Yes, I want to fucking die
Yes, I'm trans
I'm too much of a coward to actually do anything to myself, but coronavirus feels like a good opportunity.
Maybe I could just let myself get infected.
Can I see your big beautiful jiggly tits?
do a backflip when you jump
I don't have any, I never got to that point.
And even if I did, I probably wouldn't be posting pictures.
I'm not jumping off anything lol. Like I said, I'm too much of a coward for anything of the sort.
Why do you feel compelled to put your dick inside a hole that shit comes out of?
>yes im trans
>yes im mentally ill
we knew
Then try to be normal.
Can we hear the answer to this? Also why do you people want to fuck kids?
No you are not.
You are male. xyz. Who the fuck cares.
Why do you ask leading questions that contain baseless assumptions?
Post girl penis
Can you expand on that a bit
Post boipussy
I'm not interested in the farce that is playing the role of a "male", lmao.
I'd rather opt out of life entirely than to live that miserable existence.
ugh, please don't say these things user. You're a cute girl at heart and that's what matters
why are you gay?
Don’t feel bad about yourself, user. Some boys were meant to grow up to be women.
Are you going to go bug chasing?
Cause I hope that you will join the 50%
Tell us your story so we can prevent it happening to the next generation.
serve yourself
Hey friend, welcome. Just you know there's a board called /lgbt/ specifically for you that will better accommodate your needs.
tits or gtfo
do a flip faggot
This, also, show axe wound
This is why you are miserable. You can't live a healthy life being deathly afraid of accepting who you really are.
Thanks for updating my filter
show wound
Trannies are incels that were too cowardly to bear the struggle but were also too weak to suicide outright.
It will catch up to you sooner or later.
Hey OP, you seem to not be retarded.
Did you try going to a psychologist?
I remember reading that "gender dysphoria" can be treated with meds.
And I don't mean hormones.
You would feel better if you defined yourself in relation to God, and not in relation to your penis.
I'll never get to have the body I want. The appreciation I want. The love I want.
And the society will always regard me as subhuman.
Seriously, what's the fucking point.
Virtually nobody knows I'm trans, and dying to corona wouldn't be added to suicide statistics.
I'm not even sure if my country is even tracking trans suicide statistics to begin with.
Going there won't improve my life. No online community will.
Because girls are cute.
Where are the feminine benis pics? Reee
This, but you should be worshipping the great goddess, not any Semitic demons.
BITCH, I fucking WISH the doctors were supportive in here, I WISH they assisted me in transition.
I live in a "based" transphobic country, there's no such support here.
>Going there won't improve my life. No online community will.
Yeah, that was my intention desu.
What makes you think I'm post-op, lmao. I'm nowhere that far into transition, I fucking wish I were.
Do it.
Assuning you are in EU cant you easily relocate to like another country? I assume youre in bulgaria/poland/etc, doesnt Czech rep have lots of trans acceptance?
Psychologists here suck. They're clueless and incompetent.
And I have no interest in your conversion therapy ideas.
Don't chop your dick off.
Technically, yeah, no legal obstacles in moving out.
In practice, it costs money to move, money that I simply don't have.
A literal faggot. Before this goes further, are you white? If so post hand for confirmation then we can talk
Im not expert but i would assume its still possible to find trans friendly doctors in v4 countries, eastern europe, etc. parts of poland are more lgbt friendly than others
You should go bug chasing user
It’s actually really fun I’m trans myself and I have contracted HIV and Herpes
I already infected 40+ of my lovers with it and I wouldn’t mind giving you my gift :)
I might, I might not. I'm not too bothered by my dick tbqh.
I just see so many beautiful, happy, talented trans girls, and I wish I could ever have that for myself.
So where are we at now? 42% or 50%?
chill out. most nazbol gods here really don't care about your identity or trying to hurt others. we are just trying to decolonize our minds from 1500+ years of hebrew supremacy that has left europe at the point of collapse. cheers
Whatever you do, do not chop willy.
That's going to drive you insane. Imagine feeling permanently sexually frustrated. That's how it feels.
Yeah, sure, whatever you're telling yourself.
Why do you guys like getting infected so much?
No you don't. Everything posted to social media is fake or pretending.
When can we just line them up against a wall and free their tortured souls?
sounds a bit gay mate
He man. No biggie. Just cut your dick off. Post pics.
Female hormones neuter males anyway, no chop required.
i've been the nicest reply to you but got the worst response lmao. guessing you're from the chosen tribe then
Through ahegao?
There are lots of beautiful and happy trannies who keep their dick. There seems to be a pressure going on from transactivists that cutting the dick will suddenly solve all the problems, when in reality there are lots of complications, infections and regret.
No you don't understand what a loss of physical nerves and flesh can do to a person. It is FAR more significant that abnormal hormone levels.
Yeah, again, I don't care for bottom surgery all that much. I just want to be feminine and cute, with slim body, smooth skin, and a pretty face.
I'm sorry man
Stay in the 60%
>I'm not interested in the farce that is playing the role of a "male"
What does this even mean? I'm a man and live just fine without ever having worried about playing a role. I'm a man, I exist, I do what I want. It's not as if all individuals are carbon copies of each other.
>There are lots of beautiful and happy trannies who keep their dick
It's almost an 100% rate actually, the ones that lose their bits stop enjoying sex and life.
Temet nosce
Why are you like this? Childhood trauma?
Same here fuck transmen
Are you sure youre transgender and not just having an autogynophilia fetish
Ahhh shieeet. They are half way there.