Reminder, that it only took 3 miniutes for Chomsky to completely annihilate American corporate worship and Molyneux, the self proclaimed free market extremist was rendered speechless
Reminder, that it only took 3 miniutes for Chomsky to completely annihilate American corporate worship and Molyneux...
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Molyneux is a good speaker, but I don't understand why he calls himself a philosopher if he just sponges up whatever the majority of his followers say at the moment and spews it out
What a nothing burger.
>Reminder, that it only took 3 miniutes for Chomsky to completely annihilate American corporate worship and Molyneux, the self proclaimed free market extremist was rendered speechless
Holy fuck I love the Noam! Can everyone on Yas Forums please read at least one book by this man.
As if we don't already know his canned talking points.
>As if we don't already know his canned talking points.
What's the argument of his best book, Deterring Democracy? Or what's his position in the debate on power with Michel Foucault?
Right wing bad.
That's a new level of ignorantism-based cope. Oh I just now notice the flag.
Classic muttard
A kike vs. A kike
Kys faggot.
Okay so Noam just stated the observance and development of late stage libertarianism versus early stage libertarianism.
One is an ideal, while the other is an actual result. Libertarianism has developed to the point of understanding that strong and/or wealthy men will consolidate power, irregardless of the will of the people. Libertarians take advantage of this late stage libertarianism by coping with it. They embrace it, in order to advantage themselves more. This is the only way to maintain the original ideal of libertarianism, to anticipate the inevitable.
What Noam said was a bunch of nothing.
Molymeme went at Chomsky? What an absolute buffoon.
Of course that is your response.
To add to this:
It would serve NO benefit to refuse to make this anticipation, it would in fact empower the stronger/wealthier man more and allow him to consolidate power further.
Have 7 of his books, jewish intelectual gatekeeper who says Israel is an outpost and controled by the US. Not vice versa, fuck off brainlet normietier faggot
Two faggot leftist liberal thinker talk about critical theory , kys moron
I dont watch youtube celebrities
How was this Stefan guy not able to form a rebuttal on the spot
There was nothing to rebuke..
That faggot Chomsky did not even say anything.
Im aware
But why didnt he just say what I said
Wow, two fucking morons arguing. Good work, OP.
Implying you slav rape baby understood anything in that debate.
he exposed how modern day libertarians have done a complete 180 from the traditional ones
Of course the first user i quoted actually explains it well, though i doubt any actually serious modern day libertarian would admit this: its a coping mechanism.
Libertarians failed so hard the only way to deal with it was to turn the failure into a virtue.
While I hate Molymeme, the idea that Chomsky has anything constructive to say is moronic
Chomsky might be a sketchy hebe but he's a million times better than molymeme
>the majority of Americans are dumb
so what else is new?
It is a total inevitability. The inevitabilities of other systems are much more serious, where there is often no way to benefit oneself.
Idealism in any form leads to suffering, compromise is the only way to maintain the health of pack/herd creatures. I however encourage everyone to be strong enough to deal with the suffering of idealism, and to never compromise. It's about placing self-esteem above survival. Which is obviously dumb, but that's why it's an ideal. Think hunger strikes.
Chomsky is a Jew, but he's also among the most well-read people in the world, rhetoric is his first language. Debating him is an exercise in futility no matter who you are.
I bet you love to suck Pinochets cock, though.
>starts off with atheism
Whatever. If you want atheist classical liberalism, look at France. If you want real classical liberalism, look at the USA.
What a completely false normie tier narrative.
chomsky can BTFO himself without anyone's help
>Reminder, that it only took 3 miniutes for Chomsky to completely annihilate American corporate worship and Molyneux
Is censorship that bad in Germany now?
I ask because it's very clear you didn't see the same thing as the rest of the viewers.
Linguistics abusers are very low forms of life in my opinion.
I've held the belief for a long time that anybody can have a silver tongue, but more things are involved when it comes to daily training of the body. When you're punched in the face by a man, you are being hit with the force of what his entire life means to him. There is significantly less effort involved with executing words in an advantageous pattern.
