How easy will Biden be for Trump to defeat? Stronger or weaker opponent than Hillary?
Its on now
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Stronger. Biden is Hillary with:
-less corruption
-more nigger appeal
If COVID-19 doesn't "get better" in the next couple of months Biden is going to win.
we ought to leave vietnam, it's unwinnable.
Who knows
He’s shit but he’s better than Hillary
Not a lot of people will begrudgingly vote for trump this time around like they did to avoid voting for her
It all depends on the russian hackers i suppose...
Depends how demented Biden gets until the first debate.
It will be fun to watch
Much weaker than Hillary.
Hillary could at least form complete sentences, Biden's brain is gone.
All good analysis. I think if it were 2016, Biden had a great chance to win. But now his brain is clearly giving way, plus Trump has incumbent advantage. If there's a debate I expect Trump to win easy.
If Trump wins it will be due to his illegal investigations of Biden!
If Trump loses it will be because of his illegal investigations of Biden!
4D Check Fucking Mate Faggots!
Very easy
remember that whole impeachment thing, well it was 4 fucking D again by the madman himself. We have NSC 'whistleblowers' on our side and we just purged all the leftover obamafags. Guess what, there are Biden calls with Ukraine that will make Trump's look perfect, just as he said.
Check and Cap it
She also collapsed and was literally chucked into a van on live TV. Biden's gaffes can be hand-waved to a degree by pointing at stupid things Trump has said (i'm not saying this argument is "legitimate" just that it works on normies). Unless he REALLY goes off the rails (which is definitely possible but hasn't happened yet to enough of a degree) it's not going to be a major issue. If the question is "fitness" mild-senility plays better on TV than collapsing and coughing up green shit.
This is pretty true though I think it's more about the economic impact of Corona than the impact of the virus itself.
Biden is an old stuffed owl, but now with covid 19 even a stuffed owl could beat Trump.
This. It looks like fun and games now, when the tv is flooded with "dog faced pony soldier" tier grade A Biden cringe, he's toast.
He is literally actually senile and trying to start fights with voters. They'll have to do exactly what they did with Hillary and fucking hide him until election day and just have their MSM puppets talk him up like he's literally perfect and Trump is literally the devil.
They will follow the exact same formula as 2016 and it will fail just as spectacularly.
He's "stronger" than Hillary but still a weak candidate. He has a lot of the flaws Clinton has like not being inspiring enough to progressives. He's not going to encourage the Bernie voters to turn out.
>not checked
But you're right. During the impeachment the resistance was all "hurr durr this isn't about Biden's corruption b/c he's not on the stand". Well, now Biden will be on the stand. The gloves come off and his corruption will be aired. Wait until the left starts screaming "it's not fair! Biden is a presidential candidate and it's not in good taste to run a negative campaign by digging up his dirt. Off the table!".
It will take less than 5 minutes of Trump fucking with Joe until he snaps and tries to attack Trump. They beat his ass and he drops out. Hillary swoops in at the last minute and becomes the first female president.
Look at it this way:
The argument against Trump boils down to
>Open the borders to everyone in the world or else you're a Nazi
>Tax every person and every company in the country more to help the 1% of Americans who can't get their shit together
>Increase regulations so you need to pass a government-approved test to cut hair, dig a pool, or piss in a urinal
>Free abortions, every day, at every hour, with no regulation as to who provides them
>Kill any industry that isn't "green" and can be built in the USA except Finance, which gets a pass if it funds all our green dreams
>I don't like the tweets
It's the same for everyone who says they want to vote against Trump. Do these arguments sound any better for Biden than they did for Hillary? Would they be better from Bernie or, heaven forfend, Tulsi?
that doesn't matter.
>Clinton has like not being inspiring enough to progressives. He's not going to encourage the Bernie voters to turn out.
This. The people Biden has sway with live in states that are going to swing Red. Progressives aren't going make the effort to vote for Biden despite their hatred for Drumpy.
The American attention span is too short for any of the talk being made now to really matter. The only thing that will make a difference is if the virus persists and continues to get worse into the fall or if the economy is pushed into a recession because of it. Both could happen but really depends on the next few weeks.
If things turn around by June or July Corona will have literally 0 impact on the election.
Biden can solve all his issues by nominating Barack as his VP.
>Its on now
No, Bernie is still in and if something happens he's gonna be the nominee.
Your first priority should be stopping the commie.
Kang nigger is not eligible for vp you nigger
American education. You don't deserve that flag
There isn't going to be an election
It astounds me how gaslit leftists have become to think that a vote for Biden and all he represents is somehow better than Trump
See, people believe this but it isn't true.
