Do women view shorter men as beta?
Do women view shorter men as beta?
they view you as genetic trash actually, it's hard-coded into the brain like that
Most of them do. It's a rarity to see a tall chick with a short guy.
Men who think too much are beta.
Obviously photoshopped but I don't understand why a guy would want a wife with a Swastika tattooed on her breast.
He must be insane.
5'6" mediterannean chads get about 15x times the pussy nord lanklets get in their entire life. draw your own conclusions
Looks like a happy couple to me sometimes opposites attract
Imagine this swastika nazi girl taking the Black mamba. Holy shit so hot
Yes. But they still prefer a white manlet over a nigger. Nigger manlets must have it pretty rough.
You just tell them you got a big ol pecker duh
I have a fetish for women taller than me but I'm 6'0...
She looks like a monstrosity to me. Of course she's a human being and should be treated as such, but I do not support women doing this to their bodies.
Imagine using imperial system but being european
t. seething manlet
I'm 6'2 so I never really thought about it, but since men are supposed to be the protectors I guess being short would be looked as a weakness, so yeah, beta
that chick is fucking rank
My mom is taller than you and could probably throw you like a ragdoll down a cliff you mongrel.
if you are a manlet just date shorter women, retards.
I’d love to cum on her little racist face
That's a tranny who was a white supremacist man in prison, transitioned inside for favorable treatment and parole
I'm 175cm chad
Based and redpilled
No way :(
No short men are just as masculine and typically alpha / Napoleonic. Straight women want to feel small, physically enveloped by their man. Feeling larger than your man can be repulsive to a woman and destroy all sexual vibes.
t. Femanon
If you behave like a human I would still treat you as such irrespective of your height.
But yeah, you are smaller than my mom.
I don't want burger brains to meltdown.
183 cm happy now?
I'm 5'5" and my girlfriend is 5'8"
175 gang
Not in my experience.
You're scraping the bottom of the barrel, try again.
thats short, men should be at least 180cm
True... sadly. When I was in middle school I used to only crush on guys shorter than me though. Idk what changed
>Do women view shorter men as beta?
The problem is that most manlets lack confidence and are insecure about their height which is a huge turn off to women. If you have confidence you can still get women as a manlet but it doesn't hurt to also have money, fame or some kind of higher status in an area she views as important.
Pfft, hahahahahahaha
Women are literally blind to shorter men who make less money than them.
How large is her penis?
175 objectively best height.
5'6. Dated a 5'10 amazon in college. It was alright
You should try thinking. Women see men that talk all the time as children.
Mark living the dream with that big nazi amazon lol
i want to stick my BJC in that white bitches oven.
Bezos 5' 7" has $116 billion and a 50 year old mexican retread gf.
how tall is Mark?
I'll tell you why men are fucking worthless.
Because they're tools. Literally. They're the
cattle class of the human race their only value
being their strength. Sure, an ox is stronger
than you in every way. But would you ever
respect an ox? Think of it as superior? Of
course not, ridiculous. The cattle is only there
to work itself down to the bone in service to its
And that's what men are for. To die and
sacrifice themselves for the sake of a woman's
safety and well being, be it at work or in war.
That's all they can do. God knows they're
worthless for emotional support, or for raising
children, or even making children in the first
place. That's why men are traditionally held
outside of the house: at work, or in their
sheds, working. You wouldnt let a farm animal
into your house, now would you?
A woman is like a beautiful work of art :
valuable and precious. A man is like a crude
hammer: to be thrown away once it's broken.
And there's no need to pity, or god forbid,
respect them for their sacrifices. It's simply
their nature and purpose to go out and ruin
their bodies and minds to ensure the survival
of the species, and the safety of us women
and our children. That's the part that MRAS
and incels don't get: they think it's a great
injustice that men experience less love, that
they do all the hardest and dangerous jobs,
that they commit more suicides, that they get
left behind, abandoned or sacrificed first thing
during a war or a catastrophe. But it is not
injustice, It is exactly how it's meant to be:
God created them worthless, and that's their
The only man I'd consider "good" is one who
accepts this, and accepts his responsibility and
purpose. And by "good", I mean good in the
way a car is good when it does its job well and
doesn't require maintenance, Men can't be
"good" in a moral sense, because they're
barely even human.
But if u have(male) kids, all you're going to produce are seething hobbit-tier manlets.
Dude on your pic is like 165 tops
All women want big dark cock.
Why is her head so big? This is photoshopped.
like 5 10 or something
172cm here.
This. Overthinking is for betas. Chad just does. You are short? Date whoever the fuck you want
Which you used to be able to overcome by beating them and chad, if you were able.
Government is stopping half of the equation, thats why places that have a long history of nannying like sweden have tall effeminate lanklets.
How much does all this tattoo work cost?
Thing is shorter men have to work harder for practically everything, it’s the reason men are more charismatic than women, shorter men feel they need to compensate and therefore work harder
If you aren't taller than 180cm, you can't be considered male. Go take your estrogen.
It's like 15% guys this hight in USA, not to mention mexican goblins like you. no offence really, buy have you looked in a mirror lately?
>tfw no white supremacist giraffe gf
This. Have kids with a woman taller or at least the same height as you.
Americans will literally melt if they see metric system.
There must be a correlation between being short and being based because Mark Collett is definitely based
What the fuck? I thought all Venezuelans died of starvation from the lack of news in the media.
The Chad you just posted is much shorter than that.
Cheerleader for the AB?
This. If you are thinking about your height or other insecurities you have already lost. women are drawn to nigger-tier aggression and extraversion as long as youre not ugly or reaching way out of your league.
His kids will still be more of a man than the taller guy whose only redeeming quality is his height.