Chomsky is incredibly intelligent and well learned. Molyneux a faux philosopher at best really had no chance.
>can only speak english
Where is the annihilation? It's just a cut out where Chomsky talks and Stefan listens.
Working in a workplace is a voluntary action. It's not slavery. You can work anywhere else or make your own business or you can live on a farm and make your own food.
Chomsky pushes a hundred years old Marxist rhetoric in 2018. We as humanity have the best life ever in history.
Dont watch two gatekeeping faggots debate, mountainjew.
Who still believes in Chomsky is a niggertier brainlet
>Chomsky is incredibly intelligent and well learned.
Yeah you people keep telling everyone that yet that fuck is wrong about all kinds of shit.
How did Chomsky wreck Molyneux?
This is not new. Chomsky erects a strawman to prop up the idea that american libertarians are in favor of wage slavery. It happens all the time.
What Chomsky doesn't understand is that only the freed market is capable of eliminating wage slavery by getting government out of the way and allowing freed people to compete directly with the rich and overthrow their capitalist shit.
>"In the long term, I think the centralized political power ought to be eliminated and dissolved and turned down ultimately to the local level, finally, with federalism and associations and so on. On the other hand, right now, I’d like to strengthen the federal government. The reason is, we live in this world, not some other world. And in this world there happen to be huge concentrations of private power that are as close to tyranny and as close to totalitarian as anything humans have devised." ~Chomsky
No, it's actually true, you're likely just too dumb to get it.
That being said, this guy is right. I don't think Chomsky is right by any means, but I do think that debating him is as futile as it would be for me to try and knock down a brick wall by punching and kicking it.
There's your problem.
Chomsky is talking about general (left and right) libertarianism.
Molyneux traditionally supported center-right-libertarianism. Recently however he started supporting Christianity and traditionalism which would added some extra authoritarianism and he'd be more classified as an "ultra-capitalist" and not libertarian at all, although he has already walked some of that back.
>More jewish than most jews
So destroyed by truth and facts?
You falling for pilpul is classic leaf...never change you dispicable retard
I've recently accepted Christ into my life, and let me tell you, the bible has a lot of words regarding nation and why one shouldn't worship it. Nation worship is on the same tier as drug abuse, sex obsession, greed. It's hard to swallow, but God takes precedent over all of these things. We are nationless in the eyes of the Lord.
I never said he was right you pants-shitting mutt. Debating a Jew is just an exercise in futility, because they use rhetoric to change the argument, and even if you manage to prove them wrong beyond a doubt, they will simply kvetch and pretend it didn't happen or that they don't understand.
>rhetoric is his first language.
wow that is so cringe. is that what he says himself? do you worship this old jew?
that old man used a lot of words to say next to nothing, the old "baffle them with bullshit" strategy
They worship Satan, the prince of lies. That's why they are such damn good lawyers.
I do have to admit, Jews are correct in that the majority of people behave like cattle. They're wrong in thinking their majority is excluded from this, though.
Chomsky will lose his debate with corona.
Well I don't see how that wouldn't result in borders being dissolved, cultures destroyed and eventually leading to communism.
That's why I'm personally a centrist libertarian. I believe people should be able to form a collective or "state" to defend borders, but it should be voluntary.
No you have just been brainwashed into worshiping and assigning greater value to university fags.
Havent watched it yet, but I stopped listening to Stefan because his economic takes and analogies were so retarded.
Rhetoric is as natural to a Jew as Yiddish.
>his economic takes and analogies were so retarded
I know right?
Does he not realize that the centralization of power and government planning are the ways forward?
If you have any interest at all in defeating your enemies you should at the very least study them well.
Why do you know nothing about the final boss of leftists?
Molyneux is a university fag too you useless mutt, he's just not at the same level of intellectual dishonesty that Chomsky gleefully peddles. The fact that single digit IQ fucks like you are trying to comment on this farce of a "debate" reminds me how fucking dumb most people are, even here
>video is only noam talking and it cuts right after he finishes
The fuck am I supposed to take from this?
I agree with his methods, but not the outcome.