>no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States
doesn't disqualify Barack just because he can't be elected to a third term. Constitutionally the only requirements to be President are the age and birth requirements.
Biden will pick Bernie as his VP and probably BTFO Trump.
And also not already serving 2 terms, you 80iq nigger
Biden is going to beat trump.
Yeah he is a gaffe machine, but trump won by a slim margin.
Extremely easy! Proof is in the pudding baby:
If he actually gave a shit about party unity he would take Sanders as VP and win. But he's going to pick some milktoast negress, drop his spaghetti during debate, and Trump will be reelected.
This, Biden’s mind is going quick. His handlers can’t leave him alone in public for 5 minutes. He is also tied to the thing with Ukraine.
>what is a constitutional amendment?
Keep in mind that was Trump with with no political experience against a super cunning political veteran with all news+hollywood endorsements. People had no idea how Trump would turn out, and if you had predicted 4 years later we'd have a booming economy you'd be laughed at in any circle that wasn't Trump's core base.
Also since 2016 Trump has triumphed over a special council investigation and impeachment trial both of which the masses outside NY/California saw through as shams. He's experienced now and can speak with more confidence at debates.
It would be like Ivan drago against Apollo creed.
Only delusional boomers and conservative inc ideologues think Trump has any chance. National Socialists know what's up with the Orange Israeli.
There was a reason he was supposed to do mass deportations, and this is that reason.
Not Barack, Michelle.
"All people are created ugh..ugh you know the thing." - Joe Biden
This could probably happen.
He doesn't need to pick a negress to shore up support with blacks, he already has the support of blacks.
He will pick Sanders as VP or Warren at the minimum to bring in the progressive voters.
>Tax every person and every company in the country more to help the 1% of Americans who can't get their shit together
Half of America can't afford a 1,000 dollar emergency, this is very unlikely to fly if you aren't already hard right.
Just think about it. Bernie had a press conference today where he called Joe Biden "my friend" and rather than saying
"Joe Biden won't do anything about medical bankrupticies" he said "At the debate, I will ask Joe Biden what he is going to do about medical bankruptcies"
Bernie is the likely VP.
The DNC hates Bernie but the vice president has no real power so it's effectively neutering him AND getting Bernie voters to vote for Biden. Win-win.
Didn’t black males and white women cote surprisingly large for trump ?
It’s hard to say if it’s people just showing up to beat Bernie but Biden has tons of voters in the Michigan primary. More than Trump. I know it’s only the primary and to be taken with a grain of salt but we’ll see. It doesn’t seem like Trump will take Michigan again. I do know he has Florida on lockdown though.
>Stronger or weaker opponent than Hillary?
you listen here Jack.
I eat commies for breakfast and nazis for dinner.
This is America. Not Greenland.
We don't take that kinda Malarkey.
I dont think Warren would work as well, but may be likely. She sold out on progressives hard during her campaign
>implying biden isnt there to take the fall for the kikes (( chosen )) one..
miga, miga goy
Bernie: How are you going to fix the healthcare in this country?
Biden: Listen here schmuck, I ain't here because of no bird-riding man. We gotta stick together and elect a new president Trump. And the way we're going to do it is by sticking together. I learned that from my father, Barack Obama.
>less corruption
What is Ukraine?
Clinton could start and complete a sentence. Biden is confused and incoherent most of the time.
The DNC will lose and they know it. Biden is only there to preserve the party unity until 2024.
That's true. I think there was also bad blood between Warren and Biden.
Biden and Bernie seem to be on good terms personally.
Their supporters hate each-other right now but agree they want to beat Trump and Biden's platform is just a watered down version of Bernie's
Biden is going to be much stronger than Hillary,
Trump beat Hilldebeast 304 to 227. Expect this to be much closer this time.
Biden is much weaker. In 2016 Hillary at least had money, the woman appeal (brought in feminist voters), nigger appeal and Clinton. Bernie's supporters cucked for her because orange man bad.
The anti-Bernie bias was more obvious in 2020, bernouts will stay home this time. Biden is just "the nigger guy". His appeal with niggers is purely related to Obama. He brings in no one new, he isn't a woman and he runs around saying stupid shit like "We'll take your guns". Worse is that he does well in areas he isn't going to win, like Northern Michigan.
The Democrats can only win by bringing in new voters. Biden doesn't do that.
Joe is senile af and it's showing everyday and getting harder for even the media to cover up. Its borderline elder abuse putting him in a debate with Trump. There's a reason every Trump supporter is shilling and even voting for Biden at the moment. And Trump's base has remained historically loyal with a greater amount of supporters than in 2016. Easily 4 more years of Trump.
