Anti Antifa Uniform Thread

Antifa are without a doubt fags, in that we can all agree, however, they made a smart decision producing a standardized uniform, there's many advantages to doing that, if you need someone to explain to you about that I am afraid you may be retarded.

I'll start with my recommendation, which is what I wear anyway:

- COMBATS [That's DPM trousers]
- Shirt/under jumper whatever PLAIN BLACK or DARK GREY
- Wehrmacht greatcoat/Something like an M36 style

Too hot for a greacoat? To cold for no coat? T_T just get the non great coat version of the's a jacket.

Why do I wear a Wehrmacht greatcoat? Because one of the many things the Germans really know how to do was dress, it is intimidating, effective, sharp & practical


Attached: DisCoatRightDere.jpg (388x1003, 73.73K)

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No one has an interest in this? on /pol? I'm fucking shocked.

nice cringe sam

Nice not having any sense of morale, cohesion and unit mentality.

Turbo gay.

>Calling me the fag

Jesus cringe

Putting men in standardized dress who are all acting on behalf of the same cause improves the effectiveness of that group, increase morale, cohesion, this is why the concept of brotherhood is always a powerful one, it's like you cunts never read a book, know nothing about history, know nothing about fighting for a cause and actually fucking winning. Maximising your chances of victory in every conceivable way, including increasing morale and unit cohesion. Learn to fucking fight.

If you think you are going to make any impact and achieve lasting changes by "organizing" as a disorderly mob, that doesn't even give off the optics of a fucking united front, your a fucking retard.

>Not dressing like NPC #10 and dumpstering shitters.
Some faggot in a mask is going to throw a pissjar at you if you dress in uniform, then your uniform will stink of tranny piss.

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>tfw so many proclaimed right wings think presenting a united front against their enemies is ggheeey
>hurr being effective is for like uh loooosers maaaahn

Some guy in black attacks you with a baton? what are you a pussy? stab him in the fucking neck.

>File: antifa1.webm (2.84 MB, 988x548)-[Close]

Some guy in black attacks with a baton? what are you a pussy? stab him in the fucking neck.

Mate stop being a fucking autist and making these shit threads. Imagine being a normal guy sympathetic to nationalism and seeing a bunch of skinny nerds in ill fitting,outdated military garb walking down the streets and trying to look hard. I like how greatcoats look but anyone wearing them today is going to look like an autist, and you'll have a hard job fighting in one. Freikorps aesthetics look good but they're outdated for this age.
Just wear normal clothes for physical activity with a militaristic edge. The shit that normal nationalists and hooligans wear. Tracksuits,hoodies,nationalist t shirts,etc. A bit of camo is fine but dressing like a guerilla fighter is retarded. A mask for hiding your face so pigs don't arrest you for beating the shit out of some antifa.
What's most important is being PHYSICALLY FIT. A strong,muscular guy in tracksuit bottoms and a t shirt will always be more intimidating than some nerd in a greatcoat. Stop making up fictional uniforms and get to the gym instead

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I really don't give two fucks if some pedestrian sheeple think my clothes loooks funneh. Same way I'm not apologetic for my white skin, I'm proud of my white blood.

Wouldn't Anti-Antifa just be fa?

Just being tongue in cheek mate.

But, yes. DA FA FA!

This guy has a point, but I want to go a step farther. We need to create -new- fashion that draws on the traditional and looks authentically white.
All of these things look awesome, but have you considered the logistics? Can people just go to Walmart and get a 1940s Hugo Boss? Open your mind to new solutions. Yes, old school is/was awesome, but what would a new and practical alternative look like?

this is the sort of shit 12 year olds are concerned about. I hope you're joking.

I'm not suggesting exactly these things, like a Wehrmacht coat, just something *like* it, a 1940's HB would be a great choice. It's about the overall general optics and feel of the group, cohesion, doesn't all have to be the same coat, or even a german coat for that matter.

The fact that you think like this is why the right is in trouble,

>presenting a united front is gheeey
>what does a unfirom do for effectitivityness gaaahhurrr xDDDDDD im goin to starbucks l8tr boomer

Uh, dress like a normal person. Antifa dresses like a militia. Not hard to stand out from them

We already have a uniform. Skullmask or fuck off, no one wants to walk around looking like some LARPing faggot.

You are a fagot , your father still sucks dick for money . You’ve never had a job your country is a joke , the most ignorant retarded people in Europe.

Mate you're so retarded it's hilarious. We're trying to attract normal whites to our movement not a bunch of nerds and outcasts,that's what every successful nationalist movement ever did. What you clearly don't realise is that greatcoats and brownshirts were normal clothing in the 1920s and 30s and you wouldn't be laughed at for wearing them. You unironically want to have a nationalist movement and dress around in fucking trenchcoats ahahaha. Please look at any modern nationalist movement and you'll see they don't dress like spastic retards. Since you didn't respond to my point about physical fitness I can assume you're some skinny DYEL faggot LARPing as an SA street fighter, off yourself you subhuman

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>plays CoD
>Has no actual combat training
>Looks down on what he calls 'larpers' but wears a ....skull...mask T_T
>huehuehue im goin to starbucks l8tr booomer!

I actually do like it, but they’ll just demonise you as a Nazi and get mainstream media sympathy, and celebrity cucks will all jump on that bandwagon.

Your blood is white ?

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>im goin to starbucks l8tr boomer
>huehuehue im goin to starbucks l8tr booomer!
Sounds like you need some new material.

