To all the anons out there

Invest in a motherfucking rice cooker.

Pic related.

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As long as you have electricity. Cheaper than using gas for a pot on the stove.

A pot is fine. Rice cooker is what I do with my wife in bed, if you get my drift.

>not having a wood stove to cook on

I have a really cheap rice cooker that I bought 3 years ago. Gonna buy a good once it dies, surprised it hasn't already. I got about 4kg of rice (pasta) too incase things get bad about corona

I have 3 of those electric pressure cookers, when I get home I put rice, veggies and meat in each one, set the timer and go take a bath.

I just use a microwave rice cooker, sometimes a stove if I have some fancy wild rice for fish.
It's good for steaming dumplings and veggies too.

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>imagine being so inept in the kitchen that you can't make fucking rice

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I did. we have been married for 20 years now!

>that pic
>rice cooker

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>A pot is fine. Rice cooker is what I do with my wife in bed, if you get my drift
You stir the rice you pay the price you nigger, shes going to be sleep walking one night and she ll touch your dick while stumbling around and she ll think its a baby bird and she ll castrate you and chew on your scrotum
Why? I have a regular pot and rice turns out fine? Its also not really healthy and bread tastes better

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Explain? I have never seen minced meat in a boiling pot before?

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>You stir the rice you pay the price you nigger, shes going to be sleep walking one night and she ll touch your dick while stumbling around and she ll think its a baby bird and she ll castrate you and chew on your scrotum

The fuck?

Already got one my dude. True weebs already would.

Making a lentil stew as we speak my man

>1:1 ratio water to rice
>literally needing a device to cook the easiest thing to cook of all time
count me in OP, i am also a connoisseur of cocks

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i have one

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Fuck that. instapot

literally get a gf. she will cook for you.

based chang

It's 2 cups to 1 wtf.

Why the hell does brown rice take like three times longer to cook?

Should I make rice later? I got a rice cooker for Christmas.

>chew on your scrotum
stated like scrotum chewing isn't welcomed, nay, desired in this household

Why do you guys suddenly start to eat rice? Fucking snowfags don't eat rice even in Chinese restaurants. They can eat the spicy dishes without rice kek.

btw I make the pic related for my roommates (white cunts) evey weekend and they fucking love it. White just can't into cooking rice.

t. Chang

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may I suggest getting a rice cooker?

Instant Pot is kino

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You should stock up on rolls oats. They last only 1-2 years but you just need to soak them in water and don't need to cook them. Also higher fiber so you will be full eating less.

Why would I use a rice cooker to cook meat? A grill or range top/pan are both so much easier.

Unless you're implying that you actually eat starchy carbs. If so, stop eat that garbage and become muscularly well-defined like me, user.

I have one of those rice microwave things, they are pretty good.

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what about teflon coating inside?

>promotes carbo loading

Yikes. For your health's sake, stop microwaving (and heating your food in all forms, really) in plastic.

I am a rice cooker AMA

Yep, that and an air fryer are the best imo.

And people wonder why test levels are plummeting...

>Using non stick pans
Enjoy your tiny cock

>taking a bath and not a shower
I'm glad you're taking precautions by cleaning your vagina, you fucking woman.

how about you use a bowl for that shit instead of a flat disk you imbecile?

itsa so hald to mack gud lice Chang oh teach me you ancient Chianese seclet

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Idk what's more disgusting, the toilet or the fact that people are sharing the "meal" after sucking it off their spoons.

I am afraid that my roommates will put their face in the bowl

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that's not the accent you fat fuck

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Fucking faggot. Only faggots can’t cook rice. Kys you pathetic piece of putrid shit.

>not using superior spoon technology
chinks refuse to admit defeat. it's actually based.

Different meaning in my native language, but how would an American with poor education such as yourself would know, right?

There is a fucking spoon in the bat soup tho

oh so solly thatsa d onry way I know how to type. Oh so vely solly. You want rick my fords I so chubby teehee you rick fords now

>eating non-sticky dried fried rice with chopsticks
>on a fucking disk

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how could i know when you use a memeflag, faggot?

>board used by all people around the world
>''humm how could I know you're not a mutt like me??''

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lol post flag

Imagine not knowing how to fucking cook rice

i made nice rice threads and the fucking jannies had em nuked. enjoy the warning UWE,

remember rice isnt easy to cook, so if youre a fucking cooklet bitch who doesnt want to learn to make proper rice, then get the unitaking rice cooker and be a housewife about it

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You can cook loads of stuff in it.

