Trump cuts funding to FEMA and the CDC

>Trump cuts funding to FEMA and the CDC
>Now the US is unprepared for the outbreak
>b b but u cant blame corona on trump!!

This draft dodging, mob dealing, women rapist, trust fund baby is unironically done.

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It's funny he legit just kicked about 3 quarters of a million people off of their foodstamps too. LMFAO. That is going to fuck the economy up even further (less demand) and create more social instability. The only solace I've ever found of this world is to know that at least conservatives and Republicans fuck themselves over in the end as hard as they fuck everyone else over. Stupid and evil is a really virulent mix and that's what you get with fucking Republicans.

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Trump did not cut funding for either FEMA or the CDC.

This just went into effect in February, BTW. Just when all of this economic doom started. All of it will play a role in the economy, however small. You can't take money and entitlements from the poor, it dries up all of the demand and ruins the economy. Been proven time and time and time again. Conservatives say "socialism doesn't work" but the history of economic policy in the USA is pretty clearly fucking socialist and proves that whenever you contract that socialism it just fucks the economy harder.

>Trump cuts funding to FEMA and the CDC
He didn't. Their funds just didn't go up as much as they asked for, which happens to every agency every year.

FEMA = garbage
CDC = garbage

The government will not save you, and it has no intention of trying. Idiot.

What would slowpoke Joe do differently? The guy is Corrado Soprano levels of demented at this point

What was the Dow Jones before Trump took office ?
They are off food stamps because they got jobs

Lmao, this nigger thinks the new deal worked

Let it get fucked and eat the poor.

The smart rich will survive.

>food stamps create demand

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>They are off food stamps because they got jobs
No idiot, the Trump administration explicitly KICKED hundreds of thousands of people off foodstamps this february by tightening the requirements. For fucks sake. Retard MIGA /ptg/ POS.

We used keynesian economics in this country right up until about 1996. Even through Reagan, Bush and into Clinton's second term we had a welfare state, with welfare as a human right, and all of our entitlement programs were well funded, better than now.

So fuck off with your horseshit "it was the WAR that fixed the economy, not FDR!" it is the most fucking blatantly false right-wing, ignorant, Fox News, "never been to college and never opened a history or economics book" talking point on the planet.

What are you fucking retarded? Do you literally know THIS little about economics?

It was the war though. Having the last un-fucked industrial sector in the world makes you the world superpower.
>and all of our entitlement programs were well funded, better than now.

I thought it was Bolton who cut that funding?

Also over 80% of the entire world's IV/saline bags are made in Puerto rico, and trump left them to rott after the hurricane destroyed everything, and now theres a huge shortage of Iv bags all over the world lol.

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Fuck off nigger, I have a history degree. There are two reasons FDR's policies didn't completely bankrupt and destroy America: this country had a massive amount of wealth and resources already accumulated before FDR was president and WWII/the aftermath of being the only developed country that wasn't rebuilding.

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That's the PROPOSED BUDGET for 2021.

How does that change anything in this flue season?
Congress will ad plenty of pork, anyway.

>kicked off
Because they make too much money (from working)
Cope harder queerbait

The Puerto Rican government deliberately refused to distribute aid because beaners are retarded. Also, no, they only made most US saline bags, and only due to low labor costs. The only reason that we weren't already just buying saline bags from mexico is that the FDA are a bunch of niggers.

>"never been to college and never opened a history or economics book"
In my college history and economics classes we specifically discussed how lend lease dragged the United States out of the depression and caused the United States to be a global super power. We were one of the few nations that wasn't a bombed out shit hole after the war so the Marshall Plan could be implemented. We also talked about how FDR caused a recession within a depression and how he bullied SCOTUS into accepting his blatantly unconstitutional laws by threatening to pack the courts. Stop sucking the dick of a crippled cousin fucker.

