Don't we already have a cure for the Coronavirus? Why the fuck is no one using it?
Don't we already have a cure for the Coronavirus? Why the fuck is no one using it?
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>Why would globalists who've been talking about population reduction for literally decades suddenly decide to preserve life during an outbreak.
The same reason the cure for cancer and free energy devices and flying cars are sitting in notebooks locked up in a corporate vault.
What is the pic from?
>The same reason the cure for cancer and free energy devices and flying cars are sitting in notebooks locked up in a corporate vault.
yeah sure like in the indiana jones warehouse
bigger question is why would anyone else want to cure the virus
Probably warhammer fantasy
That goat guy looks like a beastman
See that! See that son of a bitch right there! Hes the reason why we need to reduce humanity in numbers because most of them are just garbage anyway.
"hey i could do a reverse image search but instead i gona waste everyones time because my time is already worthless"
as so is most peoples time. Their time and lifes are worthless and they just have to die.
Beastmen are shit, lizardmen ftw.
We are going to have to kill them for it!!
So let's start!!!
This is a new strain of the human coronavirus. No vaccine ir cure
>he wants to contain the gift that keeps on giving
Disease isn‘t a bad thing, you should embrace the cleansing.
Fuck you, gors are the best. No horns = no good
>Not Tomb Kings
Daemons are finally being added in Warhammer 3, here's hoping all Chaos factions get a rework. As well as Ogres and Chaos Dwarves are being added.
Yes that's the hope. I want doombulls and ghorgons and shit.
Somewhat like your olanzapine and bathroom cabinet.
Fuck you settra. Bow before the great white lizard.
Yeah bull semen cures coronavirus user
Aerosolized AIDS? I'm not sure they have a vaccine for this one yet.
*scribble* yup this is going into my grudge compilation
The hidden Yas Forums discord link is
discord gg 6C3nECp
It has to stay hidden or (((discord))) will shut it down.
As far as discord knows, it's a server based on memetics and the memetic warfare
join join
Fuck niggers
Fuck kikes
Fuck glowniggers
Fuck nato
And most of all fuck jannies.
>From shabbos goy to kike in 0 seconds
Wew lads
>tfw you realize beastmen are literally just a bunch of farm animals
I like the beastyboys,just had a playthrough with them
Skaven are still greatest-best,though
Exit only, OP faggot. God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.
Wait, so the cure is getting killed by a furry?
lincoln labs draco
there is anotherone for the pit
>not playing as edgelords
Into the slave pits you go
There is a group that is testing an OTC antiviral set that cures most of the very bad bugs. Already proven in rodents and in dishes of human tissue.
They are crowd-funding, and they're willing to take sponsors as long as the product can be sold basically at cost of research and production.
>cure for the coronavirus?
Is it ill?
The (((druchii))) are meant to be eradicated user. High elves are aryan Yas Forumsack approved
High elves can take their donut and shove it. Woodelves are the real deal.
Into the woodchipper it goes
Warhammer nerds are the saddest people on the planet. There's a Warhammer shop in my town and every time I walk past I look in there and see them playing with their little figurines.
It's nice to get an ego boost when I see it though, in the sense of "at least I'm not that far gone".
>Race of literal niggers that will slaughter innocents for accidentally walking into the woods
You sound like a faggot.
Deriving a sense of worth from others is the literal most beta thing a man can do in this world, kek.
>Have massive signstones around telling every magically gifted race everyone entering will be fucked up
>Have seeded in every surrounding culture that if you enter the woods, you wont be coming back
>Literally ride out every autumn on a wild hunt to remind plainniggers this.
>still walk into woods
Nurgle has always been avaliable.
>tfw no one likes Beastmen but me
No we don't have a cure for COVID-19 yet.
>be playing beast CHADs
>make a giant doomstack
>declare war on knife ears
>murder army after army of the woodniggers
>poopoo pee pee all over their fancy little tree towns
feels good man
You have no idea how much i hate those tree dwelling fucks
Imagine being such a pathetic cuck you have to derive your sense of self worth from comparing yourself to other people you have deemed unworthy. No wonder your country is dying.
>>Literally ride out every autumn on a wild hunt to remind plainniggers this.
That's the most nigger of their behavior. The wild hunt brings them into random innocent villages to kill them all.
I usually just serially rape Enchantress to get her defeat trait on all my generals.
The only ones with a coronavirus cure are the north koreans.
Everybody else knows that shooting the infected is the cure since it stops the spread, but nobody else gets away with it so easily.
Take your toy game to /tg/. There is nothing cringier than "adults" playing with action figures.
I don't get it. What is this?
You don't "cure" viruses, dicklet.
Based and peepeepoopooPilled. The "Isolationist" shit heads are the biggest pain in the ass no matter who you're playing. Gotta rape and pillage the forest before they confederate and snowball stack.
There’s a literal cure for cancer being researched right now. It’s in trials. It probably won’t cure all cancer, but it might cure some cancer. Cancer is like five centrillion different things, some of which we HAVE cured.
Gors are generic as fuck. The rest is ok.
Enjoy death
>Be me
>Wanna get into Warhammer
>Like Fantasy
>Sees Fantasy get replaced by Age of Sigmar
>Make first army be Maggotkin
>People get pissed I like Maggotkin
Why is this?
OP go ask on plebbit about it because that’s where you belong
(why are you idiots replying to this trash?)
Only reason to hate woodelves is because noobs cant conquer it with just a stack of tier 2 trash army by juking the AI.
I haven't played since fantasy died so I don't know.
It's is coming back in some form btw. So maybe you don't have to play smegmar in the future.
Political compress.