How come people are saying hand washing prevents the spread of disease like coronavirus...

How come people are saying hand washing prevents the spread of disease like coronavirus? How come they aren't advocating for their precious vaccines?????? According to vaxxers, vaccines were the most effective way of preventing diseases in the past century and not advances in aseptic technique.

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In all honesty. I wish the virus would mutate and kill every motherfucker on this planet.

that doesnt pertain to my question at all

Because it's a new virus so there is no vaccine. Even flue mutates every fucking year and needs a new vaccine.

Well user, a vaccine for mumps isnt exactly going to work on Corona, and theres no Corona vaccine yet. Vaccines that dont exist obviously wont work, and vaccines for 1 virus wont work on a completely different virus. Keeping clean IS the most effective thing though. But its like how wearing body armor isnt a substitute for remembering to take cover behind something solid

then why the sudden increase in interest for hand washing, if it was vaccines that paved the way for immunity?

>keeping clean IS The most effective thing though
thats not what vaxxers have been saying all this time...

not gonna lie bros, don't think I've washed my hands besides when I apply soap to my body for about the last 25 years

because there is no vaccine you fucking retard

vaxxers say that
vaccines > hand washing
so why resort to hand washing why dont u just drop dead because of the logic of your beliefs

Because hand washing is a method of prevention that may help you from picking up the virus from surfaces it may be on. They taught this sort of shit in elementary school and somehow you managed to make it to adulthood without figuring out basic hygiene?

so r u saying that hand washing is better than vaccines?

It's things used in conjunction you mongoloid, and in this case there's no vaccine for coronavirus so practicing proper hygiene and such gives you your best chance.

Because vaccines only work on the diseases they're made for and they're much more reliable on those diseases than washing your hands.
Washing your hands helps reduce the risk of becoming ill in general, but it's not reliable at all.

so then why dont you go out there and advocate equally for vaccines AND hand washing, why is there even a debate about which one paved the way into the 21st century?

it does, people are saying to wash your hands to prevent the disease in hopes that you will think this will prevent you from getting it and thus you will spread it exponentially

It's a lot like pulling out for contraception.
Definitely better than cumming inside, but not nearly as reliable as a condom.

See everyone. Look and witness the retardation of your countrymen. This is why we need to weld doors closed.

They're completely different things, a vaccine would hopefully give you an immunity to whatever virus it's built to guard against. Washing your hands and other shit they teach you as a child is an added later of safety and in the current situation about all you have because there is no vaccine.

Because hand washing is an effective method when preventing the spread of diseases? Get the fuck out of here with your retarded strawman, nobody ever claimed that you need vaccines, and only vaccines to cure every ailment in the world. is your brain not capable of handling the possibility of doing several things at once to keep healthy? please spread your brain matter across the nearest wall

Be interesting to know how many of the corona chan dead got their annual flu shot.
pic related

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if they are completely different things, then why are both indicated for disease prevention

They 'advocate' for hand washing in elementary school onward you fucking moron. I have to assume you're illiterate and have never seen any of the myriad signs in bathrooms reminding you to wash your hands. This shit is hilariously common but somehow you have never noticed this.




i have to ask you questions one by one i guess since you only answer the parts you want to.
why is there even a debate about which one paved the way into the 21st century?

>nobody has ever said hand washing helps prevent diseases before!

Attached: flu.png (921x577, 173.4K)

Think it's a time thing. They are definitely working on trying to creat vaccine. But washing hands helps, and anyone can do it now.

If the flu shot doesn't kill at least it will give you Alzheimer's
Think vaccines, think aluminium!

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im more specifically reffering to the old talking point that it was vaccines and not hand washing that paved the way into the 21st century. this debate is important because it would mean that you don't really need vaccines for diseases that are transmitted by contact as long as you wash your hands.

They don't have one you scientifically illiterate mong. Neck yourself

your argument is not coherent

its not about whether they have one or not. its about people who rely on vaccines who have now switched to hand washing when a few days ago they were probably saying "vaccines paved the way into the 21st century, and hand washing not so much"

The virus is airborne. Handwashing and sanitizing does nothing. One person exhales and everyone in the building gets it.

It can remain in the air for hours at a time. There is no escape.

if it was hand washing that mostly prevented the spread of disease over the past 100 years, it means i would not need to get a flu shot every year - a contact infection

if the virus is airborne, then why do people futile wash their hands?

