

Attached: Untixcgbtled.jpg (1229x503, 130.91K)

Literally who
>t. coping sandersphile

Big if true

I would shit my pants he if endorses Trump.
How many houses does Trump need to five Bern to do that?

Later he dies reaffirming that Biden was the *right* choice

Haha funny dude. Hey, by the by, how do I make my words green? Thanks in advance!

So are the Milwaukee riots still on or will they be cancelled as well?

Why do Americans love lapping up garbage? They chose the absolute worst candidate to coalesce around. At least Bernie is coherent.

you know, hes right

They were never on. Faggots are all talk

Stop obsessing over us

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>Someone just told me something will happen on some date
And they say journos are shit.

I hope he has a heart attack and dies in one of his 3 homes

low trolling effort

Bernie will just roll-over again. I can't believe he pulled off the con a second time.

How come the angry blacks Obama is sending to Bernie campaign stops hasnt been getting more press?

Jew me once...

What if Biden died right now. What would happen with the nominee shit and votes.

>buy my book

>buy my book

OP is the twitterfag.

no refunds

ZERO refunds. All of your donations go 100% straight to the DNC. Hope it was worth it. Bernie screws his backers yet again.

how does he get away with it?

In a ferrari

What a pathetic existence the Bernouts have. Honestly. Almost pitiful.

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kek, i thought it was a porsche

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Berniebros just don't seem to understand the underlying implication, that people would rather vote for someone who is wracked with dementia than vote for their shitty socialist ideas. No one wants it except you and your liberal arts college cocksucking echo chamber. But they'll continue to insist everyone else but them is wrong/dumb/corrupt.

Bernie actually won the youth vote (i.e. everyone less than 50) by a lot. Unfortunately old people vote MUCH MUCH MORE than young people.


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you know absolutely fuck all to socialism idiot who the fuck do you think you're fooling with your vapid buzzword
Trump the kike sign socialist law you think you're a genius for electing him.
Bernie propose socialist idea.
>muh he's a big bad socialist
you mutt are complete brainless zombie consumerist
you became the next chinese
a soulless ants colony just good to consume schlomo product and do his bidding
the worst part is you genuinely honestly think you're a good person and always right
you're a fucking sack of shit

>t. poorfag

>t. copelord
cope as hard as you want golem it does change the fact you're a fucking population of brainless idiots with the IQ of a retarded child.

This is a bad time.

I know it is too early to give up, but if it ever happens, I will not vote for Biden. I just won't. I choose morals over party and my morals tell me that we need to help the homeless, poor, and the immigrant children locked in cages at the border. Those tortured, broken souls. Not to mention I will never support someone who caresses the faces of children and repeatedly tries to kiss them in a pedophilic manner.

I will not "fall in line" like some little soldier. You do not own my being and I am not your personal vote. You have to earn it. Here is hoping for the creation of the Progressive Party. Because right now I am far from a Democrat. I am a progressive. And I will not let my spirit be broken. I will stand against Trump.

Lmao you write like you’re Chinese you stupid dog fucking maple nigger

Everyone know you like Trump more my kike no worry next time you can safely pick your memeflag larping turkroach.


the actual state of berniefags

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5/10 too obvious

Bernie"""bros""" on suicide watch!

No I don't. You're just full of yourself and a stupid dumbfuck.
If you were even half as clever as you think you are fat fuck.

>The more people pay attention to him, the worse he is going to do.
Yeah obsessing over Trump worked out so well in 2016 for the dems.

Cope with what? Tbh I only read like the first sentence of your triggered post
Now stop being so poor lmao

>he won the youth vote
>I mean he would have if young people voted
You either win or you don’t. None of this “he was popular with X and would have won if....” No. You either win or you lose. Doesn’t matter how close you came. Doesn’t matter which voter group liked you more. You either win or you don’t.

>Bernie actually won the youth vote
Barely any youth voting means that he didn't win anything, the vast majority of young people just don't care about him.

A fag on here unironically believes in the "children in cages at the southern border" fake news bullshit? That's been debunked several times over. You can criticize Trump for being pro-israel, but at least stick to reality please.

I really just don’t understand how these true believer type Bernie supporters can’t take 15 minutes out of their fucking day to cast their vote.
Literally want EVERYTHING done for them

Lmao hopefully people like you are wiped out soon.

kek you're all right Sven

>how do I make my words green?

you're not ready for that kind of power noob


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Can't sanders go on his one for the presidential ? He is legally forced to go with the DNC ?

You wanna try that again in English, Mr. Chinaman?

Bernie camp announced major announcement from Bernie today at 1pm eastern time. stay tuned.

Hill-dawg sweeps.

>lmao stop being poor lmao
>I'm so fucking intelligent lmao
>Master race lmao
>Trump 2020 lmao
>look at me mom I called a Canadian Chinese again I'm so original and funny look at me mom
the average mutt talk like nigger idiot
the whole fucking world think you're a mutt golem for the jew get off your fucking high horse you god damned loser.

No he can run as an independent. Not totally sure if they’ll put him on a ballot though but I’m pretty sure they would


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Please let Bernie run as an independent, the lulz would go off the scale.

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This 2020 election is going to be as funny and interesting as the 2016.
Other countrie elections are boring as fuck but godamnit I love the american one. Lot of drama, tears and salt.

Simple you just use one of these

This, please split the vote. Become the Jill Stein of 2016.

The sheer amount of C O P E

It's pretty sad to see, maybe I would feel something if they weren't filthy communists.

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Would be wonderful. Would just flat out hand victory to Trump, no questions asked

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Chinknadians seething on suicide watch

Imagine being this person

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Deifying a politician is absolutely retard tier. This goes for berouts and trumpfags. Politicians are scum.

Your grammar is fucking atrocious. You really do sound like some chink shill, which judging by your flag makes total sense.

This thread has been taken ogre by the leaf btfo squad. Also pools closed

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He keeps getting pissed that it’s so obvious he’s Chinese. Something about the way they speak English really sticks out


This tranny leaf is seething

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he is an independent and if he had any integrity he'd run as one. but he doesn't have integrity, he has summer mansions

That indigenous face

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