Imagine eating rice at all

today I’m making a tasty corona salad

>Lack of water leaves brick stuck to pan
And you guys bitch about food prices?

hes a fucking cooklet nigger whos incapable of making rice.
asians get to have rice cookers because they eat so much of it. americans are just lazy cunts, period. especially millennials and zoomers holy shit.
if i saw a rice cooker like OPs id smash it into bits. if i saw a rice cooker like your, coronachong, i would steal it.

>He thinks darker things work faster
Lurk moar desu

buy the cooker faggot

Imagine starting posts with the word imagine. Just tab over from a Buzzfeed article? Fag

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>rice cooker.

bread baker, tea boiler, coffee cooker, shit kicker...

you turds can't even cook a boiled egg without a specialized "cooker" kys fagget

>My time is so worthless that I will spend hundreds of hours baby sitting grain instead of using modern tech to push a button and have it come out perfect and consistent every time
Fuck a rice cooker get an instapot anons

>You can cook loads of stuff in it.
thats what a fucking pans for stupid

>imagine coming here from reddit and trying to fit in

>green texts incorrectly
what a nigger

Based and john rayne pirred

Got one :D

Only people from the 70s or early 80s will understand :D

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how do you know this? Now I want to get one.

How much of a dumb fuck do you have to be to require a special pot to cook rice, you useless cunts. I kinda give chinks a pass, since they cook this shit continuously, like they're running a food truck.

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I have a Vitaclay

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I used to hate rice until I started making it myself when I moved out of my parents house.
My mom had made rice every single time without washing the fucking rice first, not only that she always overcooked it and never added any salt.

I don't understand? Women and fire?? Are women black Smith's in your country? Female butchers? Don't play around.

is it the same as a slow cooker?

if you have flu and can't breathe, fill the slow cooker with water and it will produce water vapour for hours.

>Didnt lurk for two years
>Doesnt understand how site works

Get one of these fuckers and live like a king

>bang a load of veg, meat, lentils, herbs and stock in it
>do nothing
>meals for days

Ah, yes. A large and cumbersome mono-use device. Just exactly what my kitchen needs. Thanks user, very cool.

thats literally what a stove is for.


Nigger, it takes like 20 minutes to make rice and it's probably one of the least labor intensive things you could possibly make. What the fuck are you talking about? It's not like you're making polenta or risotto.

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People who live in the city. Liberals.

Zojirushi or bust

Sorry forgot picture

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you dumbfuck
get a dutch oven like someone with sense

u have to actively cook though, you can leave one of these for hours

Why, yes. How did you know? I spend exactly 45 minutes in the kitchen cooking my rice. Granted, all the excitement wears off once the water comes to boil, but watching the condensation merge and drip on the inside of the glass lid is rather zen and soothing.

you can unironically cook things in a rice cooker, slow cooker style. i do not advise it, but it is essentially a hot plate that will work for non-rice foods.

Rural Retard detected

There is no price, roastie worshiper.

Are they boiling ground meat?

5kg pasta and 5kg rice here

Enjoy having it come out under done half the time and sorry the other half. Pressure cooker instapot perfectly computer controlled rice will come out better every time and with 10% the effort I set it and forget it while you have to bring it to a boil then down to a summer and then come check it and inevitably set it to high or low.

>Using Teflon coated cookware like a bitch.
Cast Iron is the man's cookware, cook and pump iron at the same time.

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>enjoy having it come out under done half the time
lol I'm not a retard and know how to cook, which was addressed in my original post. thanks for coming out, though.

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>be university cuck
>be broke
>not going to waste money on 8 different pots
>just buy a rice cooker and dump some ingredients in there
>always tasty

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My wife makes this white chicken chili with cornbread in the Instant Pot once a week. My favorite meal ever. Takes hardly any time to prep.

based autismo. i enjoy seeing my own autism levels out in the wild.

i was giving you the correct term for "mono-use device" which is unitasker. im with you 100% on how smooth of a brain one must have to need a machine to cook your rice for you. i give a free pass to asians, they eat enough rice to justify the cooker.

unitaskers are shit. theres nothing you cant do with a stove, oven, pot, skillet, knife, board and time.