>probably saying "vaccines paved the way into the 21st century, and hand washing not so much"

Repeat: neck yourself

but this argument is literally commonly used in advocacy of vaccines

There is no vaccine for Covid-19 you retard.

There's no vaccine... RU dumb?

Because they think it helps, but it won't. They can't prevent themselves from breathing. Masks are just as ineffective. Even full body containment suits have flaws that the virus will easily circumvent.

Because if you wash your hands you have a better chance at staying healthy, which is the best way to combat this disease for the moment.
Stop being a fucking retard.

Because there's no cure for the virus yet.

were talking about the implications of why people have decided to rely on hand washing in these times if
1 the virus is airborne
2 the people who say vaccines paved the way into the 21st century have now relied on hand washing in hypocrisy of people who advocated for more hand washing than vaccines

I hope this is a trollpost

Hand washing doesn't have nearly the power vaccines do, but in the absence of a vaccine either due to a constantly mutating virus like influenza or a new virus like SARS-CoV-2, it helps a lot in reducing the damage and spread.

Also, for what it's worth, modern hygeine standards are fairly new in comparison. Many people didn't have access to soap and clean water to be washing their hands. Vaccines provide a type preventative measure that's second to none, but no disease expert would say that modern hygiene standards haven't reduced the rate of severe disease outbreaks.

Because the virus can be transmitted multiple ways including staying dormant on dry surfaces for days so multiple measures should be taken to defend against the various ways the virus can infect you. Why are you so stupid? I think I would kill you if I had to have this conversation irl

All efforts to contain this virus is just a placebo for the masses, you WILL get the virus no matter how much you isolate. It will find you.

Nobody said hand washing was what mostly prevented disease. They just say it's really god damn helpful. Vaccines are better, but can't do everything.

A lot of people stopped dying when doctors started washing their hands.

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>the people who say vaccines paved the way into the 21st century
Never heard anyone say this. Both cleanliness and vaccines are highly regarded methods of disease prevention in the medical community. There is no battle between which is better or some shit. This isn't your autistic power-level anime.

>vaccine for SARS
Killed all the test animals faster than the control group after vaccination when infected with the virus

>vaccine for SARS-COV-2
Will probably help the virus kill you faster.

There is no vaccine retard, that's why they are advocating to take all these precautions until one is created

Seconding this, people are a fucking cancer. But don't worry, it's already mutating over here with dengue like fever, and it arrived at Africa today so it will mutate with a bunch of nigger shit over there.

Washing hands absolutely helps.

It won't keep the virus away, the idea is to not put too much of the virus in at any one time to give your body a fighting chance.

That said, if your body loses you are just as fucked no matter how much hand washing, that is life.

Why does the vaccine take 12 months? If you throw more manpower at the problem, shouldn't that reduce the schedule?

Maybe by other retards

ur just really ignorant to the zeitgeist and the current conversation

>niggers in nigland have to be reminded to wash hands after wiping their asses
>this somehow means western countries where people use a fucking toilet shouldn't focus on building herd immunity

This is good bait. I honestly cannot fathom how you dont know why soap is good at keeping germs off your hands...

Because when there is a vaccine people get the illusion that they are immune and therefore dont have to wash their hands anymore or generally dont have to do any prevention. Washing your hands is always a good option to not get infected with something. Unluckily most people dont seem to know this and rather stock up on masks and toilet paper instead of washing their hands and stop touching their face

its to address the specific issue of vaccines vs hand washing

Because it's a new virus you fucking boomer retard

if u love vaccines so much why are you washing u hands???

What are you trying to prove here? I've never been so confused by a thread. Hand washing and vaccines are good. What is your point here exactly? You started the thread about coronavirus sperging that we aren't "advocating for vaccines" whatever the fuck that means (we are actually trying to develop a vaccine for it you retard, it's not easy), and then you start comparing "keeping clean" and vaccines like there is some war between the two.

Keeping clean can be an effective method of slowing the rate of virus spread. Ever since we discovered the benefits of cleanliness, human lifespans have increased and diseases have diminished in the civilised world. Vaccines are also great because they can train your immune system to fuck up a pathogen before it can do any damage. We just don't have a vaccine for the current threat. When we do, they aren't gonna suddenly tell us not to wash our hands anymore. Using multiple methods in unison is the viable and sensible thing to do.

Because there isn't a vaccine yet

Sage, report and ignore


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