You’re trying too hard

Holy shit you really don't know the history of entitlements in this country, do you, you fucking ignorant Fox News viewer?
And yeah, it was "the war" cuz the USA was the only manufacturer in the 80s and 90s, when we were doling out welfare to everyone who wanted it and Reagan was complaining about "welfare queens" but couldn't do anything about it because of the Democrats who controlled congress, right? You DO know Democrats controlled congress in this country for 40 years, right? And you DO know that the fucking Marshall Plan only lasted 4 years, right? And you DO know that FDR halved unemployment in this country BEFORE the fucking WW2 even started, right? All thanks to the New Deal.

Holy shit, it's not even worth dignifying fucking subhumanly stupid conservatives with responses.

That demand is largely for junk food and some of the biggest lobbyists for food stamps are large corporations that peddle junk food, like gas stations and convenience stores. In a roundabout way food stamps are just a subsidy for big corporations that sell poison, which I thought libfags were against.

there wont be an outbreak of any virus in a month
maybe AIDS from all the scared faggots eating this nothingburger

>>Trump cuts funding to FEMA and the CDC





Keep showing off how dumb you are, its working, keep going!

oh it's just more fake news from the democrats, i see

>They are off food stamps because they got jobs
>They are off food stamps because they got jobs
>They are off food stamps because they got jobs

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You know what? The Marshall Plan was finished by 1952 and conservatives are trying to pin economic prosperity in the whole 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s on "BUT MUH WW2!". NEVER MIND the fact that Europe was decimated after WW1 as well and we didn't have anywhere near the same effects here. We had the "roaring 20s" but it was only "roaring" for the aristocrat class. FDR's policies literally created a middle class.

God, I don't know why I bother. You people are not even serious. You're just propagandists who want to watch Fox News and believe that Jesus Christ is gonna come back and kill all of the niggers and spics that you don't like, or some other fucking retarded childish sociopathic fantasy because with you fuckbags it all comes down to what you WANT to believe. You live your entire lives in delusion.

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>surely we’ve got him THIS time
It’s like you faggots never learn

That's not really true, but even if it were WTF are you trying to do, prove me right? Frito Lay alone employs 55,000 people. So shut the fuck, conservative fucking moron, you just played yourself and proved why left-wing economics is correct. Jesus Christ, you people honestly are huge idiots.

The welfare spending Reagan was bitching about was less than what we have today
>And you DO know that FDR halved unemployment in this country BEFORE the fucking WW2 even started, right?
No he didn't. The depression wasn't going to stay at its absolute peak no matter who was president. FDR did slow down recovery though.

He tried to, and fired the whole pandemic team in 2018.
This guy is a legit moron.

CDC was wasting money

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>NEVER MIND the fact that Europe was decimated after WW1 as well and we didn't have anywhere near the same effects here.
Yeah, it's not like the 1920s were a time of unprecedented prosperity in america

>He tried to

>FDR created the middle class
>muh fox news
>reddit speak
You know where you belong, now fuck off, niggerfaggot

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The fuck are you crying about you stupid faggot.
Stop going out.
Holy shit, you nigger. What the fuck is the government supposed to do here?
>Shoot the virus!

>The welfare spending Reagan was bitching about was less than what we have today
HA. HA. HA. Is this a joke? Only in the sense that we had less population, lower GDP, a smaller economy and of course less inflation. The welfare programs OF the 80s were far superior to what we have now. Everyone could get on whenever they wanted. You could live like a king or queen on them. LMFAO. Are you even fucking serious? "The spending was less" yeah and you could go to college for like 20 bucks a semester. Jesus Christ. Sure. Everything was cheaper.

And no I don't mean literally 20 bucks a semester. I'm being hyperbolic for you retarded fucking autists.
>FDR didn't cut unemployment in half before the war.
Absolute simple indisputable historical fact. All of the numbers are public record. Holy shit, you people are really into the gaslighting thing. Same with the welfare thing and the fact that those programs were vastly superior to anything we have now, and gave more money to individuals who got on them.

What did you like, not read the whole fucking comment or something, moron? The 20s were very much like. "Prosperity" if you're already rich. It was a period of massive wealth inequality and income disparity.

