Supporting the 2A and supporting AR-15's are two completely different things

Supporting the 2A and supporting AR-15's are two completely different things.

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Kys retard nigger who's scared of a gun cuz it isn't made of wood

Fuck off. You can't take my AR 14 away

Assault rifles are easier to handle for old people. They need this for their protection.

explain how.

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But supporting the 2A and the AK are very much the same things.

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I support physics, just not gravity.

This is a satire post. I found this comment off Twitter.. but i was wondering how Yas Forums would respond to someone like this?

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OP the illiterate faggot strikes again.
Well fuck you faggot, I run an AKM.

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Wrong. The 2A is to prevent a tyranny from forming in the United States government. Thats its sole purpose. By that logic, the people need to be allowed access to weapons of equal firepower to those used by the military. The founding fathers would have argued for our ability to own full auto machine guns.

They want to keep eroding the 2A rights till you have nothing but a squirt gun to defend yourself with.

*licensed and registered squirt gun

No, the AR-15 is the quintessential militia-style weapon; the second amendment is specifically about the people's right to militia-level equipment.
So the second amendment is all about the AR-15 and everyone knows it. that's why this one particular gun is at the center of the debate.

>1 post by this ID

>Assault rifles
Not a thing.
>trying to make "assault rifles" a thing

Yes. WMD's is where any genuine 2A supporter is at.

isnt 2a like citizens being allowed to have whatever goverment has

You self hating liars are having so much trouble because you pushed the common white man to the bottom of the social ladder since World War II ended. You are too proud to admit you fucked up by doing so.

(When things get bad and you fear even to go to the grocery store, remember that you were too proud to correct your error.)

>>Assault rifles
>Not a thing.
lmao you have dont own guns

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From your comment, YOU don't own guns. Retards these days, I swear. Get killed by a dick-in-mouth overdose.

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Yeah no how about you take your deer rifle and suck start it

yeah. if youre so stupid you dont know what an assault rifle is you should kill yourself. you dont have guns and youre not cool because you know what an armalite rifle is. not that you could name more than 2 different types

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Let's deregulate all restrictions on firearms
I want a mail in fully automatic weapon like we had in the early 1900s
They had lower crime rates with less strict gun laws.

Are you just typing words? You're projecting pretty hard. Next you're going to tell me something something 5.56. I will laugh at that as well.

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yeah yeah whatever newfag boomer. kys

You gotta be 18 to post here, kiddo. Come back in 6 years.

> 1 post by this Id
I’ll bite.
> The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, a well armed and well regulated militia being the best security for a free state, but no man morally scrupulous of bearing arms shall be required to render service in turn.

So the right was specific to ensuring our capacity to conduct war, and its specifically states that the right shall not be infringed. Therefore banning AR-15s is not only an explicit infringement but one that undermines the war fighting capabilities of a civilian volunteer militia. Hence, it is a direct violation of the constitution and is an illegal act.


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But since you're here post up your guns faggot. Airsoft doesn't count. Since I know you cannot post guns you might as well go fuck yourself and quit tryna act hard or smart, you are neither. You are a defeated communist Bernie bitch.

Who needs a 100 round clip and an automatic AR-14?!



>Supporting the 2A and supporting AR-15's are two completely different things.
Explain how the second amendment doesn't protect AR's then.

Any recommendations under $500 fellow ameribro’s?

>Any recommendations under $500 fellow ameribro’s?

>last gun-bait thread is archived
>new one immediately

Fuck sake, can someone just fucking make a cyclical gun sticky thread already and banhammer any other posts outside the sticky? Stop enabling slide threads and UNFUCK THIS SHIT.

second amendment says right to bear arms cannot be infringed. Ar-15s are arms. therefore you are wrong

sig p365 is a great conceal carry piece and is about 5 bills

rifle or handgun?

Rifle, I can bump the budget a tad though.

just go to bed boomer. you are embarrassing yourself.

Windham weapons makes a full wood ar. It’s retarded as op.

Liberals want to reframe the 2nd amendment as being about "hunting". It never was. It was always about civilians owning military small arms.

2A means Arms, just the AR-15 means infringement.

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I paid 510 for a Shrubmaster QRC. It's been pretty reliable. I hate not having irons on it though.

>military small arms.
nigger lies. cannons weren't ever considered small arms, and they were owned by my great-grandparents. for you hippy types, check out Cassius Clay from Kentucky if you doubt my words.
>Come and get me.

>supporting your second amendment right to keep and bare arms.
>an arm
I don’t think you understand the 2nd amendment or the AR-15.

Congress issued letters of marquee so niggers could go legal pirating on their private warships. This is what we need

Dead cops.

>not even a registered squirt gun

All gun grabbers and their families deserve death


Citizens uphold the law because it benefits them. Citizens are militia when they act in their own defense lawfully.
Citizens make violence, lawfully, without papers.

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Man, that’s some intelligent discourse right there.
Your sound reasoning and presentation of facts are insurmountable to debate.

not trying to have a debate dumbass. just trying to call that guy a buffoon cause he thinks theres no such thing as "assault rifle"

The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Where in this sentence does it say anything about size or type?

You tell them the 2A was for protection from a tyrannical guberment and that double barrel shot guns and sling shots just don't cut it.

>fully automatic
>select fire
>semi auto
>able to use accessories