That's some psychic talent for a fucking potato farmer, thought about becoming the next mystic meg? Doesn't surprise me you know nothing of fighting for something, your fucking Irish, you've always failed miserably at resisting your opponents.

Yes, physical fitness and strength is key.

They call us Nazi's already who gives a fuck? Stop letting the enemy dictate your moves, that;s how they keep you on the back foot.

>anti anti

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Yes, I agree, all should be optimizing their physical fitness, not even as a political thing, but fitness and combat training should just be a natural standard.

>he's stuck in the last decade
Antifa is a paper tiger. They're controlled opposition who hold no power. Internet LARPing is unproductive and you should focus on IRL networking and political theory

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Fuck off and die shitskin?

If you say you know about political theory then you should also about optics. Why is this a difficult concept for you? why are you actively saying that a thing which has been proven over thousands of years to increase a groups effectiveness in reaching its goals is not worth looking at? Actually think about that for a while, do not just blindly start typing as soon as you reach the last full stop I typed, THINK about it.

How bout picking something less gay

>How about reading the fucking thread and then making a suggestion? you leafy cunt.

>Long anything in combat
OP ask me how I can tell you've never been to a riot?

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The clothes you picked look gay though

Buddy ask me how I know that he's never even been in a fist fight lol

Jesus Christ and you people wonder why you're virgins

Dark Grey is good. all new jackets, coats will be dark grey ; keep it simple.

Oh I know absolutely nothing about rioting, that's why I own riot shields/Armour and a variety of *defensive tools*.

>tfw having tools equipment and training for combat is a non-standard thing

I'd be in support of that.

Dammit stop stealing my next ones you fucking leaf. But lol you need clothing you can keep tight to your body, coats are fine but it should be one that's more realistic and optical, not just looks cool or has the most pockets

>Be you wearing a long coat
>Antifa comes and turns your rally into a riot
>Manage to knock one out, stomp on him before walking away
>As you do his thick skull lasted against your boots and he manages to grab your coat tails
>You now face plant and the rest swarm over you and kick your expensive leather trench coat (that was already heavy and hot or cold)
>But the bong has 2 butter knives and a metal plate so all is well
Loose clothing is how you get dragged down or how you get set on fire. Look at what the HK rioters wore, tell me if you see a fucking trench coat or kimono, hell look at the Ukranian rioters and tell me that

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>Omg somone is broaching the topic of interpersonal combat


>I'm going to starbucks l8tr boomer


Why the fuck do you think I would be dense enough to have a long piece of fucking fabric or hair waving around in a fight? I didn't say this was fucking riot gear, this is STANDARD FUCKING DAY TO DAY DRESS YOU ABSOLUTE CUNT BAG. Militarize ffs, actually win a battle.

OPTICS, fucking OPTICS the right needs a LOOK your all just so neurotic and reactionary and have such an inferiority complex that you jsut immediately assume anything must be related to me trying to be feel superior to you and thus from that imagine i must therefore be infoerior trying to be superior over you, when in reality thats just you feeling threatened and thus inferior you fuckwits.

>46 replies
>23 posts by this ID
OP literally SEETHING. Dressing like an autistic school shooter in a trenchcoat and living up to the exact stereotype of "16 year old alt-right kekistani nazi troll xD" is the current plan you're proposing. The current official uniform is simple: be Yas Forums. You just want to LARP as the SS.

>trying to normalize being a faggot
>dresses like faggots from columbine
>actually looks completely fucking gay

Come and stop me you absolute cunt? If I wanna wear clothes like this, that;s what I'll fucking do, you wan tto tell me how to dress? I don't give a shit, you wanna try and make me dress a certain way? you try that, you do that. You and me together we'll see how that ends for you.

>Day to day
If this is how you're reacting please don't wear it, you're going to make the rest of us look bad. Wearing boots is fine if it's apart of your job or at least fits, and there are lots of black jackets out there that look better than a trench coat. I went through a similar phase, if you really want something like that get a peacoat (which fits with England anyway). They have different types of them too.

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I've been dressing this way since aged 13, never been a problem for me, never been a problem for anyone else. Literally not one single person has questioned me about it, let alone been dumb enough to attack me over a piece of fabric.

I hate how these antifa faggots have designated sluts whose sole job is to intervene and save there numales when they inevitably start getting the asses beat. They know the right wing and normies wont hit a woman, so they act like one sided referee's.

Why won't you hit a women? if someone attacks you fucking defend yourself. What are you some kind of fucking cuck?

>anti antifascist

I just go by fascist desu senpai.

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>I've been dressing this way since I was 13
You've been wearing trench coats since you were in whatever is the bong equivalent of middle school. Boots and trench coat?

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Post a selfie, prove you’re not a faggot

Post selfie, prove you’re not a retarded faggot

A tench coat specifically? god no, what would I do in the summer? Boot, combats and a military jacket.

Just wear bombers. Every nazi here wears them. They make you look bigger and you still look like normal person. In trenchcoat you are going to look autistic.

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I don't care if you want to go around wearing a nazi armband and LARP as a columbine shooter. Fitness is the most important thing for optics, above everything else. Redeem yourself, OP. Post body.

The women don't hit, they just try to restrain the right wing guys until the antifafaggots can drag there buddies carcass off, or get him back up for another go.
Also US legal system fucks men over for any incident of hitting a woman, even if it's justified.

Prove? I don't need to prove myself to you my good cunt, and if you are the kind of worm that feels like he has to prove things to others, you are weak, pathetic, servile scum.