>The president introduced his fiscal year 2021 budget proposal on Feb. 10, just 11 days after the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus outbreak a public health emergency of international concerns. The spending plan included a 16 percent reduction in CDC funding from the 2020 spending levels.

Technically not a waste, since the CDC has never promoted homosexuality or this brutality to children called transgender.
Leave it to the jews to take information that should make you pause, and turn it into pic related.

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then buy back on the dip

rinse repeat.

this is how investors make millions on speculation. Bottom line is the market real value is around 20k the rest is all speculation.

>left wing economics is correct because it forces taxpayers to buy chips and other crap for poorfags
I'm terrified to think what the American economy would look like if my tax dollars weren't buying Fritos for Jamal

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This is also how the Rothschild's ended up owning the UK.
I'll be holding, thanks.

>The welfare programs OF the 80s were far superior to what we have now. Everyone could get on whenever they wanted. You could live like a king or queen on them.
If that were true, it would be bad, but also it's not true.
>and you could go to college for like 20 bucks a semester.
Do you know why college is so expensive now? Federal funding. Colleges increase tuition as much as they can to soak up more and more of daddy government's cash.
>Absolute simple indisputable historical fact.
You missed the point you illiterate nigger. I didn't say that unemployment didn't fall, I said it would have fallen regardless, and that FDR actually slowed recovery, which is actually the mainstream economicist conclusion. Of COURSE the depression wasn't going to stay as bad as it was immediately after the stock market crash, that's not how the economy WORKS.

I ignored it because it was insanely ignorant. Quality of life went up massively for everyone. Just because wealth inequality exists doesn't mean that working class people don't benefit.

It was a 16% reduction to what they asked for, not what they previously got.

>The Marshall Plan was finished by 1952 and conservatives are trying to pin economic prosperity in the whole 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s on "BUT MUH WW2!".
Yes, successes tend to build on top of one another. Economic prosperity don't magically pop out of the ground like a turnip as you are trying to make it to be. That being said, Lend Lease did more for the economic positioning of America post war than the New Deal. The Marshall plan solidified that positioning.

>NEVER MIND the fact that Europe was decimated after WW1 as well and we didn't have anywhere near the same effects here. We had the "roaring 20s" but it was only "roaring" for the aristocrat class.
Yes, because WWI and WWII ended in the exact same way you fucking mouth breather.

>FDR's policies literally created a middle class.
Yes, I'm the one spouting propaganda.

>You live your entire lives in delusion.
Says the jackass peddling wealth inequality like that means fuck all. The reason you're broke living in a city is because a cities are expensive as shit to live in. Sure, you're making tons of money living there but the majority of that is eaten away by expenses and the nasty habit of urbanites to spend more than they can afford.

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Objectively much worse. History proves this time and again. You think you'd have a job without "Jamal" as a consumer class? You think you're gonna have a job if some mean Republican (whom you'd love) takes away "Jamal's" gibs? No. Jamal loses his gibs, then demand plummets. Manufacturing jobs contract. Spending contracts. More demand plummets. It's a chain reaction. That's how you get recessions. Jesus Christ. Conservatives are retards who don't understand economics.

Funny thing is you're so hard up to "hurt Jamal" by taking away his gibs, but you're too fucking stupid to understand that you're just hurting yourselves and your own families because "conservatives" are the niggers of whites.

>word salad
Seek help

Fake news

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Government organization admitting that transgenderism is a disease. Fucking based

I've never seen someone so addicted to black cock and cheetos

Cutting waste doesn't make us less prepared.

Congress makes budget decisions.

No it was what they got, i think you re mixing two incidents.
And please don't just complain about the source like a retard.

Yes, blacks and other poorfags are consoomers so without them being able to consoom it would be a drain on the economy and certain industries. But that drain would be more than replaced if we didn't waste a huge amount of welfare keeping them alive and able to consoom. An America made up of only net-positive taxpayers and their families would have a much higher GDP per capita and quality of life than America right now.

>Welfare programs under Reagan, Bush and Clinton were not superior to what they are now
user, like most conservatives, you REALLY don't know the economic history of your own country, do you?