It's mummy's 40th birthday in a week

it's mummy's 40th birthday in a week

say something nice about her

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She appears to have minimal Slavic genetic influence.

>no children

She looks like she can take BBC well

Karol Lillien
You're welcome



thanks for not aborting me i guess. even though i wouldn't have blamed you since it's your choice

Milk truk has arrived.

i'm sure there's an american hiding behind that memeflag. 100% sure of it.

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Soon her teeth will fall out.

Built for Russian cock

40 year old woman are hot....holy fuck. When I turned 30 30 year old woman were hot...not 40 year olds are is happening?


That is an image of the past. Now she is a feminist fagocitated by russian showbiz.

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Someone has to imbregnate her bagene.

she has a daughter you nincompoops

Olena is better.

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Imma fuck that blowhole.

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It's called not being a little bitch, when I see 50 year old women with huge saggy titties my dick shoots up immediately.

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>imagine not having a qt anti jewish monarchist gf
Literally who?

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mummy is a booblet

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Based. Any man who believes in the Wall is low-T. Wanting to fuck exclusively young women is low-T

she so mummy

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She looks very slavic are you autistic?

trashy whore got nothing on mummys beauty and class

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Has the wall shown mercy?

Mommy looks a bit tired, I hope shes getting enough sleep.

Shes still the prettiest mommy though.

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only took three posts


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>t. "eastern german"

Mutts really are retarded

Is this the mummy-poster?

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Good genetics. This is her sister.

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her sister is hotter

Ethnic Germans are probably extinct besides for small enclaves in the south which were left untouched by the red army

Monarchism really is the best. Putin should just cross the Rubicon and declare himself Tsar already.

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Left looks more beautiful imo, except she's a little old...

Not really my entire family survived the war.

You're forgetting about grandmas "brother" pjotr who for some reason has brown eyes when your family has blue and somehow the children of your grandma look just like uncle pjotr

she takes bbc

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Good one, you make that up all by yourself?

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how did they all dodged draft and allied bombs? were they Juden who returned after war?

She's not classy anymore. She surrendered to mammon.

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Looks like we have a NIGGER here boys, I’ll get the rope.

RESPECT all Mommy

LOVE all Mommy

WORSHIP all Mommy

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i want to fuck herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Mother and daughter

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Mommy is for cuddling and hand-holding only!

>say something nice about her

I would lick shit straight from her strawberry-scented asshole.

>t. guy who isn't attracted to any woman over the age of "29"

Someone break the bad news to this user.

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Mommy doesn't have hear left ear pierced some some fat western whore.

hot, imagine the oral sex...

i want to cuddle herrrrrr and handhold herrrrrrrrrr

She looks like Balin from The Hobbit (without the beard).

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Popularity has corrupted her. Sad.

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Got shes got fucking creepy cold eyes. NOT motherlike at all. Like a demon possessing a pretty woman.

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as you age you find women of your own age group a bit more attractive, this ends in your fifties.

It's not possible to respect Russians in any way. What kind of people worships the very kikes who murdered half their country and enslaved the other half?

you know she has breast cancer right?
read the new, morons

Ha. Welcome to it.

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I would let them prosecute me, if you know what I mean.

Has Natalia ever said who her favourite authors are? Very curious on her taste in literature.w


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>40th birthday in a week
damn. that's a lot of birthdays to have in a single week

looks like she can palm a basketball

grandma looks like THAT

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Them's some long fingers.
Can you confirm or deny the breast cancer rumor.

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um its not true

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Goddamn that bitch is old. Did she ever have kids?

Every mommy beautiful, every mommy respected...

No bully

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