Tfw legit decrepit boomer fucks are trying to "meme" for Trump, thinking 2016 will repeat itself

>tfw legit decrepit boomer fucks are trying to "meme" for Trump, thinking 2016 will repeat itself.

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Poop and pee

im don't give a fuck who wins, but im going to enjoy democrats loose their minds when trump wins again

Shut the fuck up whitey

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we will stop them relax. it's bidens time. much funnier for trump to be a 1 term president. and be replaced by a vegetable.

>tfw SIMP antifa faggots think posting cute girls is going to pull any support away from Trump
Fucking retards. Also, your opinion doesn't matter Muhammed. You don't vote here.

Honestly give me one fucking person in this entire circus who stands a chance against him?
We should all just fucking write in Harambe

It's sad to see. This time last election the whole board was filled with trump posts at every second and now it's confined to the retards in /ptg/. They need to fuck off.

>inb4 im ridin with bidin or hillary

I wrote in Andrew Jackson because at least when he promised to get rid of the Indians he actually fucking did it.

The boomers don't realize we do not need them this time around. Joe Biden is the grandaddy meme that keeps on riding. Can you imagine what their on-stage debate is going to look like? What if a dementia addled Biden actually tries to step up to Trump on stage? Starts calling him Corn Pop then goes for the killshot with a "stupid nigger".

This. That boomer fuck is so goddamn demented he'd end up signing the NFA out of existence to try to make silencers illegal.


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Du solltest an deine eigene Thread teilnehmen op

Go dilate, faggot.

Biden will provide all the memes for Trump. Trump can just run Biden clips of him being creepy, contradicting himself, promoting the Iraq war, treating people like shit, forgetting shit, cornpopping, etc.

Bonbibonkers does not believe in democracy

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what are some good bernie memes? i dont even find the "once again i am asking you to [insert random garbage here]" meme funny at all

dilate your axe wound

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It was on purpose, jews want him re-elected so they crapped all over the other golem party.

OP a tranny

german(muhammed) country run by an old spinster globalist thinks hes understands american nationalism. TOP KEKs.

Look here fat, just because Biden stutters a bit and isn't afraid to kiss girls on the lips, that doesn't mean he isn't going to be the next potus

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One post by the (((German))).


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>be boomer
>'he won't get elected, too unlikeable, but I wish he would'
>place with absolute free speech hands you what you want with cia crushing propaganda skills.
>'that place is nice, think I'll go there'
>immediately shit up board, let mods get replaced by literal trannies and censor it until oldfags either leave or stay only for shitposting
>'2016 will happen again!'
I thank the dread lord nurgle for corona and the great boomer purge that will soon begin.
You people have never known strife or wanted for anything.

>tfw legit pedophile goatfuckers from Germany are trying to "meme" for Bernie, thinking 2016 WONT repeat itself.

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wtf i love open borders now

>Thinking anything has to be done

The die has already been cast nigrar.

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Kys tranny

whites in america will end up and tiny hated minority and people like you will still be defined by your ahistorical party ties.
>inb4 Europe is worse
Almost no one here actually likes our "Conservative" parties

I'll slap you in the face, you lying dog faced pony soldier. You're full of shit. Shush!

who am I supposed to vote for?

BIDEN? kek

>doesn't understand human nature and how its what makes history repeat
>german giving an opinion on american politics
Double nigger.

It's so easy to trigger you faggots. Trumpfags are virtually the same as SJWs.

>doesn't understand human nature and how its what makes history repeat
Q-tard gibberish

It's happening

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Are u retard the norf and wales love the conservatives way more than the labour faggots


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Can you not NRW-Loser weebpost

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Why do ugly subhumans always use images of tranny looking weebs and e-whores?

Luv me Gregs sosij rolls
Luv bein a toreh
Ate paki nonces

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Yeah Biden has got this. Coronavirus couldn't have come at a worse time for Trump.

>im don't give a fuck who wins, but im going to enjoy democrats loose their minds when trump wins again

100% of this.
The demorats are simply picking who is going to lose to Trump.

Hellooo, based department?

Warum postest du ein Bild von einem fettem Ginger, du Mongo?

Mike Will Get It Done

Biden easily beats Trump.


Sure he does. You realize the DNC can only rig their own elections right?

anglos aren't European

Who still support Trump beside retards like the fat fuck Carpe Donktum and turbo-zionists ?

Geh auf Kohlchan, Untermensch.
Ich schreibe nicht mit Leuten wie dir.
Wenn du weiter auf Yas Forums schreibst, denken die Leute am Ende alle Deutschen wären so geistig behindert wie du.
Du bist wahrscheinlich sowieso ein Türke.
Typisch Ruhrpottversager.
Ich schreibe jetzt nicht weiter.

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spot the newfags

imagine larping as a zoomer during school hours, shareblue never learns

Trump arely won against Hillary the most unpopular Candidate ever. Biden picks up Ohio, Michigan, and Florida. Trump's screwed even without the market collapse.

Imagine what happens when a comedian gets replaced by an old fool with advanced dementia. You couldn't make this shit up.

Think of all the 14 -17 year olds that liked trump in 2016. All those kids are voting trump now myself included im a meme war veteran I was on those front lines when I was 16

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spot the newfags

imagine larping as a zoomer during school hours, shareblue never learns


shut up germo. dresden best day of my life.

>dresden best day of my life.
How's the weather like in tel aviv?

the only thing more astroturfed than trump is the based zoomer meme

>we as in Yas Forums
Trump 2020 guaranteed.

O.K. Emo
You wouldn’t even vote, if you could.

sorry, no minds left to lose

>14 -17
>meme war veteran
>myself included

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Imagine thinking Trump needs memes to beat Joe Biden in a race lol.
Why are you like this, Krautfag? You clearly don't understand, so why post?

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Checked and mynewfavoritewebmpilled.

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