as it was in 1992.

He's only one example. So many others in my life. The city has changed me but not him.

Attached: Joker poster art.jpg (1032x1500, 141.91K)

>It's economic factors Billy.

>liberal cunts kids
>protective instincts finally kick in
Pick one

Attached: 237C579D-1C28-476A-BEC7-77BFE7245123.jpg (480x362, 36.9K)

This guy is fucking crazy. How is that good for us?

nice non-answer

I guess some people just don't register threats that aren't right in front of their face. Maybe it'll click with them while they're being pummeled by a horde of feral niggers.

While I agree with you, they probably just thought you were an Autist instead of taking anything you say and show them seriously.

Can somebody mash some of these up with the no no square song?

He won't live through that though. That's how karma works. He should have understood it the first time without actually having to be confronted by it, similar to all the people saying Corona isn't a big deal. They'll all be crying their eyes out when it confronts them.

>nice non-answer
Let me translate

Attached: B1CED863-0B95-4690-8F5A-014C65E9250D.jpg (480x360, 17.22K)

We discuss politics all the time memeflaggot. I've known him for years. It wasn't some acquantance or co-worker.

I imagine the only reasonable response is to leave the country if and when the next democract takes office unless some significant changes happen.

Alright, I'll take that. Thanks.

>How is that good for us?
Depends on who you ask. If you ask someone who’s been involved in international corruption in multiple countries then I says it’s good. But if you are like the rest of us then NO

>Marxist brainwashing, propaganda, Academia, Hollywood, social media, everything
you could consolidate all that by saying "jews"

at this point I'm convinced all leftists just have some sort of death wish, perfectly fine with America turning into the third world as long as they have muh ethnik food

He won’t even learn then, the brainwashing is that severe in a lot of people
Remember these are people who have been raised from birth to laugh at minorities saying “we want you and your family dead”

>How can someone's threat receptors and survival instincts be so absent
We live in the most prosperous and safe periods in human history. So safe and so prosperous in fact, that some people completely forget what danger and stress are like. We're like the people on WALL-E, just not all in chairs yet.

This is the most evil video I've ever seen from a politician

Attached: hqdefault-1.jpg (480x360, 16.43K)

No matter how many times these liberals get culturally enriched, they'll always make excuses.
>he robbed me because he's from a lower socioeconomic background
>he assaulted me because I entered a black space as a Caucasian
>he stole my bike because he needed a way to get to work
You can't redpill a progressive liberal. They've been indoctrinated past the point of no return.

It feels like 2015 or so the world became a horror movie. Not a straightforward horror but the kind that tries to break your sanity.

The only proper reaction to this clip is to say 'I have a sudden uncontrollable urge to skin this man, all his allies and ((benefactors)).'

The most egregious one so far has been "Tess Majors was stabbed to death because communities of color are over-policed."

it's the concept of "benevolent steward" they think they are so much better than minorities that only they can help. once they have lifted the noble savages up, those same savages will integrate into their perfect society of multiculturalism, with spicy food! it's arrogance.

This shit doesn't turn them right away. The seed takes time to germinate.

I was a straight up shitlib back in about... 2015? Then some dude in my uni class showed that video "with gates wide open" about how muds are driving whites to extinction.

I was angry at first "cuz that's racist" but it percolated and rattled around in my mind.

About 6 months later and doing my own research I realized he was completely right and that civilization WILL fall if white people allow themselves to be replaced in their own countries.

Technological progress will cease. Higher thought will decay. Culture and the greater mysteries will no longer be persued.

We will languish, atrophying and dumbening on this one planet until our distant descendents, long ago bred to retardation, are wiped out by some calamity they are too fucking stupid to comprehend, let alone counteract.

It is truly a matter of survival.


Download this video and share it. Jewtube keeps deleting this footage. There used to be an even better video of this but its gone now.

I can't even begin to fathom how they came up with that kind of logic.

They can't handle the truth.They're too docile too afraid to even see the problem.What you described has happened to me multiple times.They just frown and move their heads.

regarding out friends at the left, im at a point where im convinced that we cannot go forward without the construction of concentration / forced physical labor camps

>will their protective instincts finally kick in?
No, we have seen time and time again, the shitlibs will defend even the murderers of their own children. When Molly Tibbetts was raped and murdered, both her father and mother came out to condemn racism against spics. They had no ill will against the one who raped and murdered their daughter.

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there are no words to describe the absolute feels I contain right now

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If I was Trump, I'd pin this clip to his Twitter page until Election Day.

"What is really precious to the average American is not his freedom or his honor or the future of his race, but his pay check. He complained when the System began busing his kids to Black schools 20 years ago, but he was allowed to keep his station wagon and his fiberglass speedboat, so he didn't fight.
He complained when they took away his guns five years ago, but he still had his color TV and his backyard barbecue, so he didn't fight."

-Turner Diaries

>joe biden: "white genocide is real...and that's a good thing!"

>It was like they saw nothing and just carried on with their day.
You don't say.

Attached: hollywood lives.jpg (640x640, 163.88K)


The holocaust never happened, but it actually needs to.

I also live in NYC and the real answer is most liberals don't think. They have never had to think and don't want to. Your friend is a retard and he will never un-retard.

>being that guy that goes around trying to convince people they've been brainwashed

Ever wonder how the guy at the bottom of the freeway exit ramp holding a sign asking for sandwiches got there?

>How can someone's threat receptors and survival instincts be so absent as to not make him stop and say,
>>"Hmm.... interesting."
Glib libertarian mindset indoctrinated in whites.
They think that if everything is "equal", then whites will still naturally rise to the top; so they have no problem promoting egalitarianism or mass migration.

They just think they'll be the rulers of that hierarchic order regardless of demographic change.

He hasn't lived in a diverse neighborhood thus he has no point of reference

I've heard of women getting raped but they don't want to report it because then the rapist might get deported.

That’s why democracy is so shitty. The masses are dumb herd animals after all. I hope the gayreeks that invented democracy are burning in hell

This picture should be taken with a grain of salt as it doesn't separate out (((white liberals))) as their own category.
Obviously Jews will not display ingroup-preference towards actual whites, so including them in the statistical sample will drag down the data.

No matter how you interpret the picture though it's a huge redpill, and it needs to be spread.

Thanks for this, but the best video of it is still gone, and that one had the most views.

because they don't view themselves as being in competition with other groups, they view themselves as ruling over them

thanks for reminding me. they'll probably shoah that video as we get close to election time.


it's a combination of blue-pilled and black-pilled white traitors, and also redpilled non-whites and wordists who are deliberately invading

Good times have created weak men, coupled with the fact most of the Good Men stock have been sent off to die in wars, what are the odds these people are from divorce's marriages and raised by women/ the state?

What the fuck I love Joe Byedon now!

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Were not being mistreated you’re just a fucking sissy.

>tried to bring the world up to their standard of living
kys. Who ended their roles in the Atlantic slave trade first?

Joe Biden has dementia

take a look at jews and divorce lawyers

Yeah the middle class is responsible for flooding the USA with new voters
oh wait