It unironically is, once you deport/exile all the Mormons, Catholics, Kikes, Muslims and atheist molymemes from your society.
Social Nationalism is the way forward, and I don't mean meme tier National socialism
>discredited linguistic hack communist
>dithering stooge only interested in the money of failed males.
The only thing i get from this is how far the world has fallen when someone like Chomsky has to spend even a second of his life trying to explain something to a retarded faggot like Molyneux
It's hard to swallow. Christianity is antithetical to man's nature. That's the point. It's non-hedonistic, non-animistic, non-pagan, non-jewish. Jesus wants you to turn the other cheek, he spoke against eye for an eye.
Your statement is essentially putting nation success/strength above God. It is natural, and difficult to avoid. God knows we aren't perfect though, and tends to remind us often.
Ho literally did nothing wrong apart defending his motherland against Nipps, Chinks, Frogs and Mutts.
Did we win? Can I sell crack to children now?
>Allows pilpul to dominate cuz unable to muster courage to hold fast to facts and truth
Christianity does not teach open borders/living amongst antichrists.
honestly, his voice is so low and gravelly I can't stand listening to him
Despite his 6 degrees of separation for blaming everything on murica. If you don't consider chomsky an intellectual heavyweight you're a brainlet.
It tells you to defend yourself, it doesn't say to place nation above God's word. There is a difference.
Makes me giggle because leftists find it soothing I imagine, probably because their grandparents never spoke to them.
I’d honestly be a leftist if they didn’t preach “muh diversity” and “muh open borders.”
No joke, I’d vote for Jewish bernie if he didn’t become an open borders shill after 2016.
Chomsky is a fucking useful idiot shill
> oh I'm so critical of the establishment, what's that you don't believe the 9/11 story, what are you anti Semitic?
Sage and kill yourself you fucking moron
>Intellectual heavyweight
Venezuela would like a word
Both of them are boomer liberals at this point. just fuck off with cringe boomer optics even ethnofash don't give a shit about capitalism or communism at this point
The argument that libertarians have shifted platform because Chomsky says so doesn't hold true to the Libertarians getting on stage and stripping. So Chomsky is actually straw-manning the modern libertarians by classifying them with fascist fencing, which doesn't seem to hold.
That said, libertarianism is a great hope, but a terrible solution.
>People i dont jnow can make better decisions with my life and earnings than myself
I agree. Anyone as stupid as you deserves slavery
I think you are defining Nation as a very specific thing (race), it doesnt necessarily mean that. Nation of Islam? Preserving a Christian nation from "peaceful" antichrists means borders and government.
If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anath´ema, Maranath´a.
1 Corinthians 16:22 KJV
Oh I see, you're a Jew, using Jew tactics. The only response to Jew tactics is to silence them with violence.
Idc really care too much about molyneuxs arguments but this video is shit. It doesn't set up the question and so it doesn't indicate how molyneuxs got owned. Did molyneux make a claim about libertairianism in the past that chomaskyt corrected?
He's not a useful idiot he's a gatekeeper. His job is to misdirect radicals on the left by giving them vague answers and teaching them to follow unreasonable meme ideologies like anarcho syndicalism.
>Cant into logic
>Cant into reason
Stay a slave. You deserve it for not using facts and logic to defeat the pilpul at every occurance
Post tits or gtfo
Caring about “muh capitalism” more than the tribe - you deserve the gas chamber
No I wasn't defining nation at all in that way. I was defining nation as any nation that refers to themselves as a nation. "Christian nation" is becoming an impossible phrase for me the more that I read. The two words are weighted deeply against each other. You can have a nation, but God takes precedence over this no matter what, therefore the two can never be equal. There are no nations, only humans taking measures to protect themselves due to a lack of faith.
>ben shapiro is king
>ben shapiro wears a beanie blocker cause he thinks the creator of teh quarks in his anus can't see through 1mm of silk.
Before CIA went 300% harder on "foregin relations" aka. Staging Coups all over south Aamerica.
as long as you read these four books you jew worshipper.
If you read these I will read four things by Chomsky. give links to the four you think are the best.