I think it'll be about the same. Biden is stronger than Hillar,y but Trump 2020 is also stronger than Trump 2016. Reminder Trump 2016 was fighting his own party along with DNC. Trump 2020 has RNC behind him 100%.
Biden has fucking dementia.
It's obvious.
They just needed him to kill off Bernie, so they propped up his incoherent carcass.
Now he'll be replaced.
They'll have to, because his incapacity is about to go viral.
He nearly attacked a skilled tradesman in Detroit yesterday.
He's no longer even functional, let alone ready to run for president.
Listen Jack, here's the deal! number one. You damn liar, Number one no number one stomps my ass. Corn-pop can a testament to that. Number one, number two. Number two is that listen Jack. Number one I'm hanging on to that torch buddy boy. Number three, I'll challenge you to a pushup contest any day of the number two: listen fatass, I was never involved with my son's consultant involvement, and number three? Well, listen fat, I know all about racism.
Back in my home town, the group I used to run around with would always go to the soda fountain on the east side of town, because there weren't as many colored folks around in those days. I said "now why would we hike all the way across town when there's a perfectly fine soda fountain right here? It was called Othello's and you could get a lime phosphate there for 10 cents.
My friends said they were afraid of getting jumped on the walk home, which I thought was just so dang racist. They also had licorice whips. So one day I said "no, I'm not walking all that way, we're staying", cause it was August and it was like 94 or 95 degrees out there.
So we went to Othello's instead and got some malts and one fella got a grape nehi. So yeah, Danny got his head caved in with a tire iron later that day when a gang of black dudes caught him walking home, but for the rest of us it worked out just fine. And salt water taffy, they had that there, too. Anyways, my time is up.
Trump’s not up against Biden. He’s up against the global left which will use corporate media and Silicon Valley to paint him as an unstable, bigot, fascist etc. Biden is just a place holder who is going to shit his depends during the debates, but it won’t matter because they control the narrative.
If Trump doesn’t kick Silicon Valley in the balls, he loses.
>Trump 2020 is also stronger than Trump 2016
Not if the economy crashes and he keeps bungling coronavirus response.
>He nearly attacked a skilled tradesman in Detroit yesterday.
Yeah that was not a shitty move. The fact that he tried to deny he was anti 2A is icing on the cake. People see through this shit easily.
fine malarkey post sir.
>I think there was also bad blood between Warren and Biden.
No shit, that woman has bigger balls than he does for how blatantly she made shit up.
>tell everyone "Bernie said a woman can't be President!"
>Bernie obviously never said this, denies the claim
>mfw Warren stomps up to him after the debate and says "did you just call me a liar on live TV?!"
In 2016 Hillary was in bad physical health.
In 2020 Biden is in bad mental health. Much harder to disguise.
Hillary was a member of the establishment but at least she could say she was female and claim oppression
Biden cant play the woman card. Unless (plot twist) he comes out as trans before the election.
Hillary had abused her government position to enrich herself and her family
Biden did the same thing and his druggie son is emblematic of that type of corruption.
Im sure I can come up with about 30 more reasons Biden is a weaker candidate than Hillary.
I actually was coming around to warren but she blew it time and again, this was the most glaring example. Sad really
>Biden cant play the woman card. Unless (plot twist) he comes out as trans before the election
How do I know you're well over 30, use Facebook or reddit and you discovered Yas Forums after 2016
as the top nigger analyst on all of Yas Forums you're kidding yourself if you think nigs will get up and leave their homes to vote for honkey biden
Guess how I know you're literal faggot?
That was implied, brainlet.
no one on the DNC likes working with bernie, but keep your hopes up, I suppose
I wish he would. That’d guaranty Trump carries Florida and wins.
He's gonna collapse before the convention and they will appoint Pelosi/Clinton/Bloomberg or some other establishment crook. There's no way he can keep his shit together.
Their hatred of trump will give them more than enough motivation to vote against him. Biden has the "not trump" factor which is absolutely huge among left voters.
I expect serous election rigging on the part of the democrats again.
That's why they'll pick him as VP rather than deal with him shitting up the party until he dies.
Vice president doesn't do shit except cut ribbons and chill out at the naval observatory and occasionally tiebreak in the senate.
>until he dies
In like 5-10 more years at best.
They could leave him out to pasture and just ignore him until he goes away.
Wouldn't be the first time a party did that,.
>Hidin with Biden
The dnc is going to keep biden from being exposed to the public and it will be their downfall.
>more nigger appeal
Biden doesn't actually have nigger appeal, the niggers voted for him because they know full well Bernie is a fucking racist and hates niggers.
Snopes can say it's not true all they want but fact is Bernie is